Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Second Thoughts

This morning I was eager to get to the computer, to switch on both the blog and the group/forum. I must have done something wrong since I was later told that access to the blog could not be obtained. Perhaps that's how it was to be. I was in the process of sending out a group SMS to co-investors to make them aware of the blog and things when the following email from Stapleton arrived:

20090325 Email From Stapleton 1
I get the message about the forthcoming letters and the meetings and things, but what is the man's concern with my daily activities? Also note, that in spite of the bad press, and their refusal to acknowledge responsibility for being unable to pay my capital back, I am made "die vark" in the game. So I asked him friendly not to be concerned with what I'm doing but to concentrate on his own work:
20090325 Email Respond to Stapleton 1
I was convinced that our chat had been concluded and went on with the business of publicizing the blog.

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