Monday, March 2, 2009

Prelude to the Final Movement

Allow me to digress somewhat, as this minor epic plays itself out on this earthly plane.

I have come to believe that everything that happens to one, is of one's own making, and that as we progress through life or more than one life, if you prefer, we create our own reality. In essence this could be called Karma in action. Those things that happen at this specific moment may be due to spiritual creational thoughts we have had already. However, having said that, what is most important is what happens at this precise moment, in other words, the past and the future has very little bearing on what is happening right now. Many books and many centuries of philosophising have tried to address that, what to others may seem a conundrum, and I do not pretend to be able to sum up the universe in one small paragraph.
However, with the above paragraph as background, it may be clear to the reader that I realize that what is happening to me (and my wife in her own reality) is solely due to the thought energies that I have released myself. All the figures that are participating in the drama, are of my own making are at least the interaction I have with them, are of my own making.
It follows that the situation I am in needs to be resolved and overcome by myself, and that I need to learn from it, and grow by it (even by the errors, I am surely making). These lessons, release of Karma, or whatever you may choose to name them manifest in the form of archetypes, some of which may be mentioned (but there are many more): greedy people (myself included), dishonesty, arrogance, elusiveness, sincerity, angry people, sad people, ignorant people, fair people, etc.
These archetypes need to be experienced and assimilated to allow one to grow out and above the spiritual energy that brought it all on.
That's why I am trying to resolve this matter without too much mental and social aggression (such as in major threats and overboard legal actions etc.)

With the last letter that I wrote to Mr Stapleton, I made it clear that he was sidestepping the issue: EDWAFIN needs to give us our money back. I tried to clear this up point by point by using a page from debenture document (binding contract essentially - and another archetype).

In a sense I had cleared this up for myself as well, but it appears that all the preceding steps were needed for us to arrive at this point. That does not mean that the battle is over, only that it has reach a different dynamic level.

If that all went above your head, and you have no clue what I'm talking about, don't worry, neither do I. Just skip this posting if you still can.

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