Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Second Thoughts - Part 2

There is no rest for the wicked, and perhaps Mr Stapleton is correct in that I am wicked, and in need of reprimand. Nevertheless, I was happily going along with the rest of the daily duties my wife had allocated me, when another email from Mr Stapleton arrived. This time it was a request that I hold by my original undertaking of waiting until 31 May 2009:
20090325 Email From Stapleton 2
Fair enough. However, there remains the niggling feeling, that few of Edwafin's pronouncements have come to fruition, and what if I don't get my money on or before 31 May 2009. Then I publish my blog and the whole caboodle washes over the edge in any case. That's of little use.
So, now I have asked Mr Stapleton to help me solve the dilemma by being inventive about the matter. I have plenty of ideas, mind you, but Mr Stapleton is a intelligent, innovative person, who is very capable of thinking for himself, and I will leave it up to him to conjure something out of his hat. At the same time I can give this blog a bit of a rest, probably until Friday when I might feel like blogging again. - There is one thing worse than blogging on this planet, and that is Twittering.
20090325 Email Respond to Stapleton 2

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