Monday, March 2, 2009

The Final Movement

"<==" He's Back!!

Thinking that I was possibly fighting the battle according to a wrong strategy, I was ready to publish the blogs and Facebook (in fact I was essentially perturbed by the general disdainful attitude.
Nevertheless, my last letter, date 27 February (see previous posting) was speedily responded to by Mr Stapleton, and "What a difference a Day Makes" (song): Yes... he still was a bit sniping here and there, but he had got the point of the whole issue.
He admitted (begrudgingly and with a caveat) that we could have our money back, but that they were is meagre months. He offered to repay the investment money on 31 May 2009:
20090227 Email From Stapleton
Now we were getting there, and this was most welcome - many archetypes had presented themselves along the way but now they were reducing. Nevertheless the ones that remained still seem rather large: Waiting three months; will he keep his word (sincerity)?; will they have the money? (economy)? etc. In a sense I had had enough of all the exchange through the ether and although it was not ideal, under the circumstances I was to happy to accept his offer:
20090227 Email Reply by MK
Mr Stapleton had the final word, essentially sealing the deal:
20090301 Stapleton Final

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