Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Finally we have arived and edwafin is on the map

This morning when I decided to publish this blog, I thought that it would not be ready before tomorrow around noon. First I wanted to get the Edwafin forum group set up on Facebook. Facebook is, however, not a simple animal, when it comes to setting up a group, and would require a few hours of investigation and trial and error. So in the interest of time and expediency, I decided on using the Google groups, and hey, Presto! that was achieved without any undue trouble. The next step was to inform all the search engines and news groups, like Noseweek, and Fin24, etc. That was easily achieved as well, and all that was left was to activate this blog. That has now been done. Tomorrow, I shall begin contacting some of the huge list of investors that I have managed to get my hands on. Hopefully this will bring a good number of co-investors into the fold - especially when the news starts spreading virally. Of course the folks at Edwafin are constantly updated of every step on the way, and just as a reminder, the main purpose of this blog is:
  1. to make known to the world that Edwafin is trying to renege on its undertaking to repay investors their capital in case of them defaulting;
  2. that as far as Edwafin is concerned, clause 12.2 of the Debenture prospectus is not worth the paper it is written on;
  3. they are prepared to use extreme bully techniques, and high powered legal assistance to achieve their subjugating objectives - this is evident from the recent legal proceedings that was reported on, and the general comments of their financial director and the CEO, Mr Stapleton;
  4. unless Edwafin proves differently (not just by airy fairy statements), that there is no reason to think otherwise than that the company is bankrupt and, by its actions, has given good reason for its investors to regard it as being essentially insolvent, and unable to meet its commitments; and finally
  5. that by their vague statements and weaving, half truths, they have shown themselves to be less than honest and sincere and excellent examples of vagabonds, who will do everything to hide the true state of affairs concerning their financial status.
This list may become longer as the blog progresses.
Since, Stapleton's last curt "that's the end of it" - email, Edwafin has been as silent as a grave deserted by its ghosts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mom who is a widow has invested her money in Edwafin, R100 000. Carol Gardner being her broker.Well now she got this letter to attend the meeting in Cape Town. She is desperate to get her money back, what advice is there for her.