Thursday, May 28, 2009

Regarding fraud and cheques the eggs are flying!

I have just received a note from my attorney (who has diligently been following this blog) and she commented as follows concerning the issue of cheques:
As jy 'n tjek uitmaak, welke kontant of ten gunste van iemand, is dit bedrog indiendaardie tjek nie vooruitgedateer is nie en die trekker kanselleer daardie tjek of die tjek word teruggestuur onbetaald. Die trekker maak inderwaarheid 'n wanvoorstelling aan jou.
Clearly my assumption was incorrect. But now we have to keep in mind that the cheques that were sent to us were postdated, and were subsequently cancelled. In a way it appears that Edwafin carefully orchestrated the situation. However, one wonders if they shouldn't have informed us of the cancellation of the cheques. I was informed by my bank that the cheque had been stopped not by Edwafin, so I was firmly under the impression that I would be paid. Perhaps you all have a point after all (he says with egg on his face.)

Concerning the Class Action (klasaksie in Afrikaans), I will have more to say about that later tonight, and will send a collective email to all those on the list. In the mean time, back to work, somebody has the urge to make music!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mario

A bit of news for you and the investors out there. The one asett that Edwafin had (the Paragon off shore derivatives) the only asett infact that investors were holding on for, worth 38 million a year ago, and now only worth 15 million, and maturing in 2010 is now GONE!!!!! Was it really there to begin with? The company that held the derivatives supposedly were liquidated themselves some 18mths ago!How on earth does this happen without anyone at Edwafin knowing? The Top Dog, Patrick Stapleton himself is the mastermind behind this, the man must sit in jail now for a very long time, that is the least he deserves for being so deceitful to so many people, including investors, staff, directors and who knows how many more. It was Patricks personal investment..Where are the SCORPIONS and their asett seizure unit...we all need you, now more than ever, to see some justice served on the very so worthy edwafin chairman Patrick Roy Stapleton!!!!

Jean said...

I have cheques from Edwafin that were marked "Refer to drawer" not "Cheque Stopped" which is how they are usually marked if the company has stopped the cheque. "Refer to drawer" normally infers "insufficient funds"

Anonymous said...

Wouldnt it be pure genius if someone stepped forward and told us that the cheques were written in the hope that funds would be invested and then used to pay debenture interest? As the day dawned for the cheques to be honoured the bank balance stared
at them blankly they quickly cancelled the batch. Did anyone actually wonder WHY it was that the cheques were handwritten? Surely this was a time buying exercise? If there had been funds back then allready surely the bank would have been able to come up with a bank guarenteed cheque? After all, problems were claimed to be all computer based (thats before the truth came out). Surely this is wrong.

Here is another thought to ponder... did all the investors NOT get paid or were there some that did receive some of their interest? Its just that when some people experienced interest payment problems, not all were in the same boat. What was the selection criteria?

Anonymous said...

The ones who jumped up and down the most were paid first!!