Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The loosing of marbles - my favorite past time

As the end of the month approach during May, I vaguely wondered if Patrick was coming to the party, but as we all know, he didn't. That is because he couldn't. This did not bother me too much as the whole things has become nearly academic to me and has given me many answers to how I would react when faced with financial losses of this nature. Although there is much to learn still, I think that I have learnt much, and that the (still potential) loss will effect me little further if it eventually becomes final. It has taught me firstly that I was spiritually lacking when the debacle started, in a way that I had thought I had already overcome before. Only now do I realize that this was a major learning experience, not in financial management, but in allowing things to happen and follow its natural course.
As if to pat me on the head, the universe responded by giving me a few winning numbers in the lotto and thereby we were compensated for a goodly amount that we haven't received from Edwafin in recent months. Remember the Tao? - do it now. The latter, especially if you have to go and collect from the offices in Midrand. Friendly people, very helpful, but the rigmarole is overwhelming.

As I had expected not everybody appreciated my excursion into Nihilism, Confucianism and the I Ching. Most kept quiet, but some responded. One that I appreciated very much, and I mean that sincerely, was the message that stated that "Jesus love you". It is always is heart-warming to be reminded of a fact that often gets forgotten in the process of hectic, materialistic living. The message continued by stating that the count down for nine minutes had started and that I should tell nine people that "Jesus loved them" as well. If I would do that, magnificent things would happen after the nine minutes. Alas, that wasn't true. I couldn't get to nine people so quickly, but would you believe it? Every moment of my being was magnificent in any case and continues to be even now. I couldn't find a verse with this trick in the bible, but I thank the person deeply for his/her concern for other souls on earth.

One anonymous was most concerned about the state of my mental well-being and said: "Ur confusing me, r Ur losing ur marbles???" (my spell checker does not like this one bit). No, I do think the person went to school, and learnt to spell, but was probably in a hurry.

Anyway, anonymous, I apologize for confusing you, perhaps one day clarity will also arrive in your mind (it might take a few lifetimes though, but they are usually fun). Yes, I lost my marbles already when I left primary school, and the world began changing , representing different realities - Oops, sorry, now I have got you confused again. Dear Me, I never learn - hopefully you will do better than me.

But let me help you on your way by a little game:
  1. Stand outside in an open area where you can see part of the horizon - only a small part will do.
  2. Look in front of you and, with either hand touch your nose. Realize that that is the extent of your current reality and intellectual awareness.
  3. Now extend the same arm and point to the horizon that you can see, allowing your finger to just - seemingly - touch it.
  4. Ask yourself the question: "Is my finger touching the horizon?". If you say "yes", you are obviously deceiving yourself, because the horizon is merely a line we create in our mind, and there are uncountable horizons beyond what you can see.
  5. If you say "No" then realize that that is the distance you still have to go to become a fully self-aware person on planet earth.
  6. Of course then we are not done yet, as their are still the solar system, the constellation, and the rest of the universe, but baby steps - baby steps are all that are needed and you have an eternity to take those little steps.
Thank you so much for being concerned about me anonymous.

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