Friday, May 29, 2009

Are we busy or what?

And there I had the warm, fuzzy, know-you-are-needed feeling. It is obvious you guys don't need me at all and get along just cosy.

Since i have essentially become a redundant factor, I'll keep this short and will build up my reserves for the next time.

We have another semi-sanctimonious anonymous. Truly, I like you, and you are a famously good person. But here you come with the "needs-to-be-proven" idea again, and yes according to the rule book, a judge needs to slam a hammer and say that it is so.

But just think for a bit: if you collect R200 million plus from people and make it all disappear (in whatever manner) within a period of 2.5 years, is that not enough proof? To me it is. A good, conscientious, honest, able and capable businessman does not twiddle away that amount of money just because he is a fine capable person - he is either an idiot or a very, very cunning and despicable personality type. Of course that applies to any associates there may be as well. Are you perhaps one of them? Mmmmmm....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is obvious you guys don't need me at all and get along just cosy.

I hope you have not given up updating us just because we have not as yet! joined any class action suit - and have no access to the other confidential blog website????