Friday, May 15, 2009

Ouch! My nose ring hurts!

After a few days of dark clouds, the air seems to be lifting somewhat, and we have another moment to ponder the Edwafin conundrum.
Since my last entry I have heard nothing about the famous meetings to which investors were invited. I am still filled with ironic mirth when I think about the feeble attempts by the invincible four to get investors behind their attempt to force the court's hand into pronouncing Judicial Management as the solution to the problem. A problem that has in reality already proven itself to be answered: Edwafin has no money to pay anybody, and they have squandered over R200 million - a major responsibility, if you ask me. One can therefore not help but understand the four's feverish attempts at getting the court to decide to extend the pain further. Let's face it the prospects of sojourning in a SA jail is unpleasant.

Thus like warriors of old, we soldier on. I have visions of barefooted Don and Patrick, robed in leopard skin skirts, each with a feather in his hair, and bellybuttons protruding from paunchy tummies. Faces painted with red and black war paint (Edwafin colours), and the letters DMC on their foreheads, they let out the most unearthly falsetta war cries while they repeatedly shoot straw arrows at the moon, using the tiniest plastic bows. It is a pityful scene to behold: none of their arrows find their mark and they slowly make their way back to the earth below - like teardrops. (Secretly I also have conjectured Verona with a feather as well.)

Of course it is not Patrick's first war against investors, and from emails received on this side of the border, it seems that history has a habit of repeating itself. It appears that not one continent on this blue planet has escaped the unique touch of the Stapletons, and that apparently stretches from Australia to the other end of the planet in Scotland and Finland. From the statistics of viewers of this blog, there are interested parties as far afield as the USA, England, Mexico and Norway. Now that is travelling around the world - talking about the world being a small place!

The four's intentions are noble enough; deftly all together now: "we will trade ourselves out of debt". All the Angels in heaven are singing in praise and flapping their wings. Rejoice, the masters have spoken. (As I am writing this a local drunkard has just begun singing his praises on the banks of the little stream that runs past our house. He does this every Friday afternoon so I don't think he is rejoicing the Edwafin resolution - he sounds too happy so he clearly invested his money somewhere else but Edwafin.)

Let's proceed. We were discussing the ability of the masters to recoup R200 million and bring back profitability to Edwafin, mainly through the car called DMC. Now, I received an interesting email today, and hoped that I would be given permission to publish it here. But the writer has not yet responded to my request. So I do it differently (if permission is given I will publish it immediately).

So we are going to make money with the DMC. This can only happen when the following questions are answered:
  • Question: Is the designer of the DMC still employed by Edwafin?
  • Question: Are there people at Edwafin who can build the car without the designer?
  • Question: Are there any technical people at all left at DMC/Edwafin?
  • Question: Do they have money to employ a full compliment of staff to start production in January 2009? (oops, my mistake that was four months ago already)
  • Question: Whom was the homologation of the DMC awarded to?
  • Question: Is that person still with Edwafin?
  • Question: Can a car be manufactured and sold without a person who has the proxy to sign of on a finished car?
  • Question: What happened during the middle of Dember 2008?
  • Question: Why does Patrick repeatedly announce that Edwafin has homologation for the DMC?
  • Question: Why does Patrick not show proof of all these statements to the investors whom he so terribly wants to convince?
I don't know about you, you may want Patrick to continue soldiering, but my nose ring hurts.


Jean said...

Roll on Monday 18th so we can perhaps get some finality on this matter...that's if "The Infamous Four" don't find another delaying tactic!

Anonymous said...

Q1 = No
Q2 = Probably Not
Q3 = There weren't too many to begin with
Q4 = We can always hope!
Q5 = Refer to Q1
Q6 = Refer to Q1 & Q5
Q7 = Dont believe so
Q8 = Rome was burning and the fiddler was sacked.
Q9 = There should be an honoury doctorate for semantics... because in essence there is homologation ... in a sense.
Q10 = I cant answer.

I imagine you already know this. The contents of the email for which you await publishing permissions are probably along these lines.