Monday, May 25, 2009

What do I hear in the distances? Could they be sirens perhaps?

Yesterday's blog was irregular. I was supposed to write an article and now I have to do it today. But I just need to "skinner" a bit.

Before I do though, I wish to thank and wholeheartedly support those of you who champion the efforts of Mrs Griffen and Mrs Chaplin. Not that I don't think that this scenario would not have taken place any time soon, but for their sheer courage and insight to realize that the end of the line had been reached. Again I repeat that there are no winners, but at least they were instrumental in preventing the number of losers to grow even bigger than it now is. They made the first and most important incision in order to get rid of a gangrenous limb.

Whistle, whistle, tweet, tweet or should I say heeha-heeha-heeha (their sirens also make a sound I can't transliterate on a Western keyboard). Yes, it appears that the police are on Patrick and comrade's case. The little birdie (and she sounds rather cute as well so watch out siccing Marc!) told me that the police were on their way to pick up documents from the Edwafin offices. Stand at attention Patrick and remaining little people!

Also heard through the buzzing electrons, is that certain institutions abroad are watching these events carefully, and are regular visitors to our blog. The Patrickownians apparently have/had plans of expanding their path of devastation and destruction past our shores and over the high seas. Damn, and I thought he was such a nice man. I think he still is a nice and a good man, as are those little ones around him that he spawned as part of his business expansions. However, like those tiny shoes on a growing Chinese girl, intended to keep them painfully dainty, it will be a relief when he is withdrawn from my reality.

Before I close, the list of people interested in a possible class action is steadily growing. Keep in mind that you are no obligation to participate when the final decision is made to go ahead. At this point we are merely eliciting possible participants as well as ideas on how to handle such an action. Should you be interested please send an email to stating your name and contact details. Everything will be kept confidential, and you may remove your name from the database simply by sending me an email requesting me to do so. Soon I will set up another private blog designed specifically for the class action. In the meantime I will report back regularly about any progress in this respect. Perhaps it would be prudent to follow the police action as well to see if we have anything to learn or gain by their investigation. Sorry to be so serious, but it does happen; my wife loves me when I'm serious because then I make sense.

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