Sunday, May 24, 2009

Isn't it all getting interesting

Today was going to be a relaxing fun day. From the comments I am receiving it is a fun day al right, and it seems that the apologists are now all crawling from their little holes and squeaking little nothings into the ether. It is rather embarrassing, these people who express their myopic insights into our reality. But as I said before they are part of our creation, and therefore must have a message for us - they have to be tolerated. Like fleas on the scrotum of an mange dog - it has so many aches and pains that he merely gives them scant attention. Even if their message is one of conspiracy theories, hatred, spite and pure vindictiveness we shall hear them out, bear their incessant pain with them. Moreover, I suspect that they all have links in some what to Father Patrick and co-hosts. Scratch, scratch.

Isn't it ironic, that some of them regard the court's decision as some kind of victory for the investors (or they seem to think part of the group of investors). It is mind blowing that they miss the point so much, that it seems that their intellectual eyes have migrated 180 degrees to the back of their heads (Years ago Idi Amin announced that he was going to send astronauts to the moon using metal ash cans. Suddenly this story came to mind - he also missed the point and revealed his intellectual prowess.) Am I on another planet, or do they just not realize that 4000 investors now have essentially lost over R200 million, plus interest, by their actions? They themselves might be part of the group of (ex)employees who will not be paid or have not been paid for the past month. Some of their pronouncements are pure blind hate - yes, you have been exposed as despicable, incapable, bunggling individuals, but please do not blame those that trusted you with their money; you lost our money, you and you alone, nobody else on this planet frizzled away more that R200 million of our money - not your money - but our money.

I find it significant that in the absence of constructive thought, these individuals have resorted to the childish practice of attacking people's personalities - total strangers, essentially and for all practical purposes fictional, imaginary creations in the minds of the attackers. The fact that they have resort to attack me in this way is of little consequence, as, admittedly my picture is the one my blog and they may use it for target practice as much as they like. However, this frenzied defensive mode of behaviour against anonymous individuals is akin to that of wounded animals who feel threatened and which will lunge out blindly in all directions. It brings us no closer to a psychological resolution of our situation. I am quoting a few below to make my point:

First the famous one (a masterpiece if I may say so)
Blah blah blahdiblah and blah again Mario. Perhaps you should do something about what you look like? Scary comes to mind....but then perhaps that is why you live your life in cyber space,certainly safer for humanity at large....
Then this morning the motives of Mrs Griffen and Mrs Chaplin came into question
I am not 100% sure of the motives of either Mrs Griffen or Mrs Chaplin? According to my sources it was the successor to the investment (yes a whole R60k)who initiated the liquidation. The boyfriend (a "retired" attorney with decided self-interest in this case)of the latter, who incidentally is extremely well-off, has been driven by personal revenge and sheer vindictiveness. I hope you enjoyed your celebration, that is one of vast liquid proportions as is both your wonts. May you feel just an inkling of the pain in your hangovers you have caused 2000 investors and the ex-staff of Edwafin through your malicious acts
Now isn't that grown-up! As another anonymous commentator stated: we should rejoice in the courage of these people to take action. I now of a few investors (including myself) who stood waiting in line to take the same action (of course the Americans never walked on the moon, it is all conspiracy.) Even if it was only 1 Rand that was due to these folks, you and nobody else had the right to play god and now accuse these good people of vindictiveness. Your lost the money they were entitled to - you are the responsible party - Idiot.

Here is another
All this talk of liars, fraudsters, cheats and manipulators- exactly what do you base this libelous [sic] attack on? [Hey Marc, I also got to sic someone!]

You know nothing and you will always know nothing, because there is nothing of that kind that either you or any court of law will be able to pin on any of the directors or staff.

But then, this blog would be come oh so tedious and dull without fatuous statements of this ilk.
Doesn't this attitude say it all. Nothing about the R200 million that was fizzled away by these good people, nothing about the lives they have ruined, the pain and desperation they have caused. However, note how sure this person is about not being reachable by the law - isn't that telling us something. Hey, you conspiracy theorists, now is your opportunity to get your minds working again - formulate something, please.
It is an interesting phenomena, that the fizzlers of other peoples money have now become so venomous, and will even attack, with some vengeance those they have bitten to the bone already. Even something as inanimate as a blog does not go unscathed. They seem to absolute hate the blog, but seem to follow it with great gusto, and even participate in it. Have you noticed that none of these defenders of the iniquity that has been perpetrated have at any time to date expressed any regret for the loss that the elderly and, the now, destitute have incurred. How majestically, big-hearted these people are. Of course also no mentioned of the many lies and deceptions that were fed to us over the past few months. For some reasons my eyes are inexorably drawn to the right of the page.

Fraud: Selling a person an investment with the written undertaking to repay it immediately if you default on interest payments. You broke the contract, as you did not have the capital in reserve should something like that happen because you had spent it all. You did that to 4000 investors; retirees and widowers. More than R200 million worth.
Manipulate/Liars: Since the end of October we have received nothing but manipulative conjectures of how good a state Edwafin is in. You lied, you promised. Even your prediction of "no court case" became an outright lie, you tried to manipulate the investors opinion with your pathetic attempts to sway opinions in your favour.

And then you have the nerve to call us/me malicious: tee-hee-hee or perhaps puke-puke

Then there are the ones that I do not understand
Regardless of any position held by an employee at Edwafin, from director to manager, from clerk to tea lady, NO-ONE had any authority within the company.Everything came from the TOP!

It is entirely incorrect to state that ALL directors were excluded from scrutiny and victimisation.

There are several current and ex-directors, I know, whose lives have also been ravaged through merely doing their jobs as they believed them to be.

The staff never stood in isolation from the directors.
You should be casting your allegations further upward !

Lordy, oh lordy. Working for Patrick seems to have been like going into war. Notice the use of the word "Top" in reference to the bosses at Edwafin: avoidance of reality and the fear of god is still an active role player. Shame, you don't questions the Admiral, General or even Lance Corporal; you follow all instructions without questions; you leave all common sense and humanity at home. A convenient attitude to have. Firstly, it means that you don't have to do that tiresome thing called "thinking" and, of course, when the paw-paw eventually splits and spills its black pits, you absolve yourself from all responsibility. Fancy that, and you can even blame your own loss to the fact that you were following Patrick's orders and joined those that you ripped off in complaining about the god at whom's feet you prostrated yourself. This folks, is a phenomena called "courage". You have lost your way in our reality, you need to return to puppet land, I'm sure they will reattach your strings there. Shame.

The last one goes the Carole Gardiner
Response to anonymous about the Gardiner e mail faux paux, not on your life! There is no need to play hide and seek - this is who I am, those are my contact details - it was done purposely -how more open can one get? Why? That is so obvious to me- but then that is for me to know and for you to continue speculating about( of course in the absence of anything else worthwhile in your life)
Carole, I invited you yesterday to openly write to this blog and state your case. To be honest your last comment was useless, defensive and reactionary and will only serve to get people to become more suspicious of you. I, for one, are of the opinion that you and yours have suffered loss as well in this affair - regardless of the role you may have played in this affair yourself- and that is extremely sad and unpleasant. Keep, in mind, however, that in many/most investors' eyes, you are one of the perpetrators of an injustice that has a major effect on their lives - purely because of your role as CEO of Edwabond. If that is so, or not, only you will only know for sure at this point but all will still come out in the wash.
From the excerpts I have quoted above, levelling personality attacks on people merely shows your contempt and disrespect for them. It also proves that you are feeling guilty, and perhaps guilty for a situation that was forced on you by circumstances. My question to myself would be whether I would need to reaffirm my disrespect for other humans so consistently and perpetually, or whether I should try and be of some kind of assistance by trying to heal some of the wounds that have now emerged. Keep in mind that the investors are first of all victims and never intended to be your enemy. Sorry for the sharing of my thoughts, if it is an irritation, you are free to tell me so.

The same applies to all the other (ex)employees who now perceive the investors as their enemies: the investors and certainly some/many employees are all victims; we have incurred the loss - don't despise us for it. If you were instrumental in causing that loss and pain, being a warrior a la Patrick's example, seems not to be working - he is a loser. I once made the suggestion to Patrick to make us investors part of the solution instead of the problem .I'm not sure if he didn't understand or just couldn't get himself to be magnanimous about the situation. Anyway, he chose deception and confrontation. Did he succeed? If you have any powers of consideration left, you may want to decide for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Well said Knight Mario.

Edwafin lemmings will never get it right ever. So here it is for the lemmings in simple form:

Ponzi = Fraud = Jail

Anonymous said...

I suppose now it's your fault Mario that investors lost their investments and the staff did not get paid?

Really who's the idiots now - can't believe these fraudsters...

I know one thing though, it won't be you going to jail! - correction maybe to pay a friendly visit to the fraudsters...

Anonymous said...

I know Carol was just doing what ever it took to pay the bills and get her free holidays. I never suspected her of having enough insight to know what was going on in the business.
She was just doing all that she was told.I hope for her sake she was infact naive all this time. Patrick is a mastermind. He has the ability to chose the right kind of sheep to follow him. All those people making silly comments trying to defend him belong to his brainwashed cult.

Unknown said...

Mario, please keep on doing what you are doing. The Edwafin criminals did nothing to protect our investor's interests. Well done, we will keep reading your very interesting and fact based comments. At least somebody have balls to expose these fraudsters.

Unknown said...

Mario, please keep on doing what you are doing. The Edwafin criminals did nothing to protect our investor's interests. Well done, we will keep reading your very interesting and fact based comments. At least somebody have balls to expose these fraudsters.

Anonymous said...

How does one claim against the fidelity insurance as per the prospectus and the tool used to lure investors with a false sense of security regarding the guarantee about their investments?
What about our brokers' professional indemnity insurance.What happens in this case?

Dave said...

Stapleton and all senior management should fry for their crimes. They are downright evil. Mario, I'm not an investor but have read your blog with much interest and, at times amusement. There is a great lesson in this one for all of us. I note that some people are calling the investors fools for investing in the 1st place. Even so, their actions were not criminal - Stapleton & Co should be brought to book and imprisoned for their obvious planned criminal activity.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Patrick is a criminal. I just think he has poor business acumen.

Anonymous said...

In response to allegations of being "evil" and a "criminal" collectively, I feel that is being rather harsh and tantamount to cyber bullying.

In our country people are assumed innocent until proven guilty, let's be mature about this all and await the liquidators findings. Should there have been planned criminal activity, then it will be unearthed and those found guilty punished accordingly.

An investor said...

As an investor at Edwafin, my understanding was that the Fidelity insurance cover was against theft and fraud. If it can be proved that this indeed took place then a claim can be made by the liquidators on behalf of the investors.If your investment was done through a FSB registered broker and it can be proved that they misrepresented the product in any way, then a claim can also be instituted against their indemnity cover.

Dave said...

In response to Anonymous. The FACT is that their behaviour and lying and lack of true transparency does render them evil. The fact is that they have destroyed R millions of value for a number of unfortunate investors. That makes them criminals whether the court finds them so or not. Or perhaps you subscribe to some kind of relativistic moral structure that goes along the lines of - "If everyone is doing it it must be ok."