Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ex-employees request

I thought that I was done, but had forgotten two matters that need to be brought under the attention of ex-employees.
One of the ladies wrote yesterday that she had a dilemma as far as her tax - IRP5 is concerned. Apparently she has not received her IRP5 from Edwafin, nor some of the last salary slips that proves that tax was deducted from her salary. Others have reported issues in similar vein. It seems that there is also a problem with pension deductions that essentially dissolved into thin air.

My suggestion to the lady was that she immediately contact SARS and inform them of the situation, and if other ex-employees in the same predicament follow suit it would probably strengthen your case. Another idea would be to consult with a labour lawyer, they are usually rather nifty in such circumstances. What you should not do is procrastinate or wait until the fan is blowing at gale force - act now.

Suggestions from other ex-employees would be very welcome.

Then my friend Marc Ashton of Fin 24 has invited any ex- or current employee with gripes and tales of woe to contact him, even if you would want to stay anonymous. He is an excellent reporter, and I can vouch that he will respect your wishes. Below is Marc's invitation in full:

If there are any Edwafin employees who would like to put forward their side of the story in the media and not be "tarred" with the same brush I'd love to hear from you.

Marc Ashton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's another positive suggestion, maybe Marc Ashton at can help you by placing an advert in local newspapers seeking out investors & staff who have unresolved issues - get to the masses sooner than later.