Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Apologists and Cyberbullying

Link to Class action Email address
Let me first apologize for the error in the link to the Class action email address. It is fixed now, and when you click on it, your email program should automatically start.

A few people have mentioned the supposed insurance that Edwafin used when they promoted their debenture products. If I'm not mistaken, Patrick had informed the investors at one of the meetings that the insurance had been cancelled or lapsed because of the bungling of a staff member. At the meeting that was held with investors in Bellville on 18 march 2009, Patrick responded as follows concerning the matter of insurance:
"At the time [2 years ago] the company did have an insurance policy, it was done by a company called Komash which underwrites debt insurance. Unfortunately one of our representatives misrepresented the policy and so Komash cancelled the policy and the insurance was taken away."
I find that a real neat and convenient method of bedoozling clients. Take out a policy, publish this fact in the brochures : "Hey your money is insured!". Someone bungles, policy falls away, but you don't tell your clients, you happily continue business as usual. Yep, I was caught out at that time as well.

Those of you who have been following my blog, may have come to know me as an easy going person, rather forgiving of the misdeeds of others, but someone who wants to have the answers to life's questions. As it is not my role in this universe to punish fellow souls, there is essentially little in life that i need to forgive. Things happen - sometimes not as pleasant, but very often very pleasant things happen, like when your wife smiles at you, or your pet dog demonstrates his fondness for you by licking your hand. Yet, life comprises the whole gamut of experiences, from the deeply sad to the exuberant fortunate moments, and every moment means that you have a consciousness life running through your awareness. One way of avoiding unpleasant experiences in life is to purely decide that you won't have it as part of your awareness anymore. But this only works when you have made the experience a total part of your reality, and understand why it happened. Having said those nice things about myself, I need to stress that since I am part of life, I need to know why things happen - good or bad, and that does not often imply direct answers such as we have wanted from Patrick all these months. No, answers also come in the form of manifestations, and manifestations are, what Jung called, archetypes. The are often in human form, but are also informational structures that are created by the human collective - signs from the universal collective, hints if you will.

I have spoken about this before, and am at risk of eliciting further rude remarks from those lacking a long noses - (the longer your nose, the further you can see - spiritually then). However, in view of some comments that were received on this blog I have a point to make. In the past we have spoken of social institutions such as those representing business (SAVCA, NCC etc), or the more public side of things such as FAIS, DTI etc. These have been mbued with certain functionalities as was decided collectively by the human intelligence. However, and this is important, their functions are also limited by the collective to give it a purposeful structure and to avoid them becoming overwhelming in society - political parties, politicians are prone to this unbounded growth with its accompanying powers.
When an incident occurs such as we are experiencing with Edwafin, we tend to rely on structures to act on our behalf and protect our interests. However, due to the constraints we have construed in the manifestation of these bodies, they can only act within limits. The
FSA, for example, could only suspend Edwabond's licence and will possibly retract it all together now. That's all. They could not intercede more drastically in matters to save our skins - they were limited by us, society as a collective soul. Others, such as SAVCA, and NCC, demonstrated that they were made even more impotent by us, and are essentially place-holders for a few souls that dwell with us on this planet. Granted they have their role to play as well - who else would we throw with rotten tomatos and smelly eggs.

As part of these social structures there is a spin-off. We have made the individual soul essentially impotent to think and act on his own behalf - we exclude ourselves from our collective. This has good and bad consequences. On the one hand it means that such bodies can act collectively, albeit in a limited way on behalf of the group. However, because of its imposed limitations, much falls through the crack, and the individual is unable to do anything about it, and is often not allowed to voice an opinion about it either.

Our case is an example, and at last I'm getting to the point - I think. One anonymous commented

In response to allegations of being "evil" and a "criminal" collectively, I feel that is being rather harsh and tantamount to cyber bullying.

In our country people are assumed innocent until proven guilty, let's be mature about this all and await the liquidators findings. Should there have been planned criminal activity, then it will be unearthed and those found guilty punished accordingly.
Now, I know where this person is coming from, and admire him for his convictions. But as you have seen above it set the mind working. First let's take care of the "cyber bullying" part. I agree that there is such a thing as bullying, inflicting pain on somebody (mentally or physically) to show that you are the stronger more dominant individual. What anonymous must realize is that the investors are merely reacting to those who have been doing the bullying during the last six months and in the process have lost a lot, some even everything. Since when is expressing your emotive feeling of revulsion not allowed, especially since it seems that other social structures are not at hand to correct the situation. The liquidators have their own function, to reduce what remains into cash. If they discover "legal" transgressions they may even possibly prosecute. But that is all besides the point, the fact is that a group of people fizzled money away that was entrusted to them, and I contend under false pretences.

The "collective" part, of course, this is a gross exageration, and if you read between the lines, you would know that our dismay is not directed at the telephone operator, or cleaners or basic administrative staff but it is directed at those that managed Edwafin - the managers, directors and similar bosses, yes collectively those. The question is why not? From your comment I deduce that you are an intelligent being. In the structures that we collectively conceive we allow for individuals to take certain responsibilities. They get paid accordingly, and are given a status, i.e. manager, director, CEO, etc. In return you are supposed to function at a certain level of intelligence and with professional prowess - as per societal rule. We even have devised a thing called an employment contract, in which one promises to use the brain in favour of the collective. Investors entrusted their money to these minds, only to discover that they were mindless. I must be honest, the representatives that sold us our debentures never told me that Edwafin Management was mindless, the contrary is true. They were a hip and progressive, profitable company. Do you mean to tell me that nobody noticed the water level rising - all those well paid minds?

With Edwafin, we now have the situation, where everybody has suddenly suffered a stroke, and not enough blood circulates to the brain. Therefore Mr Patrick Stapleton is the one at fault. Of course he is at fault, and he is the main guy, but not the only one -the recent court action was defended by 4 persons, not to speak about those who saw it coming. But those little beasties who postrated themselves before him, are/were part of his reality, and have cerebral prowers of their own. Of course, conveniently, like a father-figure a manager can now suddenly hide behind the figure of the boss, and do as he/she was told. Hilarious, and they got a paypacket and status to boot. Of course, there is that one thing in life called "taking responsibility for oneself", that is, thinking and wondering: "should I really participate in this? is this correct?". These are easy questions but oh so inconvenient when one is enjoying the happy life.I know of people who left the company when they discovered that unhappy things were being perpretrated, at great inconvenience to themselves. Please man, those in high places in any company are usually not chosen because they are blind, but because they can see clearly.

Your choice of the words "evil" and "criminal" was indeed a fun one, as I feel some evality in myself at times. Of course, there is a difference between being evil (ala the Devil/Satan and other similar human conjectures) and doing evil things. There is also a difference between being a criminal under the law and being a criminal in society without having been found guilty by the court (culprit, malefactor).

With your intellect you should realize that when people refer to the Edwafians as evil, they mean those people who did them wrong, took their money, lied to them, etc. and not to the conjectured reddish individual with two horns and a long tail. I mean really, that is taking it very litteral. The criminal thing is also interesting. O.J. Simpson did not murder his wife and friend, and therefore was not considered a criminal, but then he did murder his wife and friend and became a non-criminal murderer. Are you confused - don't worry me too. The point is that one can commit deeds in a reality which some of us collectively consider criminal, but are at the same time non-criminal because the judge didn't slam down his gavel and pronounced it so. Most of the investors consider the way in which we were reduced from their money "criminal", and as a group-decision that has validity. If, for some reason, such as poor investigation, possible clever manipulation of the facts by the defence, or even because correct procedures were indeed followed "according to the law", the gents and ladies get scott-free, it only means that the institution of the collectively created law, was limited by the impositions we have set ourselves (possibly for good reasons).
Yet, that does not make the loss of R200 million disappear in thin air, or the lies and deceipts that were told to suddenly become truths. No, it only shows that we, humans have the need for structures that work, at times, for us, and at other times, against us. Underlying to it all is the real identity of humanity that transcends those limiting structures our perceptions of what is real.

I think we essentially dealt with the "in our country we are assumed innocent until proven guilty". We have shown that one can be both guilty and not guilty at the same time. This is not such a paradox as it at first seems. One may be guilty of something on one level of awareness, while not guilty on another. Sometimes these awarenesses coincide in a single manifestation of people, and at other times they are with different groups of awareness. You may consider Patrick to be guiltless and blameless, and that is your prerogative. For me he and his mates are as guilty as hell. But, again that is not the point, as the iniquity has already been established, a fait acompli.

My question is why this took place at all, forget the money - that's all it is, forget Patrick, his wife, the Klynsmiths, Don and all those other participants - they have their own reality to contend with. What is this all telling me about my awareness and my life? The answer is pressumably complex, and parts are revealing themselves everyday, even through comments such as yours. Yet, the universe is endless in its creative potential, and new questions roll onto the horizon as we proceed forward. To find out, I shall persue until I have found the answer - or not.


Anonymous said...


My father-in- law alerted me to this article early this morning. It made 1st front-page news in The Mercury Dbn.

Here is the link:

Anonymous said...

Since Edwafin gave investors a false sense of security in terms of the "fidelity insurance" which had lapsed, then surely this must amount to fraud. The directors have acted in a manner that defrauded the investors. They should be charged, all their assets must be seized and they must be placed behind bars FOR LIFE. Little price to pay for the thousands of lives they have destroyed. They have committed a serious crime.

Anonymous said...

I think it is rather difficult to prove reckless trading. But, if they were really trading without insurance then I'm afraid you can't get more reckless than that.A high risk investment scheme with more than 200 million in the pot.
That is totally reckless.
Surely the esteemed directors should have know better than to let such a crucial policy lapse. That should have been at top of their risk departments check list.

Anonymous said...

Crucial policy lapse, I doubt it. Maybe the insurance company Komash which underwrites debt insurance can provide insight into why the policy was cancelled. I suspect Edwafin could not produce audited Financials to substantiate the cover required. Makes you wonder why Edwafin did not renew with another insurance company.