Sunday, February 22, 2009

Why would I write about my Investments?

We are living in times of financial upheaval. Obviously individuals usually suffer the most in such times. But one should bear in mind, that the financially good times mostly depends on matters going well in the commercial world - both small and large business enterprises.

This blog is about my experiences with a medium size enterprise. The management and staff, are all very good and respectable people, and I know they mean well with the public they serve. At the same time they are totally devoted to making a success of the business their are running. However, in an effort to survive the current situation they now find it seemingly imperative to resort to major conjuring and verbal hashing. This unfortunately, causes one not only to loose respect for the individuals but, more importantly, to loose confidence in their agendas and the general outcome of the situation.

I reiterate that I behold the management of this company in the highest esteem and regard them as honorable people and that I wish them well; hoping for total success in their efforts to overcome the problems that have beset them.

Nevertheless, one needs to play by the rule book - those prescribed by the laws of the country and those written into a contract, especially those that you have drawn up yourself and to which the community in which you operate have mutually agreed - in this case the company and its investors. It is highly iniquitous to ignore the inconvenient rules when they don't suit you, especially if they were designed to entice your investors to sign up with you. One expects that if it is temporarily or even permanently impossible to follow the rulebook as written by oneself, o
ne would have the maturity and responsibility make other options available to the other players in the game - those who originally bought into your dictates.

In the end it is all about social and ethical respect for those that participate in your game of life. And, that brings us to the reason for this blog: besides the fancy footwork by the company around the issue on hand, they have basically forced me to resort to acquiring legal help and that I am not happy about By doing this blog I hope to be of service to others who may find themselves in a similar situation, or who may be tempted by the same set of circumstances, that I was. The rest of the reasons will become clear as the blog progresses.

As will become clear from the contents of the daily articles (to which others will hopefully add), I accept that I have nothing more to loose, but that when the time comes, we will have a fraternity of investors who can stand together for an outcome that is in everybody's best interest.

(proof read/edited 25/2/2009)

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