Saturday, February 28, 2009

Interlude: Saturday 28 February

Thursday was an eventful day, and I had hoped that Friday would be calmer. However, life does not conform to hope, but to reality as created by us humans.
Before continuing with the chronology of events, I will briefly outline yesterday's events.
In an earlier interlude I mentioned that at the beginning of this week, I had informed Mr Stapleton about this Blog as well as the creation of a "Group" on Facebook.
On Thursday evening, while in bed I received an email from Mr Stapleton responding to my planned action. The contents of the email will be shown further on in this Blog. However, let it be known, that I wasn't impressed, and I worked until the early morning hours to return the favour (also show in its chronological order - we need to keep the suspense going).
Yesterday, Friday 27 February, my wife and I delivered the copies of the prospectuses to our attorney's office, and later that day in a consultation via the telephone and email gave her instructions to beginning legal action against Edwafin. We were also going to sue for damages and investigate the possibility of bringing charges of fraud against the directors of Edwafin singularly and collectively.
Sometime during the afternoon (Friday still) an email arrived wrom Mr Stapleton that put the whole issue in a different perspective and, if he holds by his word, the matter will be resolved by 31 May 2009.
My returning email promised not to make this blog or the facebook group public until 31 May 2009. If Edwafin has then kept its word, both will imediately be removed from the ether. If not - well you are reading this blog, aren't you?

The legal action is now also on hold.

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