Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Response to "Everything is alright now"

Yesterday I described how the investors received a letter from Mr Patrick Stapleton, in which he explained the woes of the computer. Again the computer presented problems and they had to write out 4000 cheques. The month of November and December had been combined to prevent writer's cramp with the staff.
Mt Stapleton also wishes us a very happy festive period. Mr Stapleton is a very nice man, and the following picture shows him to be rather a congenial person:

However, I was not happy and wrote a letter to him on 9 December 2008, stating this fact, whilst also mentioning that I was quite aware of the "Default Event" clause:
Non Payment of Interest 20081209
Although I don't think that I was the only person who had approached and reproached Mr Stapleton, he nevertheless responded speedily in a friendly and informative way. He assured me that the problem was purely computer related and that Edwafin had made a big profit and that there was no problem. This is his email of 10 December 2008:
20081210 Email From Stapleton

I left it there. After all the CEO had spoken and told me that it was purely a computer problem.

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