Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stirrings in the world of finance

After some major silence, a few snippets of information need to be shared. No, the liquidators have not moved to an alternative universe they are merely hiding behind a distant red giant. Slowly I'm seeing my own prophetic vision manifest into solid  molecules of structure: the liquidators are like the seaweed you encounter on a Sunday morning stroll on the beach. You know it has an ecological purpose, and that it has emerged, rootlessly, from the deep depths. But now that it has found a place in your reality on the hot sands before you, you cannot for the life of you imagine, what its purpose in creation is. It is a browning, dark green in colour, and, yep, it stinks to high heaven (interesting expression that: something stinking to high heaven). Soon, - having occupied a small momentary place in our reality, it will have dissolved itself and be no more.

The Pair
However, that is not true of the "pair"" Patrick Stapleton and Don Hutchinson. These two seem to have elected to be joined at the hip, as will become clear soon.

Apparently the high life is still very strong with The Pair, and Patrick has been observed gallivanting all over the place in his high priced 4 x 4. Yes, folks he is putting our money to good use. At least we cannot fault him on that.

Remember, a while ago I reported on the probability that The Pair were planning their next operation of extortion. I suspected that its name would have something to do with dynamic. Well, one of our sleuths have encountered the following web site: Of course you are quite correct, the site is appallingly designed and incomplete, but baby-steps, yes baby-steps. When you have a look-see at the site's "Contact us" page you will note the addresses being right in the correct vicinity of The Pair's hunting ground.

Most beauteous of the site is the slogan at the top:
Risk analysis - Why run your company without the necessary knowledge of the risks attached to various decisions. DMC - let us show you the power behind knowledge.
The key word here is "risk analysis", and we are well versed in that aspect of finance aren't we, fellas? Yet, aren't we being ever so sneaky? Just like our other professional gobbler of other's money, Carole Gradiner, no names are attached to the new venture. Never mind, folks, we, the old Edwafin stalwarts will continue spreading the word for you - won't we now? We also have a very keen sense of smell.

To me it is just soooo fascinating that we have the archetype that only knows how to work, deal, take, and generally manipulate other people's money. Let's face it with their track record, no respectable company would employ them to do an honest days professional, quality work. What else can they do but operate sleaze-like through the reality of other souls. At least they get to call themselves "professional."

The Sherrif, yes the Sherrif

Remember Mr Sherrif of the NPA. Well he was going to visit some of us, for a chat. That was some months ago. Well, I can whisper in your ear that he has been to visit some investors, and that he is probably coming to Gauting this month. The wisdom of visiting Gauteng I would not like to comment upon. However, I am glad to have been proven wrong in my assumption that Mr Sherrif was merely a figment of my imagination. Yep, he really exists, according to reports. His appearance is nevertheless mostly fleeting, and one recovers from the shock very rapidly. We'll see.

Well, that is all for now, and I urge all of you to keep your eyes peeled for the appearances of The Pair as well as the other "innocents" of our production. Let us at least prevent others from falling into the same trap as we now are trying to extricate ourselves.

We'll speak soon again.

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