Friday, November 20, 2009

All the beautiful Edwafiners

Of course, when the first leaves began stirring in the under-brush, a good many followed suit. After the new web  page of Stapleton and Hutchinson was inaugurated two days ago, many old (girl)friends looked up my email address and contributed more information.

First of all, let me report back on my "welcome to our reality" message I sent to The Pair. Nothing, totally silent and devoid of living-substance. Very much like our Edwafin investments - totally, absolutely, and resolutely nothing. Now, can you imagine that.? I would have at least thought a "thank you for your warm welcome, and kind thoughts" would have been in order, but no - absolute solid heavy silence. "Oh well", I thought, "perhaps their site is yet an empty shell". But not so, as one in our midst, actually phoned the office phone of the sparkling new DMC, and spoke to Sandy, the other half of Don. So they are in office.

Having mentioned the poorly designed website [really Patrick, your financial acumen is deplorable, but must you let your poor taste reflect on the Internet - shame on you now.], I wondered who the service provider would be, that would provide such a service to brittle fingers. And ... yet another girlie came to the rescue and supplied the following:

domain                 :
registration date      : 2009-06-22
expiry date            : 2010-06-01
registrant             : Upward Spiral
registrantpostaladdress: Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
registrantstreetaddress: Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
billingaccount         : Upward Spiral
invoiceaddress         : Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
registrantphone        : +27 11 609 7765 2k. Registrant Fax No. : +27 11
registrantphone        : +27 11 609 7765 2k. Registrant Fax No. : +27 11
registrantfax          : 
admin                  : van den Heever, Gary
admintitle             : Admin
admincompany           : Upward Spiral
adminpostaladdr        : Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
adminphone             : +27 11 609 7765
adminfax               : +27 11 609 7785
tec                    : Stevens, Rowan
tectitle               : Tech
teccompany             : Upward Spiral
tecpostaladdr          : 292 Thrush Avenue Boskriun 2188
tecphone               : +27 11 792 3632
tecfax                 : +27 11 609 7785
primnsfqdn             :
secns1fqdn             :
secns2fqdn             :
secns2ip               : 
secns2ipv6             : 
secns4fqdn             : 

 Yoopy-whoopy I thought, and immediately visited the Upward Spiral web site. Oh, deary, me. What a shambles it would be, in my best Shakespearian. The Upward Spiral has not yet taken off, and it is still firmly rooted to the earthy plane. They also have a most peculiar web site address - go figure! There are just no names that can be connected to the management of the site. Oh yes, plenty of promises and wonderful visions of the future, but all hidden behind a wall of anonymity.They are actually erecting (sies! for those improper thoughts) their own towers. Naturally The Pair (Patrick and Don) have attached themselves to one of those erections, and now hope that it will spread the word about their sincerity with our money. The word "premature" comes to mind, if you catch my drift. Let's face is the NPA is still investigating the Edwafin matter, and at the prospects of the money of others, they have already latched themselves to somebody else's erection (you know what I mean - the tower, tsk, tsk, tsk.)

The next best thing was to log on the site and join the forum. Thus bearded Mario duly filled in all the required spaces; confirmed via email that I wanted to join the forum, and was informed that the moderator would have to check me out. Well, folkies, he/she/it is still checking as silence is the state of existence from Upward Spiral - and these people purport to be specialists in electronic communications. Well, let's face it "soort soek soort."

It is utter coincidence that Upward Spiral was last updated on 8 July 2009 (there is a peculiarity here as the original article was written on11 August - Einstein's ears are flapping as there are people who have actually mastered reverse time travel) while the new DMC came into existence around the same time. The quality of both sites seem to be on par - hey guys, like so many of you, I don't live even close to the seas, but it is surely getting smelly around here.

We will snoop on, an I love your assistance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's another duzzy - Gary Van Den Heever from Upward Spiral is on Facebook and two guesses who his Facebook buddy is :)