Wednesday, November 18, 2009

May I speak on your behalf?

<==== Patrick "I will abuse your money" Stapleton

Well, well, after some time of silence, you get two blog entries on one day. Although the weather is rather peculiar up here in Gauties today, and it may even snow, by the feel of it, let me put your mind at ease. No, I don't have too much time on my hands, but I do feel that special events demand special attention.

<==Don "oh, yes, yes, yes, your moneeeey, oooooh" Hutchinson

You see, I was worried that Don and Patrick might think that they are out of mind of us all. Perhaps I speak for the majority of you, when I say that they are still part of our synaptic activities, and I felt it my duty to welcome them back in our midst. Thus, without too much pensation, I wrote them a quick email, just to welcome their return to the wild world of other people's moneys - call it financing a life-style if you want.

This is what I said:
Good old Patrick and Don

Well, on behalf of all your previous investors I would like to give you a hearty welcome to the world of business and finance. There exists no doubt in my mind that this time round you will be equally as successful as you were with your Edwafin venture.

Of course your progress shall be followed and reported on in the minutest detail. Yes, you may not have looked for a while, but the blog has taken on a life of its own and shall now include the reference to your new undertaking. Now, I wonder, which of the two of you has such a fascinating predilection for the concept of “dynamic” as it keeps bobbing to the surface of your schemes. We shall work on that one well, won’t we. Your new email address has been added to my blog list so that you will be automatically aware of what is being said about you – a refreshing thought no doubt.

Oh, before I go. You are naturally inclined to throw all kinds of threats my way – don’t bother, as Patrick knows, I don’t scare easy.

Yours sincerely

Dr Mario Koppers
You will have noticed that I used my social title, this is just to ensure them that my welcome note was official. No, I didn't use their titles - the ones they are entitled to - because that might just ban me from blogging on Google.


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