Monday, November 30, 2009

And the scum foams wherever you rest your eyes

Last week we had a brief look at the liquidators' self-righteous and exclusive possession of the Edwafin saga. We have to ever so slightly honest about the matter:  the little bit of money that might still have been left in the Edwafin cash-box is being plundered by them, and we are being excluded from the process. What I find most wondrous of this kind of situation is that they proudly announce the appointment of a retired judge, and then equally matter-of-factually announce that the enquiry would be private and secret. Without explanations, rhyme or reason.

But for us, living here in the southern part of the African continent, such unexplained secrecy should come as no surprise. We have become so used to this style of activity when people have thingies in their little cupboard to hide, that we hardly blink twice about it.

Now, you folks should know by now that I have a spirit-filled respect for the human reality, but they don't fill me with awe. So putting a retired judge at the head of an enquiry does not fill me necessarily with confidence. Let us assume that he was born normally - like all of us - and that the ensuing rest of his life was perhaps a model of respectability, honesty and sincerity. The question that now weighs heavily on my youngish soul is "why would such an honourable, retired person be part of such a deplorably secret situation?" I suspect that the folks in charge of things such the consequences of human shortcomings, tend to lose touch with the reality - the victims of the human-on-human abuse. So what do  you do, when you can't handle the reality? - you just leave them out. Of course, in view of the lack imposed information by those entrusted with our affairs, they have no reason to complain when we, the victims, drawing our own conclusions - as they surely, and self-righteously will.

It thus that I received an email from an admirer that brought back memories. Remember those early days, when there still was uncertainty about the liquidation of Edwafin? During those historical days, I had occasion to communicate with the offices of attorney, A Geyser, orf rather with one lady in his office.

Mr Geysers came back to life in the email containing the following link: THE CRIMINAL CONVICTION OF ATTORNEY ANDRIES GEYSER.htm. Go fetch, Sibi, go fetch!

And I keep trying to convince people that the universe is not a clown.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Can you smell the sea air through the bars already?

This is short - life beckons, but because some might not have received it yet, here is the third circular from the liquidators.

Salient points:
The inquiry will take place early in December. Of course, you have guessed it, the most important players in the game- us, the investors - may not be present. That's for what its worth - its about your money but you may not know what is being said. Viva la Africa Sud

Then, an interesting statement in the letter states that their preliminary investigation has shown that Edwafin was never an "income generating activity." We, the investors already know what that meant, but in short the masters of the company never really allowed our investments to work towards generating an income, and therefore merely used our money up.

I was tempted to provide you with a few famous words, a'la Patrick and Don, but why bother, we have heard it all before.

Hey, Patrick, Don, and cronies, I have visions of steel bars overlooking the Durban sea, four hands, each clutching one bar - the only freedom: smelling the fresh wafts of the sea breeze, and the screeching of sea birds in the distance.

I'm sorry that there is only a link, but it seems that Scribd has changed the system, and apparently it is no longer possible to show the documents directly on the blog. Just click on the above link, and you will be able to read it.

Hoola, hoola

Monday, November 23, 2009

To make new friends is to encounter part of your alter-ego

Last week we received a cryptic anonymous about Upward Spirals' Gary van den Heever, with an challenge to find this "person" that has meaning for us as Edwafiners, and whom can be found amongst the friends of Gary.

Hey, it took me a while, but there amongst the multitude of Gary's Facebook friends I found Don Hutchinson in all his glory.I must say he is a magnificent specimen, a well-fed operator, and in my imagination I could see the meat-juices and oiliness of the many lunches and dinners, enjoyed out our investments dribbling from his jowls. The alternative of The Pair, Patrick, is similarly a gleaming specimen of good, well-fed health, but alas he has not made it to Gary's friendship page yet.

Before I give you the wrong impression, I do not wish to throw any aspersions on Gary. He seems like a nice above-board gentlemen, who is seemingly very popular and a man of many achievements. That their  pward Spiral web site won't win any prizes, is neither here nor there but perhaps as their business growths, as I suspect it will, that may improve as well. What Gary perhaps does not know, is that he has a lurker amongst his many friends. There in all his patheticism, Don beams amongst the many other beautiful people on Gary's web site. Perhaps it is time that Gary has a look at our blog so that he can discover who has so surreptitiously infiltrated his circle of friends.

So I asked Gary to be my friend on Facebook and he accepted! Now I think that is gregarious and I am very happy. You see, it appear that Gary has a certain fondness for the music I share with him, as well as fast cars. Well my fast car is driven by wify, but she is fast, I tell you, make no mistake.

Then I thought, since he is on Facebook as well, let me ask Don if I can be a friend of his as well. Let's face it, back in the days, I also invited Patrick to have a cup of coffee with me - mainly to discuss what we would do in our next life. But Don has been mum until now. You see, Don does not like people - yes, that's true, he likes their money, and the oily dribble down along his cheeks and down his chin (oops! a number of chins I should say), but he definitely does not like the people.

I have learnt to look at life anew every day, and appreciate something beautiful in life. Today's beauty: the fact that two boys, Patrick Stapleton and Don Hutchinson, who made such a devastating fiasco of managing R128,000,000 of other peoples money, have now set themselves up to give advice to others on how to manage their money in the newly but old named DMC. And at the other end of the universe an Angle looses a white, bright feather, while holding his tummy with mirth.

It's a good thing we are devoid of feathers, otherwise Don and Patrick would find ways to pluck them as well - if an Angle at the edge of the universe is not safe, we would have been plucked naked by now - or are we?

Friday, November 20, 2009

All the beautiful Edwafiners

Of course, when the first leaves began stirring in the under-brush, a good many followed suit. After the new web  page of Stapleton and Hutchinson was inaugurated two days ago, many old (girl)friends looked up my email address and contributed more information.

First of all, let me report back on my "welcome to our reality" message I sent to The Pair. Nothing, totally silent and devoid of living-substance. Very much like our Edwafin investments - totally, absolutely, and resolutely nothing. Now, can you imagine that.? I would have at least thought a "thank you for your warm welcome, and kind thoughts" would have been in order, but no - absolute solid heavy silence. "Oh well", I thought, "perhaps their site is yet an empty shell". But not so, as one in our midst, actually phoned the office phone of the sparkling new DMC, and spoke to Sandy, the other half of Don. So they are in office.

Having mentioned the poorly designed website [really Patrick, your financial acumen is deplorable, but must you let your poor taste reflect on the Internet - shame on you now.], I wondered who the service provider would be, that would provide such a service to brittle fingers. And ... yet another girlie came to the rescue and supplied the following:

domain                 :
registration date      : 2009-06-22
expiry date            : 2010-06-01
registrant             : Upward Spiral
registrantpostaladdress: Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
registrantstreetaddress: Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
billingaccount         : Upward Spiral
invoiceaddress         : Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
registrantphone        : +27 11 609 7765 2k. Registrant Fax No. : +27 11
registrantphone        : +27 11 609 7765 2k. Registrant Fax No. : +27 11
registrantfax          : 
admin                  : van den Heever, Gary
admintitle             : Admin
admincompany           : Upward Spiral
adminpostaladdr        : Unit 1, 18 Edendale Rd. Eastleigh. Edenvale.
adminphone             : +27 11 609 7765
adminfax               : +27 11 609 7785
tec                    : Stevens, Rowan
tectitle               : Tech
teccompany             : Upward Spiral
tecpostaladdr          : 292 Thrush Avenue Boskriun 2188
tecphone               : +27 11 792 3632
tecfax                 : +27 11 609 7785
primnsfqdn             :
secns1fqdn             :
secns2fqdn             :
secns2ip               : 
secns2ipv6             : 
secns4fqdn             : 

 Yoopy-whoopy I thought, and immediately visited the Upward Spiral web site. Oh, deary, me. What a shambles it would be, in my best Shakespearian. The Upward Spiral has not yet taken off, and it is still firmly rooted to the earthy plane. They also have a most peculiar web site address - go figure! There are just no names that can be connected to the management of the site. Oh yes, plenty of promises and wonderful visions of the future, but all hidden behind a wall of anonymity.They are actually erecting (sies! for those improper thoughts) their own towers. Naturally The Pair (Patrick and Don) have attached themselves to one of those erections, and now hope that it will spread the word about their sincerity with our money. The word "premature" comes to mind, if you catch my drift. Let's face is the NPA is still investigating the Edwafin matter, and at the prospects of the money of others, they have already latched themselves to somebody else's erection (you know what I mean - the tower, tsk, tsk, tsk.)

The next best thing was to log on the site and join the forum. Thus bearded Mario duly filled in all the required spaces; confirmed via email that I wanted to join the forum, and was informed that the moderator would have to check me out. Well, folkies, he/she/it is still checking as silence is the state of existence from Upward Spiral - and these people purport to be specialists in electronic communications. Well, let's face it "soort soek soort."

It is utter coincidence that Upward Spiral was last updated on 8 July 2009 (there is a peculiarity here as the original article was written on11 August - Einstein's ears are flapping as there are people who have actually mastered reverse time travel) while the new DMC came into existence around the same time. The quality of both sites seem to be on par - hey guys, like so many of you, I don't live even close to the seas, but it is surely getting smelly around here.

We will snoop on, an I love your assistance.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

May I speak on your behalf?

<==== Patrick "I will abuse your money" Stapleton

Well, well, after some time of silence, you get two blog entries on one day. Although the weather is rather peculiar up here in Gauties today, and it may even snow, by the feel of it, let me put your mind at ease. No, I don't have too much time on my hands, but I do feel that special events demand special attention.

<==Don "oh, yes, yes, yes, your moneeeey, oooooh" Hutchinson

You see, I was worried that Don and Patrick might think that they are out of mind of us all. Perhaps I speak for the majority of you, when I say that they are still part of our synaptic activities, and I felt it my duty to welcome them back in our midst. Thus, without too much pensation, I wrote them a quick email, just to welcome their return to the wild world of other people's moneys - call it financing a life-style if you want.

This is what I said:
Good old Patrick and Don

Well, on behalf of all your previous investors I would like to give you a hearty welcome to the world of business and finance. There exists no doubt in my mind that this time round you will be equally as successful as you were with your Edwafin venture.

Of course your progress shall be followed and reported on in the minutest detail. Yes, you may not have looked for a while, but the blog has taken on a life of its own and shall now include the reference to your new undertaking. Now, I wonder, which of the two of you has such a fascinating predilection for the concept of “dynamic” as it keeps bobbing to the surface of your schemes. We shall work on that one well, won’t we. Your new email address has been added to my blog list so that you will be automatically aware of what is being said about you – a refreshing thought no doubt.

Oh, before I go. You are naturally inclined to throw all kinds of threats my way – don’t bother, as Patrick knows, I don’t scare easy.

Yours sincerely

Dr Mario Koppers
You will have noticed that I used my social title, this is just to ensure them that my welcome note was official. No, I didn't use their titles - the ones they are entitled to - because that might just ban me from blogging on Google.


Stirrings in the world of finance

After some major silence, a few snippets of information need to be shared. No, the liquidators have not moved to an alternative universe they are merely hiding behind a distant red giant. Slowly I'm seeing my own prophetic vision manifest into solid  molecules of structure: the liquidators are like the seaweed you encounter on a Sunday morning stroll on the beach. You know it has an ecological purpose, and that it has emerged, rootlessly, from the deep depths. But now that it has found a place in your reality on the hot sands before you, you cannot for the life of you imagine, what its purpose in creation is. It is a browning, dark green in colour, and, yep, it stinks to high heaven (interesting expression that: something stinking to high heaven). Soon, - having occupied a small momentary place in our reality, it will have dissolved itself and be no more.

The Pair
However, that is not true of the "pair"" Patrick Stapleton and Don Hutchinson. These two seem to have elected to be joined at the hip, as will become clear soon.

Apparently the high life is still very strong with The Pair, and Patrick has been observed gallivanting all over the place in his high priced 4 x 4. Yes, folks he is putting our money to good use. At least we cannot fault him on that.

Remember, a while ago I reported on the probability that The Pair were planning their next operation of extortion. I suspected that its name would have something to do with dynamic. Well, one of our sleuths have encountered the following web site: Of course you are quite correct, the site is appallingly designed and incomplete, but baby-steps, yes baby-steps. When you have a look-see at the site's "Contact us" page you will note the addresses being right in the correct vicinity of The Pair's hunting ground.

Most beauteous of the site is the slogan at the top:
Risk analysis - Why run your company without the necessary knowledge of the risks attached to various decisions. DMC - let us show you the power behind knowledge.
The key word here is "risk analysis", and we are well versed in that aspect of finance aren't we, fellas? Yet, aren't we being ever so sneaky? Just like our other professional gobbler of other's money, Carole Gradiner, no names are attached to the new venture. Never mind, folks, we, the old Edwafin stalwarts will continue spreading the word for you - won't we now? We also have a very keen sense of smell.

To me it is just soooo fascinating that we have the archetype that only knows how to work, deal, take, and generally manipulate other people's money. Let's face it with their track record, no respectable company would employ them to do an honest days professional, quality work. What else can they do but operate sleaze-like through the reality of other souls. At least they get to call themselves "professional."

The Sherrif, yes the Sherrif

Remember Mr Sherrif of the NPA. Well he was going to visit some of us, for a chat. That was some months ago. Well, I can whisper in your ear that he has been to visit some investors, and that he is probably coming to Gauting this month. The wisdom of visiting Gauteng I would not like to comment upon. However, I am glad to have been proven wrong in my assumption that Mr Sherrif was merely a figment of my imagination. Yep, he really exists, according to reports. His appearance is nevertheless mostly fleeting, and one recovers from the shock very rapidly. We'll see.

Well, that is all for now, and I urge all of you to keep your eyes peeled for the appearances of The Pair as well as the other "innocents" of our production. Let us at least prevent others from falling into the same trap as we now are trying to extricate ourselves.

We'll speak soon again.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Not in my back pocket

When I opened this blog to submit the below, I was reminded of the days when it was hyper-important for me to have a comb in my back pocket. You see, the hair had to be perfect as I thought that that would be a good impression on the ladies.

I never realized, of course, that the state of my hair had nothing to do with the potentiality of a good time but nevertheless, the comb served me well. Of course more important was the state of the hair of the lady - but when young, one tends to be vain.

Today, I realized that I haven't needed a comb for many years now. Yes, so now and then a brush for the above-ear fluff. More important: I have realized that the state of the top of one's head has little influence on the appeal. At least not for me, while I wipe my gleaming patch.

Unlike my comb, I had not forgotten about you, and meant to write a few times already but family crises prevented frivolities. However, today arrived an E-mail from a person that looks like this:

Please could you send an email to all Edwafin Investors asking them the following as I think it will be better if the email comes from you.

If any of you did your investment in 2004 to 2006 I need to know if any of you have the document that indicated insurance cover from Lloyds of London or the 2 or 3 page document that indicated insurance cover from Investec which was provided when Patrick advised the cover had moved from Lloyds of London to Investec.
Investors were told the capital was covered by Lloyds of London and then later Investec.
If you have these documents in your possession please can you let me know as soon as possible?

They can email you and if you do not mind you could let me know if you have any positive response.
Kind Regards
For those who would like to participate, my E-mail address is
