Monday, June 1, 2009

Some fall for it and the Universe plays one on me

It is Monday and the news is scarce. A few actually believed me when I said that you no longer needed me. Got Ya!. No, you guys were so busy amongst yourselves that I decided to take a few days off. And then promptly you did the same. As a result "My Edwafin Investment" came to a virtual standstill on Saturday morning. Just can't depend on you, can I?

Well, I'm back and will be for a time.

Some news about the Class Action. The group is growing and we are discussing the possibility of including people who might not be able to participate because of financial reasons. If you are at all interested, even if you think you cannot participate because of possible financial implications, please add your name to the list. We will see if there is a way around it. The more souls the better for us all. Keep in mind that if you do not add yourself to the group and the case goes to court and we win the case, you will not stand to benefit from any court rulings in favour of the group. Send your info to Even if you are not interested in joining the group, you might know of investors who would like to join but might not have access to Internet communications. For those I will provide my postal address and cell number:

Edwafin Class Action Group
P.O. Box 16778

Cell: (+27) 0721931389

Last week the universe decided to announce herself by playing a trick on my senses. Synchronicity is when two things with seemingly no connections, but with some apparent similarities becomes part of one's reality. First I will present you with two seperate things:

1. Carol wrote me an intense email at the beginning of last week which I had promised to answer. Due to circumstances and time constraints I had to delay doing so for a few days. That would also give me time to contemplate my answer. However, I felt guilty for not responding to her mail sooner, and it was continuously in the back of my mind.

2. You may all have heard about Twitter. Twitter is an Internet things whereby you provide your name and then get "followed" by other "Tweeters". In turn you follow them. The process is by short internet messages (<=140 words) and once you have subscribed you receive a constant stream of short messages from people. Most make no sense and the whole thing seems like etheric spaghetti, heaving and breathing with a life of its own. Anyway, I subscribed and when I discovered I had enough of it stopped "following" people. However, like a Stephan King movie, the whole thing has a life of its own, and daily I receive "direct messages" from folks who have decided to "follow" me in any case. Thus I was looking at my email and saw the following message:

Hi, Dr Mario Koppers.

Carole Gardner (FitCoachCarole) is now following your updates on Twitter.

A little information about Carole Gardner:

15492 followers 1080 updates following 14565 people

Most of you will know Carol Gardiner as one of the ex-directors of Edwabond. She has made her appearance a few times on these pages, and have continued communicating with her a bit behind the scenes.

So I though: "Hey, Hey, how nice of her to follow me on Twitter, perhaps I should begin tweeting with her." I smugly commented to myself: "now you know what she looks like, as well as her partner." Just look at all the followers she has, and she is not mean in her following either.

So, as a model Twitterer I went to the website she advertised with her message (not shown here). W ow, I thought some more, she has left the finance business and has become a major fitness fundi - she now calls herself a fitness fundi. Not too shabby: from thin wallets to thin bodies, and her website is filled with the most peculiar posteriors pictures - flayed human-like figures.
Problem though. What do say (with only 140 letters) to an erstwhile CEO of Edwabond, now fitness fundi with a seemingly bloodthirsty preference for human flesh?

Then I looked again, and discovered that she had not only become a fitness freak, but she had moved to the USA. Once more I looked and then discovered the clue that the universe had left me so cunningly:

Ou rown Carole Gardiner of Edwabond is not the same as Carole Gardner, fitness maniac in the USA, the one has an "i" in Garner and the other does not.

Coincidence? Of course it is.


Anonymous said...

Our CG is more like a Financial Fitness Coach :)

Anonymous said...

Heavens Mario, go to the following link for a photo of Edwabond / Edwafin's Carol Gardiner:-

Anonymous said...

My, my,the lengths that folks will go to discredit one.........perhaps
you never really knew her after all?

Anonymous said...

My, my are we reading the same blog? I see no attempt to discredit anyone, as the above comments are factual. A link to a photo and yes! CG is a financial fitness coach - see her new business here

I suppose all 2,000+ Edwafin investors were not discredited in anyway by your clan. My, my the lengths folks will go, to make the wronged look like idiots and the alleged perpetrators look like angels.