Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is the Universe sneaky or not?

Lessons from my wife
Doves, they say, have an inbuilt radar system. They can find their way around under the most difficult conditions. Usually I am rather confident in my sense of direction and am not prone to losing my way (well in a manner speaking that is. How I came to land in this reality on this planet is an open question.)

Anyway, today my wife and I went shopping at Menlyn Park (in Tshwane, of which Pretoria is a very tiny part). Now, Menlyn Park, for those in Durbs, and the Cape, is a huge, sprawling shopping centre, which is fine. I suspect, though, that the creators of the complex have installed huge magnets at its centre that generates an energy force that only affects the male chromosome. Whenever, I go to Menlyn, I can't find my way around the centre; don't know the way back to the car, and have no idea where in the heavens the sun is shining - if it is still shining at all.

My wife (she has a very old soul, you know), who normally has more difficulties with east-west, north-south: no problem at all. She virtually knows all the passages, alleys, and above all the shops, yes the shops. So what happens, she leads me by the nose through the shopping centre like an aged Blue Bull (remember those ,folks? Yes, they won at some or other ball game.), from shop to shop. There is one consolation, though: I get to drink coffee at the Fascination Book store - can you believe it, we have those here in Gauteng as well.

On with business
After the somewhat expected shocker from the liquidators, I have received quite a number of calls from people who would like to join the Class Action. News here is, that there is a Cape Town group who seem to have progressed somewhat further than the, let's call it, Internet group. The suggestion is that the "Internet" group join hands with those in the Cape (imagine that - very long arms required) and pursue the matter in unison.

I am not yet at liberty to divulge the name of the attorney, because I must ask him first if I may do so. I am writing to him this evening, and will blog about his response. In the meantime, if you have changed your mind and also want to participate please send your details to (If the link does not work, please copy the address to your email program.)

For those of you who are wondering, the Cape, of course is that place where creation ran out of soil, and was forced to create a flat-topped mountain, instead of a nice middle peak (peaks are dainty). The people there love it and practically pray to it. Of course the folks there are benefiting materially from the Universe's shortcomings as they have built a restaurant on top. "Come and see where the Universe ran out of soil, and have a cup of coffee but first you have to go up with a car suspended on two wires, after waiting in a loooong cue". Everybody wants to see where the world comes to an end.

Did I miss the clue?
The Universe has a way of sneaking up on one, and that is purely one's own fault: If you are not conscious of the moment, hey, it passes you by. But the Universe also has a irritating and persistent foible, so it comes back from another angle to rub your nose in it.

Those of you who did not notice the clue the other day, don't worry everything is under control, slumber on. Those of you who did pick up on the clue, good for you. This whole Edwafin issue is now becoming an intrigue of sorts, with some people seemingly trying to establish where the action is taking place, in a manner of speaking. So don't worry, I am heeding the Universe's nudge. You see, since we are all part of one great consciousness, we are also somewhere deep, perhaps hidden from awareness, aware of what is going on in another's reality (if that sounds like a contradiction - it isn't, ask me.) Of course flaying the skin, exposes the raw flesh underneath. Clear?

So for those, sneakingly ignorant individuals, who call me with seemingly total ignorance, and then proceed to proudly lift the veil from what they really seem to know - essentially everything: OK, it has been fun playing with you, let's now do grown-up things for a change. Play nicely; you have the money so be satisfied.

Please allow me to quote from another image of this great be-all. His name is Allen Tut, and it arrives daily, but this one seems specifically apt - enjoy:
I should think one would look fondly back over their shoulder, Mario, at all the times in their life when they were overcharged, tricked, or taken advantage of, because for every single one of these transgressions, they'll be paid back like a Rock Star on an international stadium tour, hanging out with the coolest cats, flying on private jets, eating Ho Hos, and being waited on hand and foot by their former transgressors. If that's their thing, you know.

And that's in addition to all of the other incredibly wonderful things that will be happening to them forever and ever, as they do for all people.

See you in the 'VIP,'
The Universe

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