Friday, June 5, 2009

Spotabillity and Rosy Red Apples

Please also look at the end of the page. Can you spot it as well?
Just as I was about to write a blog entry that have been pondering about this morning, Anonymous submitted a comment that I just have to talk about. Anonymous is a fine person, that changes colours with every submission. Being anonymous, of course, has the benefit that you can remain unknown to others except yourself. Under current circumstances I have a grey-bearded understanding for some of those who would like to express their sadness and unhappiness with the situation. However, when it comes to being outrageous and totally nonsensical to the umpteenth degree, making flimsy statements, adding to the confusion and speculation, possibly in an effort to avoid the repercussions of your actions, then I think, it is time to provide your name - at least. I quote the following with a sense of mirth and a chuckle deep from the inner realms of my being. My own interjection are in red - a rather novel idea I though out for myself. Note the numbers they have significance:

Just a thought here.... [just-a-thought has been with us before, I recognize your style. You don't just have thoughts, you intend to make statement on behalf of your own fear-driven security] if allegedly " reckless and illegal trading" has taken place (1) and it is proven that fraud has been committed, then not only will the directors be called to book, but all past employees who have benefited from Edwafin (2), including all interest paid to investors will also have to be returned to recoup towards the capital (3). And what qualifies you to all this legal insight, I beg to ask? It seems your imagination is even better than mine, good for you! To the onlookers: "does this not taste of old Patrick's scare tactics." We have you made my co-dweller on Gaia.

Now that is the kind of news that investors might not like to hear (4) [And that is obvious to you, it seems]. So I do believe that caution needs to be exercised here to prevent investors from shooting themselves in the foot (5) [the investors shot themselves in the foot when they invested with you, wouldn't you say. Oh, sorry, you were talking of the other foot]. Leave it to the liquidators, don't interfere [Just tell me who is interfering - we will see them right, won't we folks? Yes, the old imagination again i is so terribly sad.]
Class Action will cost you a bomb (6) and I question what could be gained(7)? [Not necessarily according to the legal people I have been speaking to. There is something called contingency. Did you not know about this? OK, if the legal team wins they get part of whatever comes due to the group. If the lose, well, then nobody gets anything. This is merely a possibility, while there are others as well, one of which is that everybody gets to pay part of the costs.] [What will we gain. Now I thought I saw stupid walking down the street at Pick n Pay this morning. Retribution, justices, satisfaction, as perhaps some money as well.]

I am aware that 90% of the ex-directors have little or no assets (realisable)(8) Their properties are about to be repossessed along with their motor vehicles (9). Even the CEO is on the bones of his....(10), except maybe for the proceeds of the derivative stashed overseas??(11) [You seem to know a lot about the personal circumstances of all the directors, how fortunate for you. We are so jealous that you have intimate knowledge, and absolutely hate you for it.]
If this is the case then the past 2 years constitute illegal trading. Who but the CEO knew about it?(12) [With your insight into the matter, why don't you tell us?]
I am not asking you to feel sorry for the directors, but it does beg the question whether they too have not been victimised by the CEO?(13) [Here we have it again, absolute ignorance on behalf of all those well-paid employees and directors. We are all so sorry that you lived in ignorant bliss while being paid with our money. Please man.]

There is a bigger picture out there and people you need to start looking beyond speculation which is running rife presently.[Now, doesn't this just take the cake. We are being told that there is a bigger picture out there. Chuckle, Chuckle (again from deep inside my soul), R228,000,000 is a very big picture to me. The speculation, of course, was started by Patrick, Don Klynsmith, Verona and a few others, and was maintained from months on end. Yep, you may not like it but we are trying to find the truth, that you have withheld from us all this time.] Another one: [Oh, you chastiser of victims, you complain about the speculation but do that just after you have filled your short page with at least 13 speculations of your own. Now, is that the way to treat a fellow Edwafin traveller.]
If the reader finds the reality of the above hard to believe, I do not blame him/her/it. When I was younger than I am now, we had Chappies that were bigger than they are today. They were wrapped in wrappers with "Believe-it-or-Not" stories. The above would probably not fit on today's chappy-paper format, but is equally far fetched.

Next case of ludicrousness.

Just as I had published this page the first time, I received an email from Carol Gardiner, again I quote:
Class Action is costly and I have my doubts whether it will do anything other than enrich attorneys at this stage.

Fraud has to be proven before the Fidelity Cover can be claimed against. If so, they cannot target the CEO in isolation. It will have to be the whole board, exec and non-exec.

This could then lead onto claiming back remuneration from staff and all interest paid to investors.


Tut, tut Carole, I was correct in my summation of your archetype, wasn't I.


Anonymous said...

Hang on a minute here... recoup remuneration paid to employees? What the hell is that person smoking? Hell, while we ask the disinfranchised filing clerk to pay back the 1500 he received a month from the Edwafin fat (oh yes they are) cats, why dont we ask Telkom, DiData, ADT, Waltons Stationers etc to refund the investors as well. As far as I understand, employees are like suppliers, they provide a service which is paid for. I mean honestly! Directors may be classified as an employee but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES does an admin clerk, a IT assistant, a debtors clerk, a F(*&^*&^(*&^ any employee who has NO say in the inner sanctum of the flab fab directors dealings deserve to PAY BACK????!!!! WTF? If a junior manager is given a budget to work with in what they perceive to be a standard company - how can you lay blame on them for spending company money - how are staff in an organisation supposed to smell that the owners of the business are vrot and corrupt? In fact, I want to hear if any Fidentia admin clerks had to help Mr Brown out with some payback... Mario - may the universe come down on this moron like a ton of bricks and may their karma wheel loose any sane momentum and run over them to the point that they are FLAT! Im absolutely livid and its never good to comment when angry...
Please publish this along with my reinforced WTF (BOLD CAPS AND A SIZE 34 FONT) to the person you quoted just now.

Anonymous said...

Shout and scream all you like, that is what came out of a liquidators mouth ! Don't shoot the messenger......