Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Was it Telepathy?; the count is two

As I was accounting my interaction with Mr JP Fourie of SAVCA yesterday, he was emailing me his response to my original letter concerning the behaviour of Edwabond/Edwafin. The letter is shown below, and essentially needs no further comment.

I do wish to thank JP for his clear and forthright response, which shows that SAVCA now is aware of the situation. Although I never expected SAVCA to take up the fight for me (us the investors), I am in a sense a bit disappointed, as the letter essentially states all the things we know already and much of what I have written about on this blog.

I am also not to sure about what the "answer I was looking for" alludes to, and my argument remains - and I repeat - that Companies like Edwabond use their affiliations to bodies and institutions like the NCC, FSB, and SAVCA, amongst others to create an aura of credibility, sincerity and professionalism around their activities and collection of other people's money. These bodies allow such companies to use their names, logos and acronyms to promote such illustrious images. But when the fan gets struck by unpleasant material, virtually all of them disappear into anonymity and hide behind a façade of non-commitment, and mumbo-jumbo.

One supposes, that once the scandal has been in the newspapers; after we have had many "I've told you so's", "will we ever learn?". and when ii is clear that we have all lost a great deal of money, the world just carries on turning in empty space, with acronyms, like NCC, FSB, SAVCA, CIPRO, etc. etc. continuing a life of their own - organisms cultivated by the human species, dotting the planet like a trail of remnants resulting from the hilarity of human activity.

Well, at least that makes two bodies we have had some kind of response from, the FSB and the SAVCA. For what it's worth - I'm depressed.
20090420 From Savca


Anonymous said...

A message to Mario - Your blog is definitely making an impact on future investors. However, do not be disillusioned - your battle cry will not change what has gone before. The money will in all probability still be lost to you at the end of the day. There is a chance though that your investment will be returned to you, not in monetary value, but in the satisfactory knowledge that you saw Justice, even if it was fleeting and out the corner of your eye. Although the power of positive thinking has gained some excellent press, all positive outlooks require sustenance. Depression is inevitable - Edwafin has become a nagging thorn in your side. Be wary that it doesn't take over your sanity and your inner zen. I commend you for what you have done here, but be careful it doesn't become soul destroying.

Anonymous said...

Well Said, I agree with those wise words.