Monday, April 13, 2009

We had a meeting last Thursday

If you eagerly logged into the blog to find out about any news concerning last Thursday's meeting between Edwabond, the FSB, and the NCC, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I have a suspicion, that anything anybody has to say about this matter - if there is anything to say, will be in the press and probably after the long weekend. Of course this will give everybody the opportunity to enjoy they chocolate Easter eggs.

Of the three participants I must say that I have no doubts about the FSB'. Mr Lawrence Muravha has shown himself to be capable, sincere and above board. He has continuously responded positively to questions and issues, and seems to have an open attitude with the public's interest at heart. Mr le Meme, and the NCC does concern me somewhat. Their manner of handling my enquiry was extremely slick and somewhat evasive, or am I mistaken? But then I might be mistaken in the belief that they have any responsibility to the public, and perhaps their purpose in life is to make companies look good by proudly displaying NCC as part of their armament of credentials.

The third party was, of course, Edwabond, with Carole Gardiner at the helm. She is the person who takes your money, and then follows it up with the advice to consult with a debt advisor (that is if you still have another income of sorts), if they cannot pay you your interest. Now, isn't that extremely humane and helpful - the ultimate in feminine vindictiveness? Caroline Myss, the author, refers to this archetype as the "consuming-mother" figure - they gobble up that which they nurture and maternally produce.

Perhaps I am not taking this meeting too seriously, because I do n ot perceive it having much effect on the outcome of our, the investor's, struggle to get some equity from Edwafin. Yes, it would be with some satisfaction that I would learn of the revoking of Edwabond's licence - at least it would hinder them somewhat in taking others for a merry ride - but it would not return us our money.

A bit of trivia:
I refuse to add the word Edwafin to my spell checkers list of legitimate words. As a result, every time I type "Edwafin" the word processor suggests the words "deafen" and "deathen", like in the deafening silence of our deathening interest payments.

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