Wednesday, April 1, 2009

And so March came and went - a bit of sadness

At least I can breath again. Yes folks Edwafin again did not come to the party, but who expected anything else? However, while we are in the human flesh, we have the right to hope.

Before I get down to business, I just need to say thank you to those who have written and phoned me concerning their interaction with Edwafin. Some were staff members at a point in time while others are obviously investors who are concerned about their money. Some stories are really sad, as some people have invested everything they had in the edwafin scheme. Some, their whole pension, others took out second bonds on their homes. This morning i was told of an investor who invested an amount nearing one million Rand after October 2008 and who has received notyhing yet to show for it.

Many ask me for advice, and seeing that I'm one of you, I am not the correct person. However, can only tell you what advice I've received and how I deal with the situation. We will get to that in the next, separate entry that follows this one.

I also need to get something else of my heart. Yes, Patrick Stapleton and cohorts have gotten us into this mess. Nevertheless I do not wish any of them any ill; I do not bear ideas of revenge or any other negative feeling against any of them, but would like to be treated equitably though. That is why I am sorry to hear that Patrick's personal life is also not in a healthy state and I have heard this now from a variety of sources. If that is the truth, then Patrick: I'm sorry to hear about your situation - we all create our own world and sometimes we make it extremely difficult. However, the solutions also lie within us, we only have to recognize our own role in creating the problem. Strongs!

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