Thursday, April 2, 2009

Like a thief in the night (from an old song)

This morning, on awakening, I received a sms from the bank, and there was an amount stated. This is the time of the month that our monthly payments are made, and each one is accompanied by an sms from the bank. When I saw the amount I though: "oh, well another payment", and as I was about to delete it my eye saw "Edwafin". It was a deposit! My word, holding my breath actually work a bit!

Yes, folks, we have received another 25% of our monthly interest payments, and I suppose it is only good manners to say: thank you, Edwafin.

Am I happy, though? Far from it. Edwafin has been exceptionally quiet during the last weeks, and again that indicates problems: if you don't have good news, then be silent, it seems. What makes me more uneasy is wondering where the money came from that they used to pay the 25% portion of the interest. As an artist, I have a vivid imagination and it is working overtime. At the same time I'm stilling waiting on Patrick to commit himself on the refund that is to materialize on or before 31 May. But, the two sentences that Patrick wrote to me have now dried up completely. Unfortunately, I can't hold my breath that long. Any news will immediately be relayed to these pages

In the meantime, the flow of emails into my inbox, is endless, and I have difficulties responding to each personally. Please be patient. If you have specific comments or questions, please direct those to the blog, so that others may also read them along with any answers that may become available.

The general gist of the messages that have arrived is that people are contacting Edwafin, but are unable to speak to any of the top management. Yes, many promises are made that phone calls would be returned, but by now we know what kind of promises Edwafin make. To me that is just one more indication that the company is beleaguered and seemingly has no (positive) information to share with you. If they had, and given the current circumstances, they surely would have already.

Mr Stapleton has promised us another one of his famous letters towards the middle of the month. Is it time to start holding my breath again?

Today is my day off, and I'm out for coffee.

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