Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Short-Thumb Syndrome

Today I was going to take it easy. I thought that after a long weekend, news would be scares and I could therefore devote my time on some philosophical issues. One that especially attracted my attention is the "I Told You SO" and the "Shall We Ever Learn" phenomenon. Both are creations in one's own reality and as such are part of the archetypes that we surround ourselves with. But, because of a bit more exciting news, that will have to stand over until a bit later - perhaps tomorrow.

There are two interesting phenomena that needs to be mentioned here. The one is the short-arm syndrome. That kind affliction you encounter with institutions such as the DTI, CIPRO, NCC, NPA, etc . Most of these have been somewhere in the chronicles of this blog, and we won't spend a huge amount of time on this topic. Suffice it to say, that the Short-Arm syndrome is found in places where there are people with certain functions, but because they have sat with folded arms for such a long time, their arms have grown shorter and shorter - if you don't use it then you lose it, some would utter. As a result they are unable to even reach for a phone or pick up a pencil. Science believes that this is part of our evolution (similar to the process of the disappearing little toe, or redundant wisdom teeth), and that given enough time such individuals will gradually melt away like candy floss in one's mouth. Wouldn't that save us some tax payer's money!

More seriously is today's main issue: the syndrome of the fast - shrinking thumbs. This is mainly caused by excessive thumb sucking. Not only can this cause a putrid smell, but one's thumb becomes smaller and smaller. Eventually one only has stinking thumbless hands left.
It appears that at a certain Durban company, this has become pandemic, and that many officials and working staff no longer have any thumbs left to speak of, and are now beginning to lick at their other fingers - the scourge of the Thumb-Suckers (where is Stephen King now).

Yesterday we accounted the incident at a recent meeting with Edwafin and stakeholders, in which the brave Don Hutchinson announced that the law suite by Mrs Griffin "is being successfully defended and already put to bed." My dear friend, Patrick Stapleton, added that the lady had been negotiated with to get her to withdraw her application. What people didn't notice was that both Don and Patrick were surreptitiously putting their thumbs in their mouths to give it a suck or two. Now, one of my good friends that I gained through this writing, sent me an interesting email this morning. Remember, the attorneys firm, GDLK, that I spoke about yesterday? - well the email is self explanatory, and it seems that we as investors rank rather low on the list:
20090414 Jean Smal

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is the new court date - I wait with bated breath.