Thursday, April 30, 2009

There I see the Tower of Babel Crumble

Missed another day yesterday - there you thought that I was back on planet Relaxo, but not so. I said that I would spend 1 fun day getting my website back in order, and there I spent two full days staring at the technological manifestation called computer. And that just to satisfy my own obsession to have a visible archetype or construct that represents a part of me on the collective consensus called the Internet. However, we are back on line. Not that we ever were off-line; the problem was with my own computer. More about this adventure a bit later.

We also had some answers to questions. For example: who are the famous four that requested judicial management? (sounds a bit like science fiction, doesn't it: "The Return of the Edwafin Four versus the Hell Hound Investors"). They are:
  1. Patrick Stapleton
  2. Maria Stapleton
  3. Don Hutchinson
  4. Bob Kleinsmith
Thanks to anonymous for this info, and sorry that I had not realized that the comment had not been posted before this morning. This anonymous also revealed that Carole Gardiner left our midst last month already. Is it not intriguing how a person has the propensity to create so much havoc and pain to others, essentially under false pretences, and when Pete finally meets Mary, they turn their backs and walk away. Yet, humans as one of the collective souls of the universe create the the rules and structures that make such treachery possible.

It also became known, that the soul that is the focus of our intention, Patrick Stapleton, had been in hospital because of his nerves. Sorry to hear that Patrick, although the attention of nurses is not something to snicker at. Please know that we need you, and that you are central to our game, and constantly on most of our thoughts. Take many vitamins and live for the moment, the rest will fall in place.

Below is a short account of how I interpret the whole situation thus far. t would all have been much easier if we hadn't forgotten how to communicate via spirit, as words are merely delimiters of spiritual information and never represent the information itself.

You may find in boring; Read at your own peril!
In order to be conscious of being - being aware of self in other words - we creatively fill the void of pure existence with information; structures that represent our livingness. Some of this structural information is manifested as dense, energy conglomerates and are therefore "physical" apparitions (house, car, wife, husband, etc.) but many others are ethereal concepts that we as the collective human soul contract into by pure intention. As such we have country border - established by the common intention of a part of the collective soul. We have political systems, again a manifestation of a collective spirit. Life is full of such intended informational constructs that we contract into, never really against our will. Animals do the same. Ants and bees, for example, are also part of a collective agreement, and function within that system. The same applies other animal species.
As humans, though, we differ somewhat in that our intentions - unlike that of the bee - are often diverse and frequently are apparently contrary to other intentions that may be floating about and that are also our own constructs. Most of these constructs may be described as archetypes, part of the basic structures of human existence, and they are all valid as far as human consciousness is concerned: some believe in flying saucers - that's why they exist for them; they create them. Others believe in ghosts, and that is also true - for them. By consensus we select leaders, and some of them become "great", while others are deplorable, like Stalin, Amin, Hitler and our close neighbor (can't remember his name at this moment!). And it is here where the peculiarity emerges. Because the group soul has collectively constructed this numinous concept of a state with a system of government, it is bound by the ground rules, equally numinous, that the archetype represents. Therefore, once we have created a horrible leader - the archetype of a evil leader that you can't get rid of - we cannot just uncreate him by thought because we have also created the ground rules (another set of constructs) by which to get rid of him/her. Here another set of archetypes come into play: the leader dies (natural or not so natural), he is deposed. Typical of this leader-archetype is that they rarely leave their position themselves - it is not part of their construct.
The point of my long-winded excursion into perceptions, is that those of us who invested with Edwafin did so with intention, and I'm not only talking about receiving money, although that was the justification. As an element of the collective soul we have manifested the archetype of the Company (there are a variety of these, eg. PTY, PTY LTD, CC) but essentially they operate by the same principles). We have imbued this collective thought with a certain immunity. One of the main concerns of the "company" is the money - the archetypal of "having". They are also jealous of the group cohesion which usually has a name like Edwafin, and all some role player may come and go, the main entities form the nucleus of the mental construct, Edwafin. The purpose behind the Edwafin soul collection is to get some "having" from the archetypal "investor" and try and make more "having" so that the investor will eventually have more "having with his original "having". For a while all went well and the archetype, subjectively seen, seemed to work, but then came the time for evolvement of that part of the collective soul which had become attached to the money or "having" construct. It had to come to the realization that the construct of "having" was - Poof - just that: a concept. Further came the realization that the "having" of Edwafin was also - Poof: just a concept. The point is that the idea of possession is an elusive one, and one, amongst others, that merely serves to create self-awareness - the "I'm alive" feeling.

Of course there are other lessons still to be learnt. For example, how are those whom we in spirit placed at the helm of the Edwafin construct, going to handle the situation, now that we have become aware of the reality of the meaning of "having". Yes, there are many choices of constructs possible, and some we have already encountered (computers, lawyers, courts, deceptions, bravado, delusions, etc.). Some particpants, having made their contribution, merely withdraw from the whole construct: those who were retrenched, or resigned like Carole for example. However, the Edwafin construct is still with us, and needs to be worked through to its conclusion, and the collective soul continues its self-awareness-making process with further creative constructs. The question is: "What will I learn from it all? Was the process of spiritual evolution successful for me?" Of course, the concept of "success" is also just a human construct. Oh well...


Anonymous said...

Edwafin Organogram lists him as Robert Klynsmith - this individual has held numerous positions:
1. CEO Dynamic Motor Co
2. Board of Directors Executive
3. Alternate Executive Committee

However I could not help notice a business connection on the Audit Commmittee:
1. Simon Read (Chairperson) - ex- Accounting & Financial Services Partner (defunct Durban CPA firm)

2. Donald Hutchinson - ex- Accounting & Financial Services Partner (defunct Durban CPA firm)

Anonymous said...

Gerry Anderson, the FSB's deputy executive in charge of financial advice, says it has suspended the financial services provider licence of Edwabond, a wholly owned subsidiary of Edwafin.

He says Edwafin issued debentures in terms of the Companies Act and marketed them through Edwabond. Edwabond was therefore subject to the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act.

Read more here:

Anonymous said...

Hi, waarvoor die stilte?