Thursday, April 2, 2009

Latest gossips and the FSB again needs your help

This morning I had hoped that I would not have to touch Edwafin again today, but that was not to be.

I'll start off with a request from Mr Lawrence Muravha of the FSB. He would like to know if all our most of the investors have received a partial or full interest payment from Edwafin. They are meeting with the top echelon of Edwabond on 8 April, and would like to gather as much information as possible before arriving there. Mr Muravha's email is and his office phone number is +27 12 428 8000 (switch board) and +27 12 367 7288 (direct).

CIPRO and Edwafin still share the same silence at this moment in time.

There have been rumours which may be of interest to the readers, and at this stage I wonder aloud about certain things: why has a no criminal charges yet been laid against Mr Stapleton, and should steps not be taken to prevent him from skipping the country?

There have been many writers who have contacted me, who are as concerned as I am about the situation. Most have written to me privately, and out of courtesy to them I have not published their messages our quoted from them. As was to be expected, however, there are those who do not agree with me or with what I'm doing, and so is their democratic rite. Nevertheless, my invitation to those who agree partially or fully agree with my blog, to participate openly by posting comments here also stands for those who disagree with me. Please inform the public of your opinion on an open forum, you have the right to do so, and may perhaps convince us through your arguments to take a different approach. However:
Should you wish for me to close down the blog and cease commenting on the Edwafin affair, I would require for you to be prepared to guarantee the refund of my investment capital and interest that is still due. Until such time that you are personally prepared to accept liability for my funds, it is my democratic right to comment on the situation when and as I see fit in an effort to secure my funds.
If the above applies to you, feel free to write to me privately at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mario, Please don't stop.
Your blog is very informative. Please don't stop even if you get your cash back. What about the rest of us.?