Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Just arrived from the planet Relaxo

Isn't it peculiar that a Monday holiday feels different than a Monday that is not a holiday, even if you are not doing something special? It is as if there is temporarily a different Zeitgeist that beset the consciousness of human souls, and everything - the hustle and bustle - is for a short period suspended.

Yes, I know that you had suspicions that Patrick had paid me and that I would disappear from this electronic world, or that Google finally had decided that enough is enough of this infamous spammer from ZA, and had closed me down. Not So! Patrick paid me not a cent! and if he did, you would be the first to know.

I just decided to give it a bit of a break, and concentrate on some of the other baggage that I have decided to manifest in my reality. I moved my website from one host to another and then to another. The second host was 1 Dollar Hosting, and that was like floating in an acid bath. Their technicians speak a dialect of Zonga, while their servers are situated in outer Mongolia. Yet, unlike, Edwafin, they immediately refunded my money when requested to do so. Lesson: 1 Dollar is worth 1 Dollar, and Edwafin spoof goes Poof!
Then I went to Just Hosting. Hey, those are fine people and the transfer went as smooth as a baby's bum. Of course then I began working on the site and managed bungle it up grandly by locking myself out of the administration panel - we'll have fun today!

As was to be expected there was little news from the very well known company, Edwafin and its subsidiary Edwabond. Also quiet was admiral Patrick Stapleton, one-striped-lieutenant, Don Hutchinson, and under-corporal, Carol Garderner - and we remember the sms to Stapleton, telling him to soldier on? We did receive an anonymous contribution with a link to the Cape Town based, The Witness (see here). The article elaborates on the recent court appearance at which the matter was again postponed until 18 May. It also mentioned that four "role-players" (like in acting, pretending, making the world believe the unbelievable), applied to have the company placed under judicial management. Although I have a good idea who three of these role-players are the fourth one?... I wonder.

Also severely lacking were rumours about travel plans such as to Australia and the good old US of A. Of course there is always the option of starting a new company (or perhaps purchasing one, this obviates the necessity of opening a new bank account and showing your financials) in a country like the USA or Iceland, and exporting the cutting edge motor car abroad (in Iceland you would need to supply snow chains though). Naw, I don't think so, but perhaps there is an investor or two who would like to invest his/her money with the decrepit Edwafin in SA. Now, that would be a novel thought! Say that happened - just a conjecture - one American or Icelander decides to invest with Edwafin, then finds out he no longer wants to. Oops, what will we pay the investors with coming end of April, May and thereafter!!!

Of course, that train of thought brought me to that time of the month. I know, some of you already get paid on the 15th of every month, but normal people get paid at the end of the week or at the end of the month. What will happen in two day's time? I always like positiveness but in this case I have difficulties in visualizing a reality that is different from the reality I'm am now experiencing - now, where is that book on Quantum Leaping. Of course, memories come back in mind about the times that we also received our interest payments around the 15 of the month. Then they had to go and get that blasted computer program, and since then nothing was the same.

A bit of news that I did get, was that financial statements were not distributed (as per minutes of the meeting) at either the PM or Cape Town meetings, but they were shown on overhead projectors. Apparently they caused quite a stir with attendees. Isn't it interesting, sad and peculiar that old Patrick refuses to provide us with financial statements.

Today's famous quote (Stapleton letter, 19 December 2008, first line):
"I am writing this letter in order to be totally transparent with you as a valuable stakeholder in the Edwafin group and its income producing subsidiary companies."
Have you noticed the hilarities: "totally transparent", but refuse to provide you with any financials or copies of prospectuses (Scribd is not working today and a copy of an email that I received after applying for a copy of the prospectus will be shown tomorrow). Then the tragic part: "Edwafin group and its income producing subsidiary companies": Edwabond collects money, Edwafin costs money (salaries, rent etc.),the DMA is not in production yet, and there is another subsidiary that apparently does "good Samaritan work" by distributing goodies. Which would be the income producing subsidiaries then?

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick - will we ever learn. That's the topic for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Here's a classic Stapleton quote: "What it boils down to is that if you don't have professionals running your company, then the chances of succeeding are very slim indeed."

Found more articles on PS - click on the "cached version" - enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Re: Found more articles on PS - click on the "cached version" - enjoy!

Link is cut off by comment system, goto: http://www.zoominfo.com/ and type Patrick Stapleton into the search engine, scroll down to Patrick Stapleton at Edwafin Investment Holdings Limited.

Anonymous said...

Notable Patrick Stapleton quotes as seen/posted on ZoomInfo.com

"There's a gaping gulf between having a brilliant business idea and actualising it", explains Patrick Stapleton, CEO of Edwafin Investment Holdings.

"What it boils down to is that if you don't have professionals running your company, then the chances of succeeding are very slim indeed"

Executive Chairman, Patrick Stapleton, says that going forward the group is in good shape both from a financial and management point of view.

"If you haven't got a stomach for pain, suffering and hard work, don't go into business."

"A dream can disappear like a puff in the sky, and there's a lot more to business than people realise. It's all very well to say that you've got an idea for a business. But can you turn it into reality? A dreamer will never make it in business."

Stapleton adds that he has countless people approaching him with business ideas. But the majority simply aren't workable.

"Most people start businesses because they have a vision. But the most important thing is to understand risk , 50 percent of businesses close in the first year and only one in 10 will survive three years. So when you start putting your family and your house on the line, bear that in mind," says Stapleton.

"Most businesses fail because they are under-capitalised and under-administered," says Stapleton, and interestingly this is where Edwafin excels."

Mr Stapleton said: "I wish I could list my Human Capital on the balance sheet as an asset.

Please note: no claim to original work on ZoomInfo.com

Anonymous said...

Love the Patrick Stapleton foot in the mouth comments and had a good laugh & cry at the same time...

Anonymous said...

This is for annon of yesterday..the "four" who applied for judicial management are..wait for it
1. Patrick Stapleton
2. Maria Stapleton
3. Don Hutchinson
4. Bob Kleinsmith

Mario, for you...Carole Gardiner is no longer a Director of Edwabond/Edwafin, she officialy resigned last month! For anyone out there who might perhaps a little sympathy for Admiral Patrick and may want to send him "get well wishes" he was recently in hospital for a few days, admitted for a "nervous breakdown"..I wonder why!!!

Anonymous said...

Here an investment where you can double your money in 5 years.

*See: http://clients.wm.co.za/20016645/direct.htm