Monday, April 20, 2009

Edwabond disappears from the ether

Now isn't that magic. Firstly, Google allowed me to add more pictures to my blog!
And then,

POOF!! like waking up empty handed after having received a handful of money in a dream, Edwabond longer is on the Internet! A sad day really, as this was one of the remaining vestiges that we the investors could visit to longingly look at the organization who dematerialized our money as well. It makes sense though: like dream, like money, like waking up, like empty site, like empty hands. Welcome to the world of realities - most of it (actually all of it) created by the I in You.

Hey! another one!

Let's talk about SAVCA and its EO Mr JP Fourie. JP Fourie is a very nice and decent man. I immediately liked him when I spoke to him on the phone, two weeks ago. What happened is this: SAVCA's info email was on the blogs email list (limited to 10) for a long time, and I was under the impression that they, like NCC, NPA, CIPRO, DTI, and other similar letters of importance were just not responding to the dire situation called the Edwafin Saga. I found another email address, this time of the Executive Office, Mr JP Fourie, and placed that on the email list.
It wasn't long before I received a phone call from JP (around 6 April 2009). He had been totally in the dark about the whole debacle surrounding one of his member companies. I was blown over and not a happy camper, but assumed that this was one of the "authorities", Patrick Stapleton would have mentioned his predicament to. But, not so. Can you also see the pattern? Those "authorities" and institutions who suffer from the short arm sickness, were enlightened by uncle Patrick, but he was careful to avoid those with more integrity and possibly oomph. At the request of JP, I wrote a formal letter on 8 April, concerning the situation with Edwafin and sent it immediately to him by email. I don't need to show you the letter as its contents is old meal for most of us now. The next day, JP acknowledged receipt of my letter and requested a few days time to respond to the letter (that was just before the long weekend). Well, it has been more than a week now, and there has been a meeting with Edwafin, NCC, and the FSB already, the postponement of the courtcase to 18 May, I have made up with Soraya, and the rest is as silent as the millisecond before the big bang - I was there, and heard it, do you remember?


Anonymous said...

Edwabond cannot even pay a miserable amount to keep their corporate image online - no money for sure?


Anonymous said...

Amazing! how fast SAVCA have removed Edwabond/Edwafin as a SAVCA member on their website. Action at last...

Anonymous said...

SAVCA action indeed - but nothing quite says "Website suspended due to non payment of hosting services". It looks like dirty washing flapping in the wind.