Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And so the Universe comes to the Rescue

It is very early, (from the comments it appears that some hardly sleep at all), and later I have to join my wife to voting station. So I wanted to get this out first.

Yesterday, I lost it somewhat. I surreptitiously lost the focus that I originally had intended with this blog: to give an account of my experience of the Edwafin case and how it has manifested itself in my reality. It isn't so much about the loss of money, as it is an investigation in the mechanisms and archetypes at work in the dynamics of human activity, and the role the "I" of myself has to play in this event.
Shortly, after I had written my last blog yesterday, the Universe said "tut, tut, tut", shook me by the shoulders and sent me a message via Anonymous, quoted in full here:
A message to Mario - Your blog is definitely making an impact on future investors. However, do not be disillusioned - your battle cry will not change what has gone before. The money will in all probability still be lost to you at the end of the day. There is a chance though that your investment will be returned to you, not in monetary value, but in the satisfactory knowledge that you saw Justice, even if it was fleeting and out the corner of your eye. Although the power of positive thinking has gained some excellent press, all positive outlooks require sustenance. Depression is inevitable - Edwafin has become a nagging thorn in your side. Be wary that it doesn't take over your sanity and your inner zen. I commend you for what you have done here, but be careful it doesn't become soul destroying.
I thank anonymous, for this timely interjection, that helped me centre myself again, and regain the focus of this blog. What I had hoped to prevent - that Edwafin would become a thorn in my side - sneaked up on me, and it was essentially not understanding the whimsical role of the players that manifested themselves in the course of events, that aggravated matters.

That made me remember a story from long ago, and I don't know if I read, heard or made it up myself, about this warrior who was part of a tribe living deep in a dark forest. They were happy, had plenty of food, had leaders and followers as lived out their dramas as in any society. For the sake of cohesion they had invented a variety of stories about the dangers of straying to far away from the hub of the society, especially not to venture to close to the edge of the forest.
Now, in a dense forest one cannot see very far in a straight line, nor can you walk many steps in a straight line. Justify FullThe result is that vision is limited and walking from one point to another takes one usually through a wandering path, during which only small portions of the forest are experienced at any one moment.
This warrior, one day, on a hunting expedition, wandered past the edge of the forest, and there before him was the wide open fields with grazing deer, blue skies, bright sunlight, freely flowing rivulets, and lots of fresh air to breath. He had discovered another world - he could see the horizon.
Quickly, he made his way back to his tribe, and wide eyed accounted what he had seen beyond the edge of the forest. The elders, very wise men, reprimanded him, for telling tales, and warned him not to go their again because of all the dangers at the edge.
Having seen the light, and openness of the "other world", however, the warrior continued his excursions into the world beyond, and found it so free and open that he dreaded to go back into the forest. He didn't realize that it was part of the whole world, but merely a sub-phenomenon of it. He especially disliked the trees and bushes, that reduced his vision in the forest, and regarded them as obstacles in his path, obstacles seemingly without any other function whatsoever. What he did not realize was that the purpose of the trees was just that - it was the structure on which the other world was built. Part of the matrix, if you will, that made the forest tribe essentially a forest tribe. It provided security and a point of reference to the people - it created a world, a reality.

In my diatribe against the various bodies like the NCC, SAVCA, and others, I did what the warrior did, and didn't understand the purpose of the trees: that they are social structures that provide coherence and points of reference to the group. Whilst providing the people with a modicum of perceived security, they also prevented the people from questioning their function - to do so would constitute a threat to the status quo of group coherence and bondage to the forest. In their minds, if it wasn't for the trees, there would be a terrible void - fear.

In view of the above, I have decided to remove the email address of those bodies from the limited list allowed by Google, and rather add more interesting and pertinent address. I have come to realize that these bodies have little further to add to my experience of this issue, and by expecting them to do so would be futile and unfair. I also do not think that they will have a major role to play in the process and activities of returning the money to investors. Of course, should there be any news about or from such bodies pertaining to our topic, I shall not hesitate to account them.


Anonymous said...

Presumably you invested into Edwafin Debentures (not dentures!) via a licensed financial advisor who fully explained the risks associated with this type of investment?

If this be the case you would have noted that it is a requirement of the FAIS Act that the name and contact detail of the Compliance Officer be disclosed.

An addition to your "dictionary"....academic - of no particular relevance

Anonymous said...

Read Stapletons input to an article "A Capital Idea" and weep!

Edwabond found...

One last look at smiling faces:

List of preferred advisors: