Saturday, June 6, 2009

Even while Braindead the Edwafin Credo haunts: Iniquity for all!

Yesterday the Universe chuckled in disbelief: it stood in wondrous awe at how many contradictions and paradoxes it could string together in as few words as possible. Like a hangover following a night of drink and debauchery, the after effects are still resonating through the multi-dimensional realities of the visible be-all. Realities all over this Universe and beyond are changing in response by the earthshaking revelation we witnessed here yesterday.

That brings me to the word SPECULATION, it was so superficially and cunningly used yesterday, that cynicism took hold of me. We know the word "speculation" in the context of making money or finding gold or treasures. Speculation also means to creatively think about situations, conditions, encounters, in short any phenomena we may meet up with in our earthly sojourn. Scientists speculate before they start out on an experiment in an effort to prove an idea. Social scientists speculate about the effects of certain historical events on society; there are many more and I will allow you to speculate on that yourself. The process always begins from what is known to what ----> possibly may be. In the process we hope to reach some kind of realistic conclusion.

The Nature of Fact
Let us recurse somewhat and begin by what we understand to be facts or truths in life. Facts or truths are essentially concensusses arrived at by society. Therefore in legal terms, a fact is something that is corroborated by a written document (law, statement, declaration, etc.), or something that is corroborated by a witness (that is if concensus or corroboration can be reached on the reliability of such witness). There is another aspect of being human that is often confused with fact and that is societal norms. The latter are basically social agreements and of course as such they have validity. Facts are also established by scientists and one fact that they have recently established is that the results of experiments on which they base their facts are often prejudiced by the state of mind of the observer - intention with other words.

So those facts that we so confidently base our reality on are shaky to begin with, and throughout history "facts" have proven to be elusive and slippery. It is exactly this elusiveness of confident knowledge that allows us to speculate - it is creation's facility to allow us to constructively participate in the creative process which is constantly happening in every moment of our awareness. It is also the process whereby new conclusions are reached - new facts to keep us busy with.

But life is a bit more complex than a bunch of souls speculating, creating and pondering reality. Without contradiction, we will soon be finished pondering and the whole of existence will sputter to a silent demise and stillness of an inland lake where life has departed. Therefore we have controversialities, also created by speculation, and the interaction between the combined speculations leads to new realities and facts, and on, and on, and on...

In the game of life on planet earth we have those archetypes who make use of this phenomenon to manipulate their own end game. In order to do that, however, they need you not to particpate in the creative nature of existence. You are required not to think, ask, ponder and generally be in touch with life. In short, you have to stop. Fullstop.

Who are these archetypes? They are found all over: in religion: i.e. "you are not to ask such questions, it is not your place.", "You are not to question God"; politics: "We have been voted in by the majority," "We are in charge", etc.; professionals: "I have studied this for 7 years, what do you know?", "I am the doctor", etc.; the legal guys: "leave it to the legal experts", "the judge will pronounce"; Patrick Stapleton: "You are not a specialist on Edwafin"; Anonymous: "There is a bigger picture out there and people you need to start looking beyond speculation which is running rife presently."

By asking you not to speculate, you are being required to suspend your thought process, and your thoughts are you. So you are required to suspend yourself from this reality, to make room for the intention of others. Now, why would that be, one wonders? FEAR.

People build a web of "facts" or constructs which suspend them in reality and gives them identity. So, a priest who urges you not to think, fears that his own confidence in his reality is but a flimsy one. The all-knowing academician's existence is similarly based on a reality that he spent 7 years creating. Legal experts frequently seem to subconsciously know that the "law" on which they base their whole livelihood is by no means justice, but merely a series of human constructs. Once you, the client, comes to this realization his active role in his reality may be in jeopardy.

There is another level of fear, but in essence of the same nature, the fear of discovery. Of course the above are all based on the fear of other-discovery or self realization. Some of the more inept in society do not choose proven spheres of self/other deception, they are more creative and create a whole new sub-set of reality. This is what is called Edwafinism as expounded by the Stapletonian vision of shared wealth: "you, the many share everything with us few, and to facilitate this condition we will play a game called woolie-woolie. We, the few, pull wool over your, the many's eyes. While doing so we attempt to put you under sedation with positive affirmations of all-is-well world. There is one single golden rule: "Thou shallt not dare to think", because that may expose our reality subset to your more encompassing subset of the Universe. What they never include in their reckoning is that you cannot remove people's identities or thought processes by force or on demand for an unlimited period of time.

So, when I first mentioned the idea of this blog to my dear friend Patrick Stapleton, he demanded angrily that I suspend my thinking, as I was not an expert on Edwafin. Of course, he was correct, as at that time I only had a vague and superficial inkling of the trouble we were in. For those who have followed this blog, will have noticed that I had at first undertaken to suspend my thinking, to allow him to "fix" things. Fortunately I came to the thinking process again; yes, speculation my friends, and began working on the blog. You see, my speculation had gathered enough facts to convince me that Patrick's facts were his own constructs, commonly known amongst humans as "lies." He had not taken in account that I was an expert on my life. We actually all are, but some do not yet realize this fact. In any case my expertise was that I had invested much money, which had gone "ping" like a soap bubble, and that the Edwafin powers were not providing me with real answers, but required me to stop being me. Exit the infantile patters of Patrick. In comes Don, out goes Don, in comes Verona, out goes Verona, all no more that infantile prattle in an effort to plug the ever increasing number of holes in the fascade.
[Interjection: have you noticed the predominant absence (I know, a paradox) of Maria Stapleton in this worldly event. What is the saying: "behind every man ....". Mark my words]

Now, yesterday, we get an anonymous email from you-know-who. Like a long lost familiar, we are requested to suspend our thoughts, because we are only speculating. Obviously, this anonymous knows much more about our situation than we apparently do (she thinks) but, also obviously, it clearly fears that what we don't know we will find out. Peculiarly, unlike clever academicians, anonymous does not offer to fill in the, by it's perceived, blanc spots. Oh no, here we are again: "Thou shallt stop your thinking processes, or else!". How deliciously small and tiny in concept.

"I am a bit perturbed however," he says with a smiling frown on his balding head, "that anonymous is using this blog for propagandistic purposes to not pursue the transgressors, and then using such unlearned, obviously flawed, mice-brained techniques. " Sadly, anonymous realizes its own synaptic limits because there is an obvious fear of identifying itself.

Aha, but anonymous did identify itself the other day in a pleasant synchronicity, and to make sure writes a direct email to the Universe' s representative that goes something like this:

Thanks for the feedback re-Class Action. I am not surprised at the response to my request.

I have been approached by all 3 liquidators and am co-operating with them. I am more than happy to leave things in their capable hands.

Class Action is costly and I have my doubts whether it will do anything other than enrich attorneys at this stage.

Fraud has to be proven before the Fidelity Cover can be claimed against. If so, they cannot target the CEO in isolation. It will have to be the whole board, exec and non-exec.

This could then lead onto claiming back remuneration from staff and all interest paid to investors.


There is no doubt in all directors (ex included) and the liquidators minds that the mastermind behind this all has been Patrick Stapleton.

I don’t think anyone, other than ourselves now, realise the power that he had over his handpicked sidekicks (me included) As I told [xx], it was “divide and rule”, giving responsibility

but no authority. “Do as I say and not as I do”. Cunningly he rarely put his pen to paper in signing sureties, court action, overdrafts etc, his “coup de grace” (sp?) having gone for sleep therapy for a week in a private hospital, leaving Don Hutchinson to prepare and sign the judicial management application. (possibly fraudently because there is no derivative- this was only discovered just over a week ago) By the way, our medical aids were cancelled by Liberty Life in September, the premiums having been deducted from our salaries and not paid over. Ditto for our tax deductions as well, try and get and IRP 5, hello…. they haven’t registered the company for the tax year with SARS, because of previous non-payment of tax.

When I say mastermind, I include a web of lies and deception by one Patrick Stapleton. He has no conscience regarding the investors loss, my having heard him say “ …k the investors” on more than one occasion. Well, I think as far as ex- staff and directors alike, he is coining that same phrase towards us. He simply does not care.

[XX] told me this week that Patrick has pulled this same stunt before…I certainly never knew about this, nor many other issues that are now surfacing surrounding him. Collectively staff and directors feel that they have been duped by this man…we will see justice prevail. We will make sure that he becomes answerable to firstly investors and then ourselves.

This person is being unpleasantly dishonest again, again, and again. Yes, she was one of the highest echelons of the Patricownian empire, and refuses to acknowledge the fact that she was knowingly or unknowingly involved in the iniquitous collection of money. But, hey, hey, hey, what doe she say to us in between the line: "I know all about it, so stop thinking. If you don't it may cost you more." Yep, here we have again the fear-leverage. She also directly states that she knows all about what was going on at Edwafin with Stapleton and his ego. I have coloured it red above. Even after she was aware of Patrick's attitude towards his investors, his arrogance towards his staff and the institution of the company, she persisted in her efforst to collect money for him. Whoopy! how innocent can one be - scales be thy removed from mine eyes.

Of course, now that she is "fully" cooperating with the liquidators, puts her totally above any blame or responsibility. She exclaims with a degree of mirth "Ouch!!!" at the thought of people having to fork out even more than they already have lost, but not once, nowhere, has she expressed any human regret or compassion for those people who have now lost everything; who have taken out second bonds or loans to provide her company, of which she was a manager and a director, with more money to squander. If she really wants to be of assistance to resolving this situation, why does she not have the guts and the decency to come out clean in public about what she really knows, and what her participation really was.

In a seemingly cunning move she now hides behind the three liquidators, and her cooperation with them. How clearly dishonest and sickeningly unpleasant is the fact that those who have lost their money are treated with such utter disdain by this individual while she now hides behind the skirts of those whose work it is to make clear how much we actually lost. Puke =====> Plonk.
As I have said before, the legal system is like a computer program; it is made discreet by its own structure and only works within its own framework of references. I mean no disrespect to these legal beings, but like all human endeavours, the legal system is, and has always been, flawed. If a computer program or system has inherent errors (which, by their very nature, they always have), its output is always less than perfect and always limited by the amount and quality of the information that is entered into its inner circuits. Likewise, the liquidators can, and will only work within the parameters that society has established. This is no error or fault, but a characteristic of the the current human state of being.

Now anonymous wants you to abdicate your self-ness to the flawed sub-set of the liquidator's world. Of course there is a good reason: FEAR, EDWAFIAN FEAR.

You once abdicated control over your money to Edwafin. Do not repeat the same blunder with your identity. Your thoughts are you and part of creation, do not abdicate your soul to the perpetrators of iniquity.

Speculation is a sign that there is life. You have the right and the obligation to participate until concensus reality is reached.


Anonymous said...

CG ran Edwabond and is therefore responsible whether she hides behind liquidators or not. In the end responsibilty lies with her, no matter how she sugar coats or wishes everything away. CG could have resigned a long time ago and informed investors of her fears, unfortunately she chose to attacked them over & over again.

Wonder what BS excuse CG will have for selling a fraudulent prosepectus with no justifable audited financials and not ceasing sales of debentures at the time when clearly insolvent.

It is amazing how CG has become an authority after the fact and claims no previous knowledge when actively involved in Edwabond.

Hopefully the liquidators 3 are not fooled by sweet, warm & fuzzy and are aware that she will try and influence them to believe whatever positive outcome she can in her or PS favour.

The BS will not stop with the Edwafian's...

Carole said...

CG never ran Edwabond, get that straight please. CG was the sales director in the Cape Town office until it was closed in November 2008 with all the staff having been retrenched. She spent 10 weeks in the Hillcrest office from the 5th January 2009 to mid-March.

She tendered her resignation mid-February but was asked to reconsider. Foolishly CG felt under pressure about her future and retracted. It was less than a month later that she returned to Cape Town when she resubmitted her resignation and it was accepted.

"Anonymous" and many others want to believe that CG has not felt the pain and the enormity of the loss to investors.

How does CG put this in to words knowing that it will become yet another avenue for attack.

For example "Attacking investors", well that is a new one and it will not be given any consideration.
Any manner of allegations can be levelled at CG about an uncaring attitude towards investors, without substantiation.The fact is no-one knows of CG's past or current involvement with investors other than the people concerned and for CG that is enough.

Clearly "anonymous" has proof of CG selling debentures with the company in an insolvent state and knowledge of a "fraudulent prospectus". Why then didn't "anonymous" do their public duty by reporting the company to the authorities, or is this also "after the fact" ?

Any which way CG pens a brief, it will come under attack and thus, has become an exercise in futility.
No-one is interested in the truth, any reasoning or constructive engagement.

"The truth will set you free", is all CG has left.

This includes the hands of the those who need to continue taking viscious swipes with their "anonymous" comments.

Anonymous said...

In regards to CG Sales Director claim, and what she forgot to mention.

Here's the facts as taken from Edwafin Group organogram. The two directors on the ECO board are:
Donald Hutchinson

Carole Gardiner

ECO met with the EXCO group very 4th Week:

ECO, DMC, Rainbow, TEF & Protea Trading

CG was also on the Edwafin Group BOARD OF DIRECTORS as a Non-Executive Director

Anonymous said...

I agree with CG that Directors don't run companies - investors do!

So there you have the truth on the matter... leave it be!