Monday, June 29, 2009

Binary dogs and Hadidas

You see, by abstaining from my duties, I had hoped to make your hearts fonder for me. Not so, it seems. Yes, a few impatient comments about Edwafin getting to me etc. - how rude! I'm nevertheless rather disappointed that there were not more yowls from yearning hearts - shame on you all.

There is a perfectly sensible explanation, though, or actually more than one. Firstly, there was no news because there was no news. There was no news, second instance, because all the investigations are still ongoing, and the class action thing has also ground to a temporary stop because of that. Makes sense, doesn't it? The liquidators should apparently have their act in place for the application of a permanent liquidation early in July (that means within the next week or two). By then we will also know what our next step forward should be.

Secondly. Remember the days when you were young(er) and fell in love with every dog, tree and parrot that appeared in your reality. Well, I have been similarly consumed with writing a computer program for trading with Spread Trading instruments. This has now gone on for a few weeks, and my laptop sleeps next to my bed, so that when I wake up early on these wintry days, it is there ready for a cuddle and a caressing stroke. Wify, Gigi and Pedro are not impressed, and can't wait for me to finish my electronic marvel.

Thirdly. I've had it with winter, so has my vegetable patch. It is time that winter no longer exists in my reality, and I'm working on that aspect of our consciousness. Of course with the creeping global warming, I will soon have achieved my aims.

I did speak to a rather amicable person of the NPA (National Prosecuting Authority) and he informed me that they were also still busy with their investigations and working closely with the liquidators. That good soul invited me to contact him on a regular basis to become enlightened, and I will. As far as I'm concerned, the liquidators themselves can go and hop: they are not acting on my behalf, but purely on behalf of their own business plan. For those of you who have high hopes to gain any benefits from their work - don't. The only "good" that may come from them is perhaps information which could allow the NPA to begin prosecuting. In that regard, I'm beginning to wonder if that is all worth the while. How much negativity must we generate in order to satisfy our ego. This you can only answer for yourself though. The alternative is to try and get one's live back on some kind of track, and work on neutralizing a wobbly Karma.

So on with business.
Recently I was reminded that quadrupeds had been declared as sentient beings by the European community. Amazing, I though. Only we, humans have assumed the power to imbue animals with souls or not. So currently, animals in the RSA do not have souls, but should you move with your dog or cat to England, then, mysteriously, it is imbued with a soul somewhere over the Atlantic. Birds, pet snakes, gold fish, turantuallas and so on, you might as well leave here for there is no difference for them, unless we humans get inspired to allow soulism to animals with legs <>4.

Arrogant, some would say, arrogant. Then there are those, of course, who regardless deny that animals have consciousness and feelings etc. It has been my experience, that exactly those denialists are the same people would would not flinch to exact pain on an animal (or hmans for that matter). Now why, would they do that: to experience pleasure of course. They do not realize that by being sadistic with an animal they are really acknowledging the fact that animals are sentient, but would hold their denial of this fact as a good reason for inflicting pain on another being.

Animals are really digital beings, and do not always follow our logic, with our two legs -if that was not also taken from you by Edwafin. For example, we have three conditions of being: lying down - feet do not touch the ground, sitting: bum on a platform, feet touching or not touching the ground, or standing: both feet firmly on the ground. Should you be an angle, you will have a fourth state of being, and that is being suspended in the air by your wings.

Dogs and cats, and so on, have a complex system of being, that may be likened by a binary system: front paws and back paws. When both the front paws and back paws are on the ground with all four legs straight, they are standing and that may be represented by the binary number 11 (3 in decimal). When these creatures lie down their legs are no longer straight and the are prone on the floor, represented by the binary number 00 (0 in decimal). Thus we have two basic positions standing (11(bin) or 3(dec)) or lying down (00(bin) or 0(dec)). Of course we love to project our humanness on to animals, and therefore have collectively decided that cats and dogs sit as well, and so we completely miss the reality target! By binary manipulation these animals have two states in between lying down and standing, shown by the binary numbers 01 (1 in decimal) or 10 (2 indecimal). In case of 01, the hind legs are lying down, while the fore legs are standing, or lyanding posture - we eroneously call this sitting. In the second case the the front end is lying down and the back end remains standing, bin:10 (2 in decimal) - this posture is usually found with cats and dogs in a playful stance, and may be called standying.

To summerize the above, quadrupeds, therefore have four conditions of posture: fully standing (11 or 3), standying down (10 or 2), lyanding (01 or 1), and completely lying down (00 or 0). [Human beings are more complex and use a ternary system: 0 = lying down; 1= sitting; 2 = standing. Angels use a quaternary system, with 3=hovering]. Always keep in mind that a zero in these systems, always means the first state. So for instance we have ten numbers in the collection starting from 0 to 9.

Let us now add the element of fear in the form of a male Bulldog which (whom?) might have a hot or a cold nose. If it has a warm nose we give it value BD=1, otherwise with a cold nose, BD = 0. The fear is observed in the two lady Poodles standing on the pavement (walking being essentially standing with movement in some direction.) These two ladies are collectively in a state of P=11 (3 decimal). The two lady Poodles see the hefty Bull dog, and they both have a secret crush on him. Not to be embarres in public, the one Poodle says to the other Poodle "sit down, here comes that Bulldog with the cold nose." Then both take on the 01 (1 in decimal) position.

This we can mathematically show that when BD = 1 (warm) then P=11(standing), but when BD = 0 (cold) then P = 01 (lyanding).

Thus we have proven that 1) Dogs cannot sit, but do something we now have a word for: lyanding, and 2) cold Bulldog noses lead to one of these in between states. Of course when the nose of said Bulldog is warm, it may very well lead to the other in between states of 10 (standing) - the sluts!


Anonymous said...

The question here is how many Edwafian's are working closely with the liquidators and what influence if any, do they have on the final report that liquidators provide the NPA or anyone else?

Anonymous said...

Hope those investigating Stapleton note that Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison.Thus Stapleton mubt be jailed for AT LEAST 50 years. He would have earned and deserved every second thereof.

Anonymous said...

The liquidators promised to provide regular updates- yet they have done nothing since. It seems that they do not have the interests of investors at heart. I hope that they are not working for Stapleton.They must not cover up for his wrongdoings.He has hurt thousands and should not be allowed to get away.

Anonymous said...

money=security=trust=investment=fraud=ponzi scheme=restitution=jail=peace of mind=new beginning

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1.) above. There are ex staff members working for the Liquidators, surely this could compromise the findings.Is this allowed?

Anonymous said...

What is the latest on progress with the liquidation process? The liquidators are not keeping investors updated -as promised in their FIRST AND ONLY communication.