Monday, June 8, 2009

Appeal to our old souls

Unfortunately, this blog has now become one of slinging vitriolic arrows at each other.

To those who have a bit more wisdom I would like to appeal that you no longer react to the denialism of Carole Gardiner. Let us accept the fact that she firmly believes in her own innocence in this matter. No amount of attempted convincing is going to make the lady realize that she has collected millions of Rand from people on behalf of a company to which she belonged and of which she was even a CEO. She clearly has total disregard for the loss of all the investors, but prefers to repeatedly state that she (and her's) also have lost money. That, in spite of the fact that nobody denies the veracity of her (and her's) own loss. However, she still shows no sign of reciprocating this acknowledgement towards the 4000 (some people talk about 2000 investors, but I firmly believe there are 4000).

The fact that she has now at least taken a small step forward by putting her name to a comment is praiseworthy, but her continued demonstration sickening human attitude is regrettable. An injured animal becomes vicious in its self-defence, a cornered human being becomes completely devoid of sensibility. Let us let her be.

Let us therefore, no longer resist her attempts at obfuscation and self-righteousness, lest we receive further infantile giggles of pleasure over possible further losses by the investor as envisaged by the liquidators. Perhaps, she thinks, and it seems so from her attitude, that she will only be held answerable by the liquidators, with whom she now seems to be as thick as pea-soup. However, the liquidators are not the be-all and end-all, and life carries on beyond liquidation. Carol, if you are going to do some thinking at all today, think about what is going to happen once the liquidators have gone to bed.

Carol, if it makes you feel better, continue your vitriol but know that it reinforces our distrust in you. Your involvement in this issue is not somewhere outside yourself with others who you may think despise you, but within yourself. You cannot merely brush us off like dust from your skirt or by smooching with the liquidators (you know, you are actually putting them in a bad light, and I'm sure they don't like that.) I know your archetype has problems relating to individuals as individuals and that they become merely objects to abuse, and for that we accept you as such.

My reaction to Carol's virtual contributions herewith comes to an end.


Anonymous said...

Speculation is a sign that there is life. You have the right and the obligation to participate until concensus reality is reached.

Yeah right!

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting news article from Fin24 titled "Edwafin: Four questions" published Dec 01/2006 in response to outburst:

Clearly "anonymous" has proof of CG selling debentures with the company in an insolvent state and knowledge of a "fraudulent prospectus". Why then didn't "anonymous" do their public duty by reporting the company to the authorities, or is this also "after the fact" ?

Read article here: article.aspx?Nav=ns&ArticleID=1518-24_2038834

Makes you think does'nt it...

Anonymous said...

Clearly, you have no idea who you messing with, and that's wonderful! Mario, you have done something you should have done along time ago, taking on the Stapleton Clan! These people stop at nothing, they will even go as far as threaten you with your life, get into your personal life and space, tell you who you might see or not, who to speak to, who to avoid even your lovelife is not sacred enough for them to stay out of! They are parasites, sucking every bit out of the people that work for them and then they just spit you out when they don't need you anymore! Oh, and let me say something when you realise something is not right in the business and you try to tell them, they just get rid of you! Even if they have to plant something that will count against you, they will! For once Patrick has met his match, someone that does'nt bow before him but stand up and fight the very parasite that tried to suck him dry! Mario, God bless you, and Yours and everyone standing behind you in the class action! Thank you for giving every investor and every unfairly dismissed ex-employee's a voice! Sorry, Carole, you've put yourself in this position and you knew all along about the descrepancies that was part of the deal even while you were still in Cape Town! Shame nĂȘ!

Anonymous said...

CG states:
Clearly "anonymous" has proof of CG selling debentures with the company in an insolvent state and knowledge of a "fraudulent prospectus".

Read Fin24 article dated 23rd January 2007:
The latest published prospectus of Edwafin shows that the group has negative equity of some R36m. In layman's term this means that the group is insolvent, as its liabilities are more than its assets.

Surely CG is misinformed or totally ignorant.