Thursday, September 17, 2009

I found the Sherrif!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a bit late already but I thought to leave you a nighty-nighty note.

Via one of our stalwarts, I got a message today that she had spoken to Len Sherrif, and that I should also try to get hold of him.

So I picked up the phone, and voilĂ , there was Len Sherrif on the phone. In a way I was so flabbergasted by the unexpected encounter, that I fumbled through the whole telephonic conversation - and I'm not often at a loss for words. So what was said:

Len Sherrif is still on top of the game planning to interview a good number of investors, and November is the turn of us here in upper-Gauteng. Yes, you down in Natal and the Cape, there is a place on this round planet called Gauteng, and I live here - I might not be impressed with that fact, but hey, what can I do. At least we have little Pretoria here.

After all that fluff: there is still hope for action.



Anonymous said...

what's the latest on Edwafin? anyone being held responsible?

Anonymous said...

The warrant has been issued for Tennenbaum. Why hasn't there been one for Stapleton? He also stole people's money!!

Anonymous said...

Read this in the paper today about the Caster Semenya screw up - it's a pity all the organizations Ed Wafin belonged to don't take the same stand against their members.

But in the organisation's statement, Sascoc's executive said it "wishes to place on record that Sascoc has jurisdiction in the Republic and over its members, officials and athletes through Sascoc membership and that ASA is a member of Sascoc.

"Also," the statement continued, "members (including ASA) are subordinate to Sascoc and must comply with the Constitution of Sascoc and any directives issued by Sascoc. Members' constitutions may not be in conflict with the Constitution of Sascoc.

"Furthermore, Sascoc, through its board, has the power to oversee, direct, control, administer and, if necessary, manage the activities of its members."