Monday, September 14, 2009

Has anyone seen the Sherrif?

I know I have been neglecting you, but then there was so little to say. One lonely anonymous begged for some news, and I have a teeny-weeny bit to give you.

Some weeks ago I contacted Mr Sherrif of the NPA with the intention of providing him with the details of those who's details I have. The idea was that he would then contact each of you and possible get a statement from you to use in a possible case against the Edwafin directors. At that moment he was in meeting, and in a friendly manner asked me to send him an sms with my contact details so that he could contact me back when he was free.

I did that.
No, he didn't

I tried again to contact him but have not had much success, but will try again. Perhaps some of you can also try and if you do get hold of him, tell him that he was going to call Mario.

We also got a note from an anonymous stating that the Edwafin liquidation site was down. Well it might have been down, but in this reality it is back up again. However, it is the most stupendously boring site on the web. There is nothing new and the last bit of circular on there is the second circular of early August. If you want to go and look, go here:

I have also tried to keep track of the Stapletons, Hutchinsons and Gardiners amongst others, but there is a conspiracy of silence on the planet. CIPRO's site seems to only have a façade, as none of its links deeper into the organisation website work. Three hoorays for happy South Africa, where crime and criminal seems to be protected game. 

Nevertheless, we shall persist and continue our diligent work behind the scene. You see, I suspect that the good folks mentioned above, are back at work brewing their evil plans. Anybody out there who wants to give a hand?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that Patrick and Don are trying to start their own investment companies.