Monday, June 29, 2009

Binary dogs and Hadidas

You see, by abstaining from my duties, I had hoped to make your hearts fonder for me. Not so, it seems. Yes, a few impatient comments about Edwafin getting to me etc. - how rude! I'm nevertheless rather disappointed that there were not more yowls from yearning hearts - shame on you all.

There is a perfectly sensible explanation, though, or actually more than one. Firstly, there was no news because there was no news. There was no news, second instance, because all the investigations are still ongoing, and the class action thing has also ground to a temporary stop because of that. Makes sense, doesn't it? The liquidators should apparently have their act in place for the application of a permanent liquidation early in July (that means within the next week or two). By then we will also know what our next step forward should be.

Secondly. Remember the days when you were young(er) and fell in love with every dog, tree and parrot that appeared in your reality. Well, I have been similarly consumed with writing a computer program for trading with Spread Trading instruments. This has now gone on for a few weeks, and my laptop sleeps next to my bed, so that when I wake up early on these wintry days, it is there ready for a cuddle and a caressing stroke. Wify, Gigi and Pedro are not impressed, and can't wait for me to finish my electronic marvel.

Thirdly. I've had it with winter, so has my vegetable patch. It is time that winter no longer exists in my reality, and I'm working on that aspect of our consciousness. Of course with the creeping global warming, I will soon have achieved my aims.

I did speak to a rather amicable person of the NPA (National Prosecuting Authority) and he informed me that they were also still busy with their investigations and working closely with the liquidators. That good soul invited me to contact him on a regular basis to become enlightened, and I will. As far as I'm concerned, the liquidators themselves can go and hop: they are not acting on my behalf, but purely on behalf of their own business plan. For those of you who have high hopes to gain any benefits from their work - don't. The only "good" that may come from them is perhaps information which could allow the NPA to begin prosecuting. In that regard, I'm beginning to wonder if that is all worth the while. How much negativity must we generate in order to satisfy our ego. This you can only answer for yourself though. The alternative is to try and get one's live back on some kind of track, and work on neutralizing a wobbly Karma.

So on with business.
Recently I was reminded that quadrupeds had been declared as sentient beings by the European community. Amazing, I though. Only we, humans have assumed the power to imbue animals with souls or not. So currently, animals in the RSA do not have souls, but should you move with your dog or cat to England, then, mysteriously, it is imbued with a soul somewhere over the Atlantic. Birds, pet snakes, gold fish, turantuallas and so on, you might as well leave here for there is no difference for them, unless we humans get inspired to allow soulism to animals with legs <>4.

Arrogant, some would say, arrogant. Then there are those, of course, who regardless deny that animals have consciousness and feelings etc. It has been my experience, that exactly those denialists are the same people would would not flinch to exact pain on an animal (or hmans for that matter). Now why, would they do that: to experience pleasure of course. They do not realize that by being sadistic with an animal they are really acknowledging the fact that animals are sentient, but would hold their denial of this fact as a good reason for inflicting pain on another being.

Animals are really digital beings, and do not always follow our logic, with our two legs -if that was not also taken from you by Edwafin. For example, we have three conditions of being: lying down - feet do not touch the ground, sitting: bum on a platform, feet touching or not touching the ground, or standing: both feet firmly on the ground. Should you be an angle, you will have a fourth state of being, and that is being suspended in the air by your wings.

Dogs and cats, and so on, have a complex system of being, that may be likened by a binary system: front paws and back paws. When both the front paws and back paws are on the ground with all four legs straight, they are standing and that may be represented by the binary number 11 (3 in decimal). When these creatures lie down their legs are no longer straight and the are prone on the floor, represented by the binary number 00 (0 in decimal). Thus we have two basic positions standing (11(bin) or 3(dec)) or lying down (00(bin) or 0(dec)). Of course we love to project our humanness on to animals, and therefore have collectively decided that cats and dogs sit as well, and so we completely miss the reality target! By binary manipulation these animals have two states in between lying down and standing, shown by the binary numbers 01 (1 in decimal) or 10 (2 indecimal). In case of 01, the hind legs are lying down, while the fore legs are standing, or lyanding posture - we eroneously call this sitting. In the second case the the front end is lying down and the back end remains standing, bin:10 (2 in decimal) - this posture is usually found with cats and dogs in a playful stance, and may be called standying.

To summerize the above, quadrupeds, therefore have four conditions of posture: fully standing (11 or 3), standying down (10 or 2), lyanding (01 or 1), and completely lying down (00 or 0). [Human beings are more complex and use a ternary system: 0 = lying down; 1= sitting; 2 = standing. Angels use a quaternary system, with 3=hovering]. Always keep in mind that a zero in these systems, always means the first state. So for instance we have ten numbers in the collection starting from 0 to 9.

Let us now add the element of fear in the form of a male Bulldog which (whom?) might have a hot or a cold nose. If it has a warm nose we give it value BD=1, otherwise with a cold nose, BD = 0. The fear is observed in the two lady Poodles standing on the pavement (walking being essentially standing with movement in some direction.) These two ladies are collectively in a state of P=11 (3 decimal). The two lady Poodles see the hefty Bull dog, and they both have a secret crush on him. Not to be embarres in public, the one Poodle says to the other Poodle "sit down, here comes that Bulldog with the cold nose." Then both take on the 01 (1 in decimal) position.

This we can mathematically show that when BD = 1 (warm) then P=11(standing), but when BD = 0 (cold) then P = 01 (lyanding).

Thus we have proven that 1) Dogs cannot sit, but do something we now have a word for: lyanding, and 2) cold Bulldog noses lead to one of these in between states. Of course when the nose of said Bulldog is warm, it may very well lead to the other in between states of 10 (standing) - the sluts!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Creating Reality as we go along

A version of the uncertainty principle is: "the observer always interferes with the phenomenon under observation". This is merely stating what many spiritual thinkers already know: you are, at least partially, responsible for the reality that you are observing or experiencing. When investing money, you become an observer, but also people on the sidelines become observers. We all become observers of each other's actions. Some observers are neutral, and just observe. However, there are those who observe with biased interest. yes, you have got it, those folks who like to tell you: "I told you so." One wonders if the group sentiment does not often cause the situations such as the one, we the investors, now find ourselves in. After having invested with Edwafin, I read about journalist Vic's warning about the dangers of such investments. Too late, of course, but the seed had been sown, and my subconscious did the rest: I had become one of the observers of the demise of 4000/1400 (take your pick) investors, as the possibility of a bad outcome constantly plagued my mind.

Let us now take the exercise a step further and we have a bit of a conundrum. In our experiment we start with one observer of a phenomena:

A observers phenomena X and exerts an affect

then we add another experiment with another observer:
B observes [A observers phenomena; exerts an affect]; exerts affect

we repeat this experiment with observer C, thus:
C observes {B observes [A observers phenomena; exerts an affect]; exerts affect} exerts affect

and again we do another experiment in which:
D observes (C observes {B observes [A observers phenomena; exerts affect]; exerts affect} exerts affect); exerts affect

And now I'm clean out of dissimilar brackets, so we will stop at this point. However, the point is clear: ultimately, the last say seems to be with D, and his creativity could ultimately overrule those of C, B, and A. Unfortunately, C, B and A are not always aware that D has been around to influence their life, nor would they like to admit that somehow they have handed over control over their lives to another - that is, until matters go pear-shaped. Of course this happens when one abdicates one's responsibility for one's own existence to other influences and other awarenesses of reality. Some would call it the blame-game.

I suppose it to happen at some time or other. Yes, some of the directors of Edwafin have spoken out. No, I didn't mean that they said anything, I said they spoke out - slight difference there. Some of the other directors have wisely kept their silence, lest they utter unintelligentias. Let's face it, we as human being just love making sounds with our mouths - the more the better. Whether such noises actually mean anything or are pertinent, is beside the point. Let's take the to-and-throw between Carole and Patrick for instance: Is anybody any the wiser? If you are, please inform me poste-haste. As far as I'm concerned their sputtering compares to the pointless gargling of my ex-wife: a horrible cacophony but does not reduce the stink. These folks have messed up big time, but always remain within the framework of human creative collective thought, they have, like all of us, no option in this respect. So, to be quite fair, they are mere instruments in the greater creative structures of the universe.

In our experiment above, observer A is unaware of the influence exerted on the experiment by observers, B, C, and D, and therefore are at a loss for words as to why the situation came about the way it did. Because of the lack of a logical explanation, we start looking for extremes and illogical reasons why things happened as they did (in the meantime D is chuckling in his sleeve [I told you so]). So enter Carole and Patrick (the other directors are seemingly still searching for words, or know that they are at least partially responsible for the mess we find ourselves in.)

Carole's statement first. Again she cannot neglect to state that she also has lost money in the venture. Now, does anybody out there feel better knowing Carole has lost money as well. Let's face it she collected the money, and continued to do so after she had resigned and had been asked to stay on. The reasons were purely for financial reasons. Well, obviously, not so? So while she was clearly aware of the difficulties the company found itself in (that is why she resigned to begin with), she continued collecting a salary nevertheless. How convenient it is to say, after the fact, that Patrick took everybody for a ride - pure patheticism, and this from someone who would otherwise maintain that she is an intelligent person. Must be, otherwise she would not have made herself available for the various roles she played in the company, even a CEO of Edwafin.

The extent to which Carole was aware of the troubles at Edwafin is born out by the fact that she suggested a debt-consolidation company. Now, if I had not known that this was straight from the horse's mouth, I would find it astounding: as I said before "first we help to get you in debt, and then when there is no more sugar in the pot, we will help you reorganize your life." It appears that Carole has taken her own suggestions seriously, now that the cookie has crumbled. Of course she did not intend for this service to be free, but one would have to pay the company for it should you require their service. The reader would agree that it is blatant and cunning and is all about getting your money, getting your money, getting your money, after she has got it from you all already.

She then admits:
"At that point I was trying to do anything that would generate enough cash to cover the salaries or rent," she said.
So she was quite aware that the company was in trouble and then admits that she continued to collect on behalf of the company to get money to pay for her own salary and office space! This is a beauty: "Patrick needed somebody to share the responsibility with." Hoola, Hoola, Hey! Don't look at what I did, but listen to what I say!

Then she goes on, hypothesizing about Patrick's role in the Puritan investment issue. You may remember that Carole accused this blog of rumouring and speculation. The same Carole who now blatantly adds to the rumours. No, Carole, not good enough. What I find so astoundingly amusing is that this lady has shown no remorse whatsoever for the losses of all those investors in which she had a hand extracting money from - it is all about herself. This is of course true for all the directors of Edwafin and subsidiaries. They have seemingly little empathy or regret for the investors whom they relieved of their money and is an indication of the callousness of these human beings. At least, some have been totally silent, but the loudest are talking the most and are merely being repetitive of empty utterances or semi truths, called splutterania.

Of course Patrick had to respond. He is one of those beings, that one hopes would rather keep his peace lest he makes a spectacle of himself. One-dimensional, I tell you, one-dimensional. True to himself he uttered again.

Again we have the story of the bad economic conditions. Again he refuses to admit that by August 2008 he had already squandered R200,000,000 of the investors money. Again he admits that he was running some kind of Ponzi scheme as no new investments came in to finance the existing debts. Again he hammers on about the DMC project as the saviour of Edwafin, which the liquidators have now shown is basically worth nothing (no reflection on the quality of the car, which is probably very high). Again he admits appointing someone to help get more money to finance the creditors account. Remember at the time he vehemently denied that the company was bankrupt. And then he tells us that as CEO of Edwafin, he had little to do with the overseas derivative. This from an educated, supposed to be, intelligent being who only has darkness surrounding him. Patrick, why not just admit that you are a pathetic businessman, in which honesty is hidden deep within your pant pockets.

Ignorant people, aren't we? Pathetic, aren't we? But it is all D's fault, we the observers and the observed.

Pictures lost and found

While sniffing through my computer digits I found pictures. These are the directors of Edwafin at the time when the Edwafin website went down:

El Bosso Grandioso
Patrick Stapleton

el bossa pequeno
Garth Stapleton

El Praying Mantissa
Rob Klynsmith

El Sneako
Bob Hutchinson

El Sneako Nuptialis
Sandra Hutchinson

La Innocente Totelaris
Carole Gardiner

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's fixed

Hey, I did go back and fixed the spelling mistakes. Please, don't tell wifey, she has a mean left-hook, and swears like a sailor!

To Anonymous: If you read the circular carefully, there is no money, and many preferred creditors and others who stand in line. R20,000,000 won't do it.

And you thought I departed with my Harley

Since the publication of Patrick Stapleton's response to Carole Gardiner's interview, there have been a number of very irate individuals. One of these people is Debbie Chaplin, a previous employee at Edwafin. She has sent me various documents but has previously requested that I do not publish them. Today she gave Marc Ashton and me permission to publish them.

Beware, she is a mean letter writer, do not cross.

First the permission:
20090617 Debbie Chaplin Email Permission Then the various documents that she submitted. I won't comment but will allow you to read for yourselves:
20090613 Debbie Chaplin Email
20090613 Debbie Chaplin Email No 2

Busy, busy, busy, busy

Well, I turned my back on you for a few days, and look what the results are: heaps of things. Articles, letters and rumours.
Today I wanted to tell you a fairy tale about the big bad wolf, Patrickinov in the kingdom of Edwafinia. Of course there are faeries, real ones called Carolina, Donitia, and Ronella. There was a mother-boss-faerie, Veronella, as well, but I have no idea what happened to her - eaten perhaps? by the wolfettes?

Anyway the tale will have to wait until tomorrow, when it arrives, possible and perhaps. not.

Although I try to live only for the moment, things don't easily pass me by. It was thus that I discovered that the snail had been busy in my cabbage patch again, and continued teir slimy path to a slow and painful dissolution caused by Slugem (thanks to anonymous for that hint/ Now what can I do about my marauding dogs?). Yes, of course, it was Carole who retracted her retraction and allowed good old Marc, the "siccer", to publish her statement. Thus we snail slitherly along. Of course, brother Patrick was not happy by the snailing of Carole, and decided to do some slimery of his own. Now to the tune of "Under the Shine of the Moon":

Slithery, slidery, slimy me,
Tell my tale to set me free.
I do not retract, I do not detract,
All I do is not state the fact.

Slithery, slidery, slime you,
Let's tell stories and make them blue.
It is not me, it's you, you and you,
Now we know they don't have a clue.

OK. I was going to discuss the words of our friends a bit today, but there are too many documents and things to show and tell you.

First off, we have the first official circular from the liquidators. It is basically the same as the preliminary circular from a few weeks ago. It tells us that Edwafin has no money, and that if we want them to pursue possible criminal investigations, we possibly have to pay them a bit more. Now, Now, pick yourself up from the floor and sit properly, listen to the rest. Rather, what they did not mention is what they told good old Carola: that we might have to refund some/all of our interests should they find that illegal business had been done by Mr Patrick Stapleton and close-knit family of business friends. This possibility was further mooted in an article by a certain Mr. Prakke (unfortunately, I can't find the link anymore, but I have the article on my computer should anybody want a copy):
Forensic accountant Andre Prakke says he's concerned that the liquidators will issue summons against investors to start repaying the money they received from the estate.

He warns that if the liquidators can find that new debenture holders' funds were being used to pay interest and capital to existing investors, then they might be able to argue that Edwafin was an illegal scheme.

This would allow the liquidators to issue summons against investors to recover money that was paid to them by Edwafin. The rationale is that they received this money at the expense of other investors, and it must be repaid so it might be apportioned more equitably.
Ha - Ha, you say. So they might ask us for more money, so that they can do a criminal investigation, so that they can ask us our interests back. Ha - Ha. I warned the readers a while ago that attorneys are working people, who operate within structures, and these structures may not suit you or be of benefit to you in this case. They are certainly not a replacement for your need of a saviour in your time of trouble. There is now an official website : One question though: I have just returned from another reality, I think, but didn't Patrick tell us months ago that they had 4000 investors? That is why they couldn't write out so many cheques ... la di da di da, etc. Now it turns out there are only just over 1400 investors who collectively invested nearly R200,000,00. Patrick, have you been fibbing again - watch your nose my friend, it is nearly on the floor already.

For those of you who demand that we claim from the insurance: there is only R20,000,000 worth of insurance, and only the liquidators can claim against the policy at this time. Stop it now!!

In any case here is the circular:
20090611 Liquidators Circular to Creditors No 1

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Patrick's dual logic: are we being fooled then?

This morning I received a most interesting email - actually a few. Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to publish these on this blog. However, nothing stops us from thinking aloud - of course thinking aloud is a contrary concept, as thinking is necessarily a non-noisy activity, and we are usually only aware of the results that thinking preceded. That is the reason why we have exclamations such as "What were you thinking!", "what do you think you are doing?", or why we often wonder if others are in the habit of thinking at all.

One of the by-products of human activity is that we often confuse things that are different as being one and the same. Today's example are the concepts of thought versus logic. Most people, and it is only human, are of the opinion (in itself a thought) that if they are thinking a thought they are necessarily thinking logically. They are of course quite correct, because taken from one's immediate reality all thoughts are logical even if they do not follow outside that immediate reality. So, for instance we have the Newtownian logic of perspective, physical limits, and other natural laws. This seemed to have culminated in Einstein's law of relativity - the ultimate Newtownian law. A law simply becomes a premise of logic. For example, going faster than the speed of light is illogical, because Einstein's relativity theory does not allow for it.

Have I said it before? Scientists are sneaks who apply Newtownian law and logic when it comes easy. When the universe presents them with events which contradict their logic, they first begin to splutter and stutter, and then blithly ignore what was before and state a new anti-logical law. Examples are the fact that two subatomic particles will react simultaneously to certain events, even if they were billions of miles apart - contradicts the speed of light; according to calculations there is not enough visible matter in the universe and there should be some kind of material, called dark matter, which fills the empty - huh?

We have our own contradictator (joining contradiction with dictator) in our own reality. You guessed it: Patrick Stapleton, master of deceipts, contradictions and dual stream logic. What is dual stream logic. I have described it partially above. In a universe, such as ours, there is not just a single logic which says if a => b, b=>c then a => c. No, there are also other logics, and every social human construct has its own set of logic rules. We have debated this already in the past when we spoke about the logic of what is legal and what is socially correct.

Unfortunately, we have the sluggers who sneakingly connect elements of one logic system with that of another logic system: dual stream logic.

Let's take our current situation as an example. Hands up those of you who were told when signing the debenture contracts, that such debentures entitled you to a vote in proportion to your investment. There was, of course, none of that. You paid over your money, and understood that the management of Edwafin was going to use more money and pay you some of that (of course that did not happen but that is not under discussion here). Unlike when you buy shares, and you are given a shareholders vote in the running of the company, the sole responsibility for running a company with debentures, is with the directors. So let us get this clear, if you invested R200,000.00 nowhere on the contract did it stipulate that it was in any way understood that your investment was pro rata to anybody else's investment.

Then two investors went to court; brave people, who preempted my own intentions. This is where the Patricksonian dual logic comes into play. The contractual obligation applicable to Edwafin is completely ignored when Patrick crosses over to public company logic. Suddenly his argument is not that the investors have rights, but that they only represent a small part of the total investment. Whereas the individual originally invested and signed the papers, they are totally ignored in favour of another surreptitiously substituted logic, in which you as human beings are displaced for the sake of argumentative expedience. How many bets that Patrick will follow this technique when confronted by the liquidators?

Here is another one. First a quote from the dictionary:

Ponzi scheme
ETYMOLOGY: Charles Ponzi †1949 American (Ital.-born) swindler
DATE: 1973

: an investment swindle in which some early investors are paid off with money put up by later ones in order to encourage more and bigger risks
Yeees, you guessed it, and of course in hind sight oh so familiar to us. Remember, after the computers started working at Edwafin in October 2008, there was suddenly no more money to pay us. "A cash flow problem" Patrick called it, which, in short, basically meant, we are out of money because we aren't getting any anymore. Of course, that money was needed to pay you, the investor. The more outrageous the promises became (trips to Mauritius and interest payments as high as 25%), the worst was the public's gullibility to invest more money. Whoops! Bang! down came the Patrickownian empire. That was one logic: no money in, no money out, but Patrick applied dual logic by using the "cash flow" card. Let's be clear about it, a company has a cash flow problem when it has enough assets to cover its debt, but not enough of the assets are in cash to allow the creditors to be paid. In a combination of obfuscation of logic and half-truths, Patrick made us believe that this was because of the general economic climate. We know now, that the company was essentially, and for all practical purposes bankrupt by then already, and probably had been for some time already (of course changing the date for final financial statements to a later date, prevented a proper insight into the status quo at the time). The only reason why we, the investors were not paid, was because nobody felt like giving the company any more money. Naughty, naughty Patrick and utterly despicable. I have all the confidence that liquidators will see through this ruse as well.

A little bit more about the economic climate. If our investments had been invested properly and judiciously in proper business ventures that continued to show profits, I am convinced that the current situation would not have been so dire. Yes, possibly the company might have seen some difficult times - which investors might have understood - but it would not have meant that every last cent that the investors contributed would have been down the drain. Again, the liquidators are intelligent people, that is logical I suspect.

Then we also have the promise of major investors interested in investing in the company. That, as recently as the recent court case. I am sure that the liquidators would appreciate the fact that this is merely a further acknowledgement that a Ponzi scheme was in operation because the money was to be used to pay investor's debts.

Logically I have questions, as I cannot make up my mind if Patrick and comrades, are merely deplorably stupid, naive, and incompetent beings, or if they are simply crooked. According to the archetypal logic, the one leads to the other and are not mutually exclusive. Thus a <==>b.

For those who would like to know, according to a copy of a letter written by them, the directors at Edwafin on 12 March 2009 were:

  • Patrick Stapleton
  • Don Hutchinson
  • Bob Klynsmith
  • Brian Poliah
  • Garth Stapleton
  • Sandy Hutchinson
  • Carole Gardner

Hi, Carole, we meet again.

Proofread by wifey

Friday, June 12, 2009

Cabbage theft and retracting snails

A while ago, I told you about my little vegetable patch where one of the varieties of vegetable that we especially grow for the worms, beetles and snails is cabbage - this time around specifically Chinese Cabbage. What does that have to do with Edwafin, you may well ask. Patience is required as we will come to the link soon enough. Of course there is the obvious connection: empty, windy air bags, but we won't sink that low, and it is not much fun either.
I also told you, at the time, that my little doggies have become vegetable aficionados. They have certain preference; all kinds of cabbage they like, including broccoli, and cauliflower, but the seem to especially like Chinese cabbage - you know, when you go Chinesing, those crispy white bits in your vegetables: they are Chinese cabbage. This, until relatively recently in the history of our universe was totally not there at all. It only manifested itself in my awareness, when I saw the packet of seeds on the shelf, and I decided, well let's give the Chinese a chance to be eaten by worms, beetles and snails.
I never realized, that our dogs, Pedro and Gigi, were Kung Fu masters in a past life and know all about Chinese Cabbage, amongst other things. So this morning when I went to inspect my farm, this is what I saw:
Yep, they were enjoying breakfast on the Chinese Cabbage.

As I insinuated above, our vegetable patch is not merely visited by my two dogs. Not by a long shot. There is currently a nightly marauder which is decimating my dinner while I'm sleeping. Somehow I feel the universe is not playing fair here, as I am totally unconscious at the time, possible busy visiting beings of another realm. At just that time, these little critters come and have their fill, only to disappear with the moon.

However, there is one animal that I find rather fascinating: yes, you guessed correctly, the snail or slug. It slithers hither and dither on a path of slime which it produces all by itself. Have you ever tried to walk on one foot on a pathway of slime, while producing slime as you go along? Not easy I tell you. It also has another nifty trick. While skulks around during the darker hours of the day, it has the ability to contract or retract itself into itself: when it feels threatened it just absorbs itself, and retracts into a smaller version of itself, and often into its little shell house. Furthermore, it has a major fear for a major element, sodium or salt to the housewife. Yes, when it touches salt it merely dissolves into a slimy heap, and its little soul departs this planet on a silvery streak to the centre of our galaxy.

Of course, the snail also represents a major archetypal behaviour pattern. For instance, there is the person in our consciousness who leaves a major line of slime as he/she goes along his/her way merrily. Along this way you will find small heaps of slime balls to further mark the way. As a sign of brutal bravado, and the devil may care, they will invade your vegetable patch, and make their statements in slime, after they have raided on of your vegetables they move on to the next own their own slime path.
But it is not all fun and games, however, as every now and then the snail meets another slime maker along its way, and what happens, they both retract, thinking that they are less visible. The only remedy is salt. Salts makes them both melt away into the ground, leaving a small slimy patch and a decimated vegetable garden.

Isn't it peculiar how, we have the concept of retractment in our modern world on planet earth. This essentially means that once you have said something, you can unsay it. No, I'm not talking about apologizing for something said in error on psychological weakness. I'm talking about making a statement of truth, and when under some kind of pressure or fearful prospect, you unsay it, so that the erstwhile truth no longer is a truth nor is it an untruth, but it merely exists in limbo. Like an electron which has lost its way in space, it has no atom to cling to.
With old Patrick, we have had a person who left a slime trail of statements and a totally destroyed cabbage patch. Yet, he soldiered on with a inexhaustible quantity of slime at his disposal. Yet, he never retracted himself by unsaying anything, but then he was the boss-snail in the slimunity. Others of his group, with the same slimy propensity, are not as courageous, and when touched by other slime-makers, they retract seemingly under the impression that their slimy trail will magically disappear. Wishful, I would say, but that is the nature of the animal.

Of course, there is only one remedy in the end: the salt treatment - imagine that.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The welcomed becomes the interloper

These days when I open the curtains of my bedroom in the morning, the first thing I notice is the bare plum tree with a greyish sky as backdrop. That is, of course, after I start remembering that I have toes, which somewhere during the night, seemed to have disappeared from my reality of self, while Pedro and Gigi snuggled so tightly against me that I imaged floating in the empty space next to my bed. My wife, the good, old soul, is no problem I must say, she is well behaved and mostly keeps to herself when there is a biting chill in the air. Every now and then she needs to touch me with her hands or feet to show off the fact that her circulation is somewhat poorer than mine. Fortunately, we are no tarantulas, otherwise I would have been eaten by now.

Anybody reading the above might think that I'm penning this from that little, lower-than-sea-level country-and-soon-to-disappear-under-the-water-if-global-warming-continues, Holland. No, my awareness is currently in sunny South Africa, - can you imagine? One travels 6000kms over land and sea (my family couldn't make up their mind so we did it a few times) to reach the sunny paradise of crime, and to discover that the archetypes Patrick (with wify), Don, Klynsmiths, Carole and a few other characters with stubbles of take-from-others-what-you-want without-a-blush enriching their lower chins. Hey presto, we have perfection. But we have no contradiction in terms here: every paradise has its slimy slitherers, lurkers, sneakers and snurkers. They hide in the thickets watching for an opportunity to strike at the heels of those who attempt to walk upright in life.

Let us keep in mind though, that these low-living entities have a peculiar view of that what lies above; their perspective is completely wonky, and with the little bit of insights into life given to them by the Universe, they have little option to have but a myopic outlook concerning the well being of other beings on the planet. (Nee, ek praat nou nie Hollands nie, maar geheel en al mondlangs).

After I established the archetypes of the famous group of ingredients that make up the Edwafin pie, they all reacted as I expected them to do according to their archetype. Patrick tried to bully and cajole with various threats, lies and other ill-considered pseudo truths. Don sneakered his way around the scene, as slippery as a melting jelly tot, stuttering echos of his leader's patheticisms. Klynsmith took on the guise of a holy spirit (not to be confused with the Christian concept - please!) - you know it is there but is nowhere to be found or heard. His name only lurks on various legal documents, while he busies himself on his knees in heavenly ecstasy. Let's face it, that is his alternate profession.

No, I haven't forgotten about another one and I'll come to that in a moment - remember eternity is a loooong time, and we'll all be around in the end (another paradox that makes absolute sense: if we regard the Newtonian world as a subset of a greater reality, then the end according to Newton would imply entry into a greater reality where the concept of never ending is a reality and not just an incomprehensible idea. But, having said that, the concept of never-ending in itself implies that there is something like an ending, and in terms of eternity that absolutely makes no sense [hee hee, got ya] ).

Where were we? Oh yes, we have another member of the group. Where the other protagonists have gone into relative silence, there is one that came out fighting, determined to convince everybody that she didn't do what she had done (paradox no 2), and that she was in a blissful swoon while Edwafin collapsed into a messy heap, like a vanilla ice cream that fell to the sandy floor on a hot summers day. (Incidentally, the other Edwafin folks stopped following the blog, and I have had to remove their email addresses from the blog list as their emails were no longer operational.) This good-natured, all-is-fair-in-love-and-war lady, makes an all out effort to get us to believe that she was totally unaware of the disdain towards the investors, and other management catastrophes at Edwafin. Then in the next paragraph she goes forth and tells us about the iniquities that took place at Edwafin (this is paradox no 3, but while we are into paradoxes, no matter). She also denies in her own words: "CG never ran Edwabond, get that straight please. ", but I have en email direct from her which states Carole Gardiner, CEO, Edwabond (paradox no 4).
<====== Carole Gardiner

Her slithering trick is to play footsy footsy with the investors, ignoring their tremendous heartsore, and losses, whilst concentrating on the losses incurred by herself and those close to her and, of course extricating herself from the web of deceit that the Edwafians have spun for themselves.

Carole is loved all over Cape Town, that little town with flatties and peaks. Unfortunately these good capies were so busy adoring their heap of soil, that nobody took the trouble to comment on the blog on how good a person she is.

Under the guise of wanting to cooperate, she promises much but lashes out at anybody who shows the slightest distrust in her sincerity. She bawls, shouts and screams, at the unfair treatment meted out to her by the same investors she made financially somewhat airier.

Carole has a sidekick, with little experience as a soul or as a human being, and who only seems to be able to communicate in two single syllabled words ("yeah, right", I"'m confused," etc.) Carole even has this side kick believe that investors run companies and not the directors. Of course, directors are merely soulistic place holders to earn high salaries, and therefore have no responsibility whatsoever. Of course, the investors regularly come together to decide on matters concerning the running of the company - uh! ar u loosing ur marbles?

Carole wanted to join a class action suit, and promises more insightful gems. What was that? Oh, of course a promise and a reality are not synonyms you say. This is called the art of deceitful prior intentions: an intention is a mental readiness to do something, except that a prior intention overrides all following intentions, making what follows null and void. iff p ->q, q<>real.

So we learn nothing.

Carole then joins forces with the liquidators and makes it seem that they have now joined in a unified force acting against investors. Slitherers, slitherers, slitherers.

Carole's venomous disdain for the investors gradually makes this blog unpleasant by means of anonymous and semi-identified comments, and the bossman then decides to not comment any further on her profoundly nonsensical outbursts (paradox umpteenth), and asks other anonimi to follow his example.

Carole then informs the bossman that she will no longer comment to the blog anymore. Of course everybody notices nothing except that the atmosphere has lifted by universal degrees.

Carole lets out a few short trailing splutters, as does her sidekick. These did not get published - once you have polished your shoes, and they are shiny and bright, it is foolhardy to talk a walk through a mud pool.

Of course, like all of us, Carole is also a member of the human, and she has taken on the unenviable task of being a culprit in this lifetime. Therefore, although responsible for her own actions and words, she is also not in terms of the Universe but we collectively are (paradox ... where were we now again?)

We understand.

PS. All typos and spelling errors corrected under duress from my wife

Monday, June 8, 2009

Appeal to our old souls

Unfortunately, this blog has now become one of slinging vitriolic arrows at each other.

To those who have a bit more wisdom I would like to appeal that you no longer react to the denialism of Carole Gardiner. Let us accept the fact that she firmly believes in her own innocence in this matter. No amount of attempted convincing is going to make the lady realize that she has collected millions of Rand from people on behalf of a company to which she belonged and of which she was even a CEO. She clearly has total disregard for the loss of all the investors, but prefers to repeatedly state that she (and her's) also have lost money. That, in spite of the fact that nobody denies the veracity of her (and her's) own loss. However, she still shows no sign of reciprocating this acknowledgement towards the 4000 (some people talk about 2000 investors, but I firmly believe there are 4000).

The fact that she has now at least taken a small step forward by putting her name to a comment is praiseworthy, but her continued demonstration sickening human attitude is regrettable. An injured animal becomes vicious in its self-defence, a cornered human being becomes completely devoid of sensibility. Let us let her be.

Let us therefore, no longer resist her attempts at obfuscation and self-righteousness, lest we receive further infantile giggles of pleasure over possible further losses by the investor as envisaged by the liquidators. Perhaps, she thinks, and it seems so from her attitude, that she will only be held answerable by the liquidators, with whom she now seems to be as thick as pea-soup. However, the liquidators are not the be-all and end-all, and life carries on beyond liquidation. Carol, if you are going to do some thinking at all today, think about what is going to happen once the liquidators have gone to bed.

Carol, if it makes you feel better, continue your vitriol but know that it reinforces our distrust in you. Your involvement in this issue is not somewhere outside yourself with others who you may think despise you, but within yourself. You cannot merely brush us off like dust from your skirt or by smooching with the liquidators (you know, you are actually putting them in a bad light, and I'm sure they don't like that.) I know your archetype has problems relating to individuals as individuals and that they become merely objects to abuse, and for that we accept you as such.

My reaction to Carol's virtual contributions herewith comes to an end.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Even while Braindead the Edwafin Credo haunts: Iniquity for all!

Yesterday the Universe chuckled in disbelief: it stood in wondrous awe at how many contradictions and paradoxes it could string together in as few words as possible. Like a hangover following a night of drink and debauchery, the after effects are still resonating through the multi-dimensional realities of the visible be-all. Realities all over this Universe and beyond are changing in response by the earthshaking revelation we witnessed here yesterday.

That brings me to the word SPECULATION, it was so superficially and cunningly used yesterday, that cynicism took hold of me. We know the word "speculation" in the context of making money or finding gold or treasures. Speculation also means to creatively think about situations, conditions, encounters, in short any phenomena we may meet up with in our earthly sojourn. Scientists speculate before they start out on an experiment in an effort to prove an idea. Social scientists speculate about the effects of certain historical events on society; there are many more and I will allow you to speculate on that yourself. The process always begins from what is known to what ----> possibly may be. In the process we hope to reach some kind of realistic conclusion.

The Nature of Fact
Let us recurse somewhat and begin by what we understand to be facts or truths in life. Facts or truths are essentially concensusses arrived at by society. Therefore in legal terms, a fact is something that is corroborated by a written document (law, statement, declaration, etc.), or something that is corroborated by a witness (that is if concensus or corroboration can be reached on the reliability of such witness). There is another aspect of being human that is often confused with fact and that is societal norms. The latter are basically social agreements and of course as such they have validity. Facts are also established by scientists and one fact that they have recently established is that the results of experiments on which they base their facts are often prejudiced by the state of mind of the observer - intention with other words.

So those facts that we so confidently base our reality on are shaky to begin with, and throughout history "facts" have proven to be elusive and slippery. It is exactly this elusiveness of confident knowledge that allows us to speculate - it is creation's facility to allow us to constructively participate in the creative process which is constantly happening in every moment of our awareness. It is also the process whereby new conclusions are reached - new facts to keep us busy with.

But life is a bit more complex than a bunch of souls speculating, creating and pondering reality. Without contradiction, we will soon be finished pondering and the whole of existence will sputter to a silent demise and stillness of an inland lake where life has departed. Therefore we have controversialities, also created by speculation, and the interaction between the combined speculations leads to new realities and facts, and on, and on, and on...

In the game of life on planet earth we have those archetypes who make use of this phenomenon to manipulate their own end game. In order to do that, however, they need you not to particpate in the creative nature of existence. You are required not to think, ask, ponder and generally be in touch with life. In short, you have to stop. Fullstop.

Who are these archetypes? They are found all over: in religion: i.e. "you are not to ask such questions, it is not your place.", "You are not to question God"; politics: "We have been voted in by the majority," "We are in charge", etc.; professionals: "I have studied this for 7 years, what do you know?", "I am the doctor", etc.; the legal guys: "leave it to the legal experts", "the judge will pronounce"; Patrick Stapleton: "You are not a specialist on Edwafin"; Anonymous: "There is a bigger picture out there and people you need to start looking beyond speculation which is running rife presently."

By asking you not to speculate, you are being required to suspend your thought process, and your thoughts are you. So you are required to suspend yourself from this reality, to make room for the intention of others. Now, why would that be, one wonders? FEAR.

People build a web of "facts" or constructs which suspend them in reality and gives them identity. So, a priest who urges you not to think, fears that his own confidence in his reality is but a flimsy one. The all-knowing academician's existence is similarly based on a reality that he spent 7 years creating. Legal experts frequently seem to subconsciously know that the "law" on which they base their whole livelihood is by no means justice, but merely a series of human constructs. Once you, the client, comes to this realization his active role in his reality may be in jeopardy.

There is another level of fear, but in essence of the same nature, the fear of discovery. Of course the above are all based on the fear of other-discovery or self realization. Some of the more inept in society do not choose proven spheres of self/other deception, they are more creative and create a whole new sub-set of reality. This is what is called Edwafinism as expounded by the Stapletonian vision of shared wealth: "you, the many share everything with us few, and to facilitate this condition we will play a game called woolie-woolie. We, the few, pull wool over your, the many's eyes. While doing so we attempt to put you under sedation with positive affirmations of all-is-well world. There is one single golden rule: "Thou shallt not dare to think", because that may expose our reality subset to your more encompassing subset of the Universe. What they never include in their reckoning is that you cannot remove people's identities or thought processes by force or on demand for an unlimited period of time.

So, when I first mentioned the idea of this blog to my dear friend Patrick Stapleton, he demanded angrily that I suspend my thinking, as I was not an expert on Edwafin. Of course, he was correct, as at that time I only had a vague and superficial inkling of the trouble we were in. For those who have followed this blog, will have noticed that I had at first undertaken to suspend my thinking, to allow him to "fix" things. Fortunately I came to the thinking process again; yes, speculation my friends, and began working on the blog. You see, my speculation had gathered enough facts to convince me that Patrick's facts were his own constructs, commonly known amongst humans as "lies." He had not taken in account that I was an expert on my life. We actually all are, but some do not yet realize this fact. In any case my expertise was that I had invested much money, which had gone "ping" like a soap bubble, and that the Edwafin powers were not providing me with real answers, but required me to stop being me. Exit the infantile patters of Patrick. In comes Don, out goes Don, in comes Verona, out goes Verona, all no more that infantile prattle in an effort to plug the ever increasing number of holes in the fascade.
[Interjection: have you noticed the predominant absence (I know, a paradox) of Maria Stapleton in this worldly event. What is the saying: "behind every man ....". Mark my words]

Now, yesterday, we get an anonymous email from you-know-who. Like a long lost familiar, we are requested to suspend our thoughts, because we are only speculating. Obviously, this anonymous knows much more about our situation than we apparently do (she thinks) but, also obviously, it clearly fears that what we don't know we will find out. Peculiarly, unlike clever academicians, anonymous does not offer to fill in the, by it's perceived, blanc spots. Oh no, here we are again: "Thou shallt stop your thinking processes, or else!". How deliciously small and tiny in concept.

"I am a bit perturbed however," he says with a smiling frown on his balding head, "that anonymous is using this blog for propagandistic purposes to not pursue the transgressors, and then using such unlearned, obviously flawed, mice-brained techniques. " Sadly, anonymous realizes its own synaptic limits because there is an obvious fear of identifying itself.

Aha, but anonymous did identify itself the other day in a pleasant synchronicity, and to make sure writes a direct email to the Universe' s representative that goes something like this:

Thanks for the feedback re-Class Action. I am not surprised at the response to my request.

I have been approached by all 3 liquidators and am co-operating with them. I am more than happy to leave things in their capable hands.

Class Action is costly and I have my doubts whether it will do anything other than enrich attorneys at this stage.

Fraud has to be proven before the Fidelity Cover can be claimed against. If so, they cannot target the CEO in isolation. It will have to be the whole board, exec and non-exec.

This could then lead onto claiming back remuneration from staff and all interest paid to investors.


There is no doubt in all directors (ex included) and the liquidators minds that the mastermind behind this all has been Patrick Stapleton.

I don’t think anyone, other than ourselves now, realise the power that he had over his handpicked sidekicks (me included) As I told [xx], it was “divide and rule”, giving responsibility

but no authority. “Do as I say and not as I do”. Cunningly he rarely put his pen to paper in signing sureties, court action, overdrafts etc, his “coup de grace” (sp?) having gone for sleep therapy for a week in a private hospital, leaving Don Hutchinson to prepare and sign the judicial management application. (possibly fraudently because there is no derivative- this was only discovered just over a week ago) By the way, our medical aids were cancelled by Liberty Life in September, the premiums having been deducted from our salaries and not paid over. Ditto for our tax deductions as well, try and get and IRP 5, hello…. they haven’t registered the company for the tax year with SARS, because of previous non-payment of tax.

When I say mastermind, I include a web of lies and deception by one Patrick Stapleton. He has no conscience regarding the investors loss, my having heard him say “ …k the investors” on more than one occasion. Well, I think as far as ex- staff and directors alike, he is coining that same phrase towards us. He simply does not care.

[XX] told me this week that Patrick has pulled this same stunt before…I certainly never knew about this, nor many other issues that are now surfacing surrounding him. Collectively staff and directors feel that they have been duped by this man…we will see justice prevail. We will make sure that he becomes answerable to firstly investors and then ourselves.

This person is being unpleasantly dishonest again, again, and again. Yes, she was one of the highest echelons of the Patricownian empire, and refuses to acknowledge the fact that she was knowingly or unknowingly involved in the iniquitous collection of money. But, hey, hey, hey, what doe she say to us in between the line: "I know all about it, so stop thinking. If you don't it may cost you more." Yep, here we have again the fear-leverage. She also directly states that she knows all about what was going on at Edwafin with Stapleton and his ego. I have coloured it red above. Even after she was aware of Patrick's attitude towards his investors, his arrogance towards his staff and the institution of the company, she persisted in her efforst to collect money for him. Whoopy! how innocent can one be - scales be thy removed from mine eyes.

Of course, now that she is "fully" cooperating with the liquidators, puts her totally above any blame or responsibility. She exclaims with a degree of mirth "Ouch!!!" at the thought of people having to fork out even more than they already have lost, but not once, nowhere, has she expressed any human regret or compassion for those people who have now lost everything; who have taken out second bonds or loans to provide her company, of which she was a manager and a director, with more money to squander. If she really wants to be of assistance to resolving this situation, why does she not have the guts and the decency to come out clean in public about what she really knows, and what her participation really was.

In a seemingly cunning move she now hides behind the three liquidators, and her cooperation with them. How clearly dishonest and sickeningly unpleasant is the fact that those who have lost their money are treated with such utter disdain by this individual while she now hides behind the skirts of those whose work it is to make clear how much we actually lost. Puke =====> Plonk.
As I have said before, the legal system is like a computer program; it is made discreet by its own structure and only works within its own framework of references. I mean no disrespect to these legal beings, but like all human endeavours, the legal system is, and has always been, flawed. If a computer program or system has inherent errors (which, by their very nature, they always have), its output is always less than perfect and always limited by the amount and quality of the information that is entered into its inner circuits. Likewise, the liquidators can, and will only work within the parameters that society has established. This is no error or fault, but a characteristic of the the current human state of being.

Now anonymous wants you to abdicate your self-ness to the flawed sub-set of the liquidator's world. Of course there is a good reason: FEAR, EDWAFIAN FEAR.

You once abdicated control over your money to Edwafin. Do not repeat the same blunder with your identity. Your thoughts are you and part of creation, do not abdicate your soul to the perpetrators of iniquity.

Speculation is a sign that there is life. You have the right and the obligation to participate until concensus reality is reached.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Spotabillity and Rosy Red Apples

Please also look at the end of the page. Can you spot it as well?
Just as I was about to write a blog entry that have been pondering about this morning, Anonymous submitted a comment that I just have to talk about. Anonymous is a fine person, that changes colours with every submission. Being anonymous, of course, has the benefit that you can remain unknown to others except yourself. Under current circumstances I have a grey-bearded understanding for some of those who would like to express their sadness and unhappiness with the situation. However, when it comes to being outrageous and totally nonsensical to the umpteenth degree, making flimsy statements, adding to the confusion and speculation, possibly in an effort to avoid the repercussions of your actions, then I think, it is time to provide your name - at least. I quote the following with a sense of mirth and a chuckle deep from the inner realms of my being. My own interjection are in red - a rather novel idea I though out for myself. Note the numbers they have significance:

Just a thought here.... [just-a-thought has been with us before, I recognize your style. You don't just have thoughts, you intend to make statement on behalf of your own fear-driven security] if allegedly " reckless and illegal trading" has taken place (1) and it is proven that fraud has been committed, then not only will the directors be called to book, but all past employees who have benefited from Edwafin (2), including all interest paid to investors will also have to be returned to recoup towards the capital (3). And what qualifies you to all this legal insight, I beg to ask? It seems your imagination is even better than mine, good for you! To the onlookers: "does this not taste of old Patrick's scare tactics." We have you made my co-dweller on Gaia.

Now that is the kind of news that investors might not like to hear (4) [And that is obvious to you, it seems]. So I do believe that caution needs to be exercised here to prevent investors from shooting themselves in the foot (5) [the investors shot themselves in the foot when they invested with you, wouldn't you say. Oh, sorry, you were talking of the other foot]. Leave it to the liquidators, don't interfere [Just tell me who is interfering - we will see them right, won't we folks? Yes, the old imagination again i is so terribly sad.]
Class Action will cost you a bomb (6) and I question what could be gained(7)? [Not necessarily according to the legal people I have been speaking to. There is something called contingency. Did you not know about this? OK, if the legal team wins they get part of whatever comes due to the group. If the lose, well, then nobody gets anything. This is merely a possibility, while there are others as well, one of which is that everybody gets to pay part of the costs.] [What will we gain. Now I thought I saw stupid walking down the street at Pick n Pay this morning. Retribution, justices, satisfaction, as perhaps some money as well.]

I am aware that 90% of the ex-directors have little or no assets (realisable)(8) Their properties are about to be repossessed along with their motor vehicles (9). Even the CEO is on the bones of his....(10), except maybe for the proceeds of the derivative stashed overseas??(11) [You seem to know a lot about the personal circumstances of all the directors, how fortunate for you. We are so jealous that you have intimate knowledge, and absolutely hate you for it.]
If this is the case then the past 2 years constitute illegal trading. Who but the CEO knew about it?(12) [With your insight into the matter, why don't you tell us?]
I am not asking you to feel sorry for the directors, but it does beg the question whether they too have not been victimised by the CEO?(13) [Here we have it again, absolute ignorance on behalf of all those well-paid employees and directors. We are all so sorry that you lived in ignorant bliss while being paid with our money. Please man.]

There is a bigger picture out there and people you need to start looking beyond speculation which is running rife presently.[Now, doesn't this just take the cake. We are being told that there is a bigger picture out there. Chuckle, Chuckle (again from deep inside my soul), R228,000,000 is a very big picture to me. The speculation, of course, was started by Patrick, Don Klynsmith, Verona and a few others, and was maintained from months on end. Yep, you may not like it but we are trying to find the truth, that you have withheld from us all this time.] Another one: [Oh, you chastiser of victims, you complain about the speculation but do that just after you have filled your short page with at least 13 speculations of your own. Now, is that the way to treat a fellow Edwafin traveller.]
If the reader finds the reality of the above hard to believe, I do not blame him/her/it. When I was younger than I am now, we had Chappies that were bigger than they are today. They were wrapped in wrappers with "Believe-it-or-Not" stories. The above would probably not fit on today's chappy-paper format, but is equally far fetched.

Next case of ludicrousness.

Just as I had published this page the first time, I received an email from Carol Gardiner, again I quote:
Class Action is costly and I have my doubts whether it will do anything other than enrich attorneys at this stage.

Fraud has to be proven before the Fidelity Cover can be claimed against. If so, they cannot target the CEO in isolation. It will have to be the whole board, exec and non-exec.

This could then lead onto claiming back remuneration from staff and all interest paid to investors.


Tut, tut Carole, I was correct in my summation of your archetype, wasn't I.