Friday, August 21, 2009

Another one

Just a short one this morning - I am watching the stock market, and need to focus on the trades I made this morning - gamble, gamble.

Some contacted me to ask the email address of Mr Sherrif as they had trouble contacting him telephonically. It appears that Mr Sherrif has been inundated with investors calling him and is now suffering from popularity-shock syndrome. Please be patient, and try again during the course of next week. I have tried to call him myself, and got to speak to him while he was in a meeting - now I'm waiting for him to call me back.

Should he share his email address with my I shall publish it if it is in order with him, but this will probably happen next week.

Now something completely alien to Edwafin

Are you enjoying your medical aid? If you have any interest in this topic at all, please visit my other blog dealing with medical schemes and how they siphon your monthly salary dry: here it is (click me).

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our own volksmoeder

Ever since birth I have been fascinated by the female-group of our society. For me it is as if they frequently show a deeper wisdom and insight into certain matters, oh so frequently lacking in the testosterone world. You might not agree, and perhaps you are correct in saying that they are merely similar souls with a different style jacket but what, let me have my dreams and conjectures. Our Afrikaans speaking brethren have a concept called "Volks Moeder": Mother of the Nation, and I have no idea what they actually mean with doubts that they themselves know. To me it conjectures a large pack of wolfs all having one or two females as their alpha mother, or perhaps a queen ant, an unmovable clump of flesh giving birth (via eggs) to hundred teeny-weeny suckling ants - that is if ants suckle. I doubt, though, that that is what the Volks Vaders have in mind (and we will discuss them at a later date, when clarity returns to thought.)

Perhaps they have in mind those ladies, sturdy in disposition, who get things done in life and thereby benefiting others as well. Please forgive me for mumbling; my tongue is now so firmly in my cheek that I'm not sure if I can retrieve it again. Anyway, amongst our readers and within our group we have one lady who has been formidable amidst all the Edwafin to-do, that I would like to elevate her to the Queen of Edwafin Action, our own Edwafinian volksmoeder. She wrote me an email the day before yesterday to the Edwafin Class action group, and I would like to quote part of her email. It is self-explanatory and does not need any elaboration.

Oooh so excited I am!!!!

It seems Mr Sherrif has not left the NPA but
merely that building!!!!! (???)

What a great conversation I've just
had!!!! I'm sure you can feel my excitement!!!!

He wants to send the
Directors to jail!!!!! All hail Len for President!!!

Len Sherrif has
said he needs to get affidavits from every investor. He has asked that I give
out his new office number and mobile number to anyone I know of so that he can
get as much information as possible. I have an appointment to see him in person
tomorrow at 1pm.

Len Sherrif 031 325 4331 and 082 906 9168 he has
invited telephone calls anytime of the day or night. I'm sure it's fine if you
send it to all on your list.

He will be travelling around the country to
the various centres to get affidavits from investors.

In terms of a
state ordered Forensic Audit, he has said it is quite a process and he has to
have quite a bit of proof. He reckons he'll be ready towards the end of the year.

In terms of the Insurance Policy, Len (yes we're on first name terms)
reckons that the Liquidators do have a case to bring to the insurance company for
the R20 million payout (it may not be much but it's better than a poke in the
eye with a forked stick I say). Len has "unofficially" given a copy of Merle
Winchester's affidavit to the liquidators. Apparently she is a Section 20
witness, which means she won't be prosecuted (for now - but Len reserves the
right to prosecute her at a later stage) in exchange for her testimony which is
quite damaging and definitely confirms fraud and misrepresentation.

Now you will understand why my chest has grown to such an extent over the last days, that my shirts have popped, while I'm talking in my sleep about the "other woman" in my life, to my wife's chagrin.
She has done the preparatory work. So let's now act on it. What's that?.... Her name? ..... Heh heh heh heh .....

Friday, August 14, 2009

News - News - News

For those who haven't seen it yet, the 2nd liquidator's circular has become available, and I have included it below. Please read carefully as it tries to provide answers to many of our questions.

It seems that every time we have some news about the state of Edwafin, the news deteriorates. Ponder back to the statements made by Stapleton and co-creators of disastrous events in the universe. In between there was cute little Verona with some figures of her own that still gave us some hope of a small return. One wonders if she is spinning her tales somewhere else now or is she perhaps awaiting the re-emergence of the famous smoke-and-rubber creators? One wonders with abated breath.

There are some interesting point, and I refer to the matter of Rainbow Paints and the opinion of the liquidators that a forensic audit should take place. If you wondered, yes, they will need some extra cash, as old Patrick did not leave much behind to be liquidated with. The interesting question now is if the authorities will come to the rescue as the liquidators hope, and if the investors are so convinced of their case that they themselves will contribute towards such expenses. Wonders, wonders, wonderings - entropy at its maximum.

From the contacts I have had with other investors, it seems that some are willing to pay a bit extra, while others just simply have no money left. Of course, there are also those who are ingeniously hoping that others will take care of the bill. I wonder. mmmm ....

PS. There is a problem with the blog editor and it refuses to display the document on the blog. However, by clicking on the link below you will be taken directly to the Scribd page and will be able to view it there.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Spring is in the air and the birds are chirping again, the dogs are smiling and wify is wagging her tail. Oops! I have that the wrong way round - I should say: the dogs are smiling and wagging their tails, and wife, well ... she is doing things ...

Of course the birds are singing in many ways as well - if you comprehend my thinly disguised implications. But first, let me announce: anonymous is back, and you may all write in under that non-de-plume. In a moment the reason will become clear to you. So for those with a romantic predilection for my butt, lustful longings for farm animals and yearnings for little children - we shall tolerate you but not publish you. So twirp away.

Although it is not quite Spring yet, the Universe has whispered in my ear that it soon will be, since we have put a structure in place that says on 1 September it will be Spring (here, elsewhere, such as in Europe, it will be Autumn - go figure. Humans are truly schitzo). Of course, we humanoids tend to think that the Universe takes notice of us, and it does but sometimes it preempt our wishes and manifests Spring a few weeks earlier. Yes, I know that it is indeed infuriating that the Universe sometimes acts according to its own whims, and acts out of turn but so do my in-laws and some things can just not be avoided.

Of course, with Spring comes new life, and it would be strange that the famous five of past-Edwafin would not breath in some of the new fresh air. That set my mind working again for a change.

We all are aware of the quick recovery that was made by Carole Gardiner. She dumped all those who invested through her in Edwafin and started a new organization called Lifestyle Bounceback. No doubt, many of her old Cape Town friends, once they get a moment between staring at their flat topped mountain, you know, the ones she has such a good relationship with, and who love her so much that they supported her whole heartily on this blog, that those good people have stood in line to pay her the little bit of money they had left so that she can help them get their life style back. I have it on some authority that she is in business with a similarly upstanding gentleman, who's original idea it was to create Edwabond in the first place, and who other investors are looking longingly at to invoke revenge of their own kind.

It never ceases to amaze me that the Universe has though of an archetype, whose sole role in society it is, to lift the possessions of other people. Carole, for instance, doesn't do knitting to make a living, nor does she bake cakes of the edible kind. No, she sweetly takes your money and makes you promises. Here is the name again: Carole Gardiner at LIFESTYLE BOUNCEBACK. It is interesting that when does a Google with Lifestyle Bounceback, you get, amongst a number of bouncing Americans, a link to the site called Most notable is that there are no names of individuals who make up the company, but that it is situated in Tygervalley. Is the Universe playing tricks again?

Of course little Carole worked her unique ability under the auspices of two other, similar, archetypes: Patrick Stapleton and Don Hutchinson:
and These blood-brothers have no seeming intention of getting you your lifestyle back, and one wonders how they will apply their finesse in future. Let us take a bet: Patrick will deal with a motorcar of some kind (above or below ground), yes a bird does not easily change its colours and one dynamically gets stuck to past issues so that predictability becomes a main feature of one's own Universe. Of course, one needs funds, money, cash to do such things but you never, never, never, use your own for then you cannot squander it freely. No one uses money extracted from others, while yours is safely hidden somewhere. In comes the slurker, Don. Now, please keep in mind I am just playing out an imaginary scenario. Again:

In comes Don and says to Patrick: "You know old Pat, that nice trick of yours to extract money from the good folk out there, and then make it disappear? "
Patrick: "Well ... I vaguely remember something like that. Do you mean to tell me that there are still folks out there who have money that we could get?"
Don: "Of course, there are, all those old pensioners, single moms and other silly entities with extra cash, just imagine!"
Patrick: "I am but Wow! that gives me an idea. Let us build another car, and get them to pay for it. We can have rich lunches every day, drive luxury cars, fool around a bit - you know, wink-wink. Yes. let's do that. What do you suggest."
Don: "I will start a company to get the cars investors - those silly old fools - and you get stuck on fabricating the fabrication of the cars. No, it does not matter if it ever gets finished, that is just for

Patrick: "What a major plan! Once we have all their money we get declared incompetent - oops insolvent I mean, and then we hand then over to Carole for further intensive care. Majorly, indeed a masterful plan."
Don: "Sure, and we have all these good buddies whom we can depend upon to support us: SAVCA, NCC, DTI, FSB, and I will think of a few more."
Patrick: "Good, good, good (spittle dribbling down his left jowl). Now, what shall we call ourselves? Any ideas?"
Don:"Perhaps we should start separate companies, so that when one collapses, we still have the other. Let's think carefully about the names and about the colours we wish to represent ourselves
in. Sheep's cloths-colour wouldn't you say?"

Patrick: "Well, ity worked the first time round ... blah ...blah .. blahbiddyblah...."

Stay tuned for our next intriguing episode of The Repeat Of The Evil Conjecture or The Universe has a huge eye in the sky