Friday, November 25, 2011


Some of you may have noticed that the duplication of the site to has gone quite smoothly. You see, that’s the problem with modern technology: when things work as planned – well, then there is little to write home about. The electricity has done everything for you; there is very little to have a party about. However, if things do not go according to the carefully made plans – then you have a total bum time.

Just imagine, everyday you get into your car, it speaks to you, the air-conditioner goes woosh, the little amber, yellow and green lights twinkle, the car starts without a grump, and the electric gate opens without a hitch. Except for perhaps the first orgasmic time, you don’t phone your partner and arrange for a party because this has all happened – no, it’s just not a big deal.

However, one day you move your key over the door, and … nothing happens. A relatively civil expression is “now you are totally stuffed” – none of the other goodies manifest in your reality because one the errant electron did a “patrick” on you. Let’s coin a new word and call an incident like this a stapletonian phenomenon: all is well while the juice flows, but when there is a kink in the hose, we begin to dribble – in fact it all turns into shit.

But that is not the purpose of this posting. Firstly, I wanted to test drive the facility to post to two blogs at the same time from my lap-top. If it works - you will have noticed. If not, we’ll just put it down to the stapletonian phenomenon.

Secondly, and this is rather interesting. I think, yesterday I inadvertently opened a portal to another dimension. As an anonymous comment was posted by “faisombud”. I moderated it and published, but here it is for you to look at again:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Old Fish becomes smelly...":

The Office of the Ombud for To Edwafin investors contact this office for results: Financial Services Providers (‘FAIS Ombud’) was established by the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 (‘FAIS Act’). The FAIS Ombud’s role is to resolve disputes between financial services providers and their clients in a procedurally fair, informal, economical and expeditious manner. The FAIS Ombud‘s jurisdiction is limited to violations which occurred on or after 30 September 2004 and to claims not exceeding R800 000.00.

Telephone: +27 12 470 9080

Facsimile: +27 12 348 3447

E-mail Address:


I must admit, the first sentence, seems totally off-planet to me, but the rest, beyond the colon seems like a scripted advertisement. I do admit that I appreciate the feedback, and the fact that I never knew about the FAIS Ombud.

For clarity sake, it is necessary to enlighten said FAIS Ombud as follows:

Our dispute with the financial body called Edwafin, and it’s main directors, Patrick Stapleton, R & S Hutchinson, Carole Gardiner (knew but didn’t know), the prayer-pair (can’t remember their names right now), and a few more has been going on since 2009 – seven years after your law (FAIS Act). At that time we pleaded for your assistance, bowed before your feet, sprinkled you with flower petals, and made sure that our farts were down-wind from you. What was your reaction? You took away Edwabond’s certificate-thingy and closed the door on us. Yet this happened only AFTER various folks among us knocked repeatedly on your door. Edwafin is now bankrupt – its last snibble of assets being niggled over by them legal-folk; a retired judge has made a pronouncement – and now is happily continuing his retirement; the Scorpions have gone in hiding; every six months we get a bit of a note from them legal-folks telling us that nothing is happening because there is no money (originality, please, something we don’t know yet!) Now you come with a prosaic: “The FAIS Ombud’s role is to resolve disputes between financial services providers and their clients in a procedurally fair, informal, economical and expeditious manner.” The rest of your script is merely an example of well-ordered but totally ineffectual fairy-pee.

Tee-hee. Back to my own universe I go.


Anonymous said...

Mario now this makes interesting reading, it seems that if all investors send request for help they might just get it?

Court action could stop Ombud for Financial Services Providers from getting back your money.

Anonymous said...

Interesting ruling on Edwafin investor:

Read these interesting articles on investors losing money to Edwafin & Sharemax type schemes:

Anonymous said...

Stapleton's new book: Business is not for sissies.

Read BS write-up:

Anonymous said...

How ironic is this Stapleton quote for his book interview:
“What it boils down to is that if you don’t have professionals running your company, then the chances of succeeding are very slim indeed…”

Anonymous said...

Mario thought you would find this report amusing :

Anonymous said...

make-a-wish -

Anonymous said...

FSB passes the buck on Ponzi scams -