It's a bit late already but I thought to leave you a nighty-nighty note.
Via one of our stalwarts, I got a message today that she had spoken to Len Sherrif, and that I should also try to get hold of him.
So I picked up the phone, and voilà, there was Len Sherrif on the phone. In a way I was so flabbergasted by the unexpected encounter, that I fumbled through the whole telephonic conversation - and I'm not often at a loss for words. So what was said:
Len Sherrif is still on top of the game planning to interview a good number of investors, and November is the turn of us here in upper-Gauteng. Yes, you down in Natal and the Cape, there is a place on this round planet called Gauteng, and I live here - I might not be impressed with that fact, but hey, what can I do. At least we have little Pretoria here.
After all that fluff: there is still hope for action.