Monday, July 20, 2009


It wasn't my intention to write to this blog today as I have been busy with very pleasurable matters. But then the universe has a way of pointing one into a direction and telling you that it would be wiser to listen up.

Why have I been so silent? The reasons are multiple and simple:
  • I have had better and pleasant things to do.
  • There is an absolute aridity of news from the liquidators. The reasons may also be many fold here: 1) they are not responsible to the investors, and any communications from them is possibly pure kindness. Their current boss in this matter is the state. 2) there is possibly not much money to become excited about, and it could very well be that they are themselves somewhat long in the teeth about the whole Edwafin case. Let's face it, if there is no more money, who is going to pay the liquidators? 3) They could just be rather unfriendly folk. 4) The liquidators may have very little news to share, and may, like us, be waiting for the end of August when the inquiry takes place. 5) Perhaps there is a hiatus in space that prevent data from moving in the correct direction. 6) there might be a black hole nearby which is warping space and sucking all information into itself. In fact in view of the anonymous comment discussed further on, I think that black hole scenario is definately true.
  • Essentially, my wife and I have accepted our loss, and unless there is a possibility of undertaking a class action, there is very little to do.
  • We are busy working on making a new batch of money - it's fun and you should all try it.
There is one anonymous who seems to rule the world with his/her tongue, and asks why the liquidators are so quiet, and is seemingly under the impression that Stapleton and good comrades have stashed our money somewhere. This person has already asked this question on a number of occasions, but seems to refuse the speculations by myself and other anonymouses. Personally, I think the money has been spent, wasted, eaten squandered, spent on women of ill-repute, given to charity - take your pick. Possibly they have some stashed away, and if anonymous knows anything, he/she should come forward with the information instead of shouting every so often over the stratosphere. Also, please wait until the inquiry has been done and the liquidators have had a chance to report their findings. Shouting on blogs will not make the time go faster, but will merely confuse your hormones into not knowing whether you are a cool person or not.

Take two
Then there was a second anonymous today. You know when I decided to visit planet earth, the universe warned me that I will fin platypuses here (a curious mixture of duck, mammal and something else with a sharp, poisenous claw) as well as an archetype called irritating, foolish, idiot. Well folks, you have just met that person. We will refer to him by an acronym: IFI.

IFI, this is just for you. If you have been following this blog, you will know that the original intention of starting these pages was to get my money back. That did not succeed, IFI, but in the process I realized that others were in the same boat, and it brought some emotional relieve to myself and hopefully to others as well. Yes, we have had the odd pain-in-the-butt characters, and you can count yourself as one of them.

By starting a blog, I did not accept responsibility to keep you informed about anything, get your money back or act as an activist on your behalf. In the process - I realize - I did manage to share the information that I did have with others or disseminate information others might have had. If that is not enough then please depart from our midst and find your own way through life on the surface of Maia.

I am not paid for maintaining this blog, and do so purely for pleasure and perhaps for some social interaction. Since you have not paid any dues, and I am in no way obliged to you or any other soul on this planet, I find your comment absolutely idiotic, incomprehensibly shortsighted, unintelligent and plainly moronic. If you have so much to say with your empty blabber, start your own blog, and do your fart sessions there - that is if someone will be ready to listen to your blubber mouthing.

Please, please, do yourself a favour. Once someone has told you that your IQ level is lowish, try to improve on the matter instead of prancing the whole world with your empty brain cavity.

Finally, take a hint from the cowboy movies of old: the poorest shots are always killed first in a duel. Rest in peace.

To the other nice people out there: I'm not ready to give up the blog quit yet, but we could perhaps agree that the worst news is in, and that we are merely clearing out the cabinets now. Please understand that I will report any valid news that becomes available to me and that, like you, I'm waiting for the end of August to see what the next step will be - if any. In the meantime, I will not write blogs so regularly anymore - unlerss there is news of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Thank you Mario for the blog, i don't know what i would of done without it. You have given us so much information as to what is happening. Please keep it up until the end. And hopefully, (oh so ever hopeful)that we get something back. Thanks