Thursday, July 30, 2009

In view of the fact that this blog has become the focal point of some mal-adjusted individual(s) - it appears that the internet is a warm breeding ground for the sexually-ill and paedophile - anonymous submissions will no longer be accepted.

The blog will remain available for those good people who need access to information published here, and for in case more news becomes available.

Should you want to publish valid comments please become a member of the blog. I assume that the decent among you have no need at this stage to stay anonymous when making comments.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More succulent Grass for some at FSB

The other day my attention was so concerned with the comment of the various anonimi, that I totally forgot to tell you about the phone call that I received from the FSB's Lawrence. Lawrence, I should remind you, is the only person who responded readily and sensibly to our request for assistance in the Edwafin matter. Granted the powers of the FSB is limited in this matter, but he was always ready to speak to many of us who contacted him and showed that Justify Fullhe was interested in the progress of the case.

Obviously, such a dapper and responsible attitude does not go unnoticed by the sphere of consciousness in which we find ourselves, and Lawrence is going to higher places in the world. I won't be so presumptuous as to divulge where he is going, but suffice it to say that one of the big banks will gobble him up into a good and responsible position.

Lawrence, thank you for your friendly, courteous and concerned help - you deserve good things in life and I for one am only too happy to know that you will no longer have to travel daily to that dreary building on the edge of Tshwane (of which Pretoria is a small part), near the old ghost house. Bon voyage with your new adventure!

So we come and we go, and one person who came into our awareness via Lawrence, is a retired gentleman from Brits (silly little town on the road to an even sillier Rustenburg, and about 100 km from me). This gentleman had invested all his retirement money with Edwafin and now, like all f us, has lost it all. At his ripe age he now has to do odd jobs to stay alive. He came to me, because he was not receiving any information from either, Ewafin, nor the liquidators, and I provided him with some basic insights and documents before he was on his way again by train back to silly old Brits.

Why do I mention this person - his name is unimportant - because he represents so many of you, and for whom I feel an intense empathy. Yes, many have lost money, but a good few of us will get by and stand up again. A good few, however, invested as part of a plan of sustaining a reasonable income from hard earned money. No matter what the very wise in our country say, your actions were not out of greed but stemmed from a number of possible choices and the one you chose was the option that presented you with the best vision for your future. It is unfortunate that some I-told-you-soers and shall-we-ever-learn-ers, see this as an opportunity for self aggrandizement, but pay them no heed as their snipes are not particularly aimed at you, but are an expression of their own limitations, fears and inferiority complexes. There are many other investors, who have also lost money, who have expressed outrage at the dire straits some of you now find yourself. However, careful thought will lead you to the conclusion that the universe always provides, and that it is our own believe in lack which is usually the thing that bowls us over emotionally, in other words not lack as such, but the though of lack is the unpleasant and often self-fulfilling aspect.

An apology

From the outset, I have been able to maintain my undertaking not to block any comments from this blog unless it contained threats of violence. There were a few commentators who requested that their comments not be published and I respected that. In one instance, I decided not to publish comments and those were the ones who cam from Carole Gardiner. Her nonsensical belligerence and personal attacks on other anonimi who she did not even know became a total waste of time and sullied the more-or-less respectability of this site. Even now, when I think about it, I still cannot believe that a person who led so many to the precipice of being wiped out, can be so callous, scorching, vindictive, self-righteous and psychopathic in nature. Anyway, she exited.

However, our recent excursion in psychopathy, shows that there is always a bent arrow in the bunch. I now realize that I should never have published the latest outburst from the anonymous interloper, and apologize for doing so. Following my blogged response it sent another comment making out that it was yet another anonymous speaking on behalf of the first anonymous purporting that he was not an investor who lost his money to "professional businessmen". Now go and make sense of that. Obviously, with this deliriousness, the story ends and no further comments by this person will be published. Seemingly it did not understand the phrase where I said it should perpetrate his fartisms on a site of his own. Petomania, pure petomania (go and read up in the dictionary what that means).

What concerns me more, though, is the high hopes so many Edwafin investors have in the process of liquidation. On the one hand, I understand that they are still hoping that some money may be found, and I hold thumbs along with them. However, since the final liquidation of Edwafin was granted based on the figures published in the first circular from the liquidators, I doubt that any money will be forthcoming from the liquidation process itself. Yes, there is the possibility that the inquest may bring some facts to light which may allow us to start a civil case against the (ex)directors, this is totally another process, and could imply that those wanting to do so would have to part with some more money. Whether there is any appetite for that, we'll have to wait and see.

It is interesting how, we the investors have shifted our hopes during this whole process. We focused on the DTI, SAVCA, CCN (I think), and FSB. All to no avail. Let's face it, if anybody was going to act on our behalf it should have been any or all of these bodies. Now, we have one last hope and we focus our attention of the liquidators. Pure folly, I tell you, pure folly. Liquidators are a peculiar group of bodies that belong to the highly remunerated mopper-uppers of society. Personally, it is my believe that such matters such as liquidations, funerals, and so forth should be handled by the state - society as a comprehensive group. Of course, we would still pay for these processes to take place via our taxes, and so it must be. Although loosing all your money or dying is essentially a highly personal affair, it is society at large who gets saddle with the repercussions and it should therefore be society collectively which should concern itself with the resolution of a end of existence scenario. So, for instance the state or its agents handle refuse collection - of various kinds, clean parks and streets etc. Yet, for those very sensitive areas in our existence bankruptcy and funerals we have to pay private bodies to do the cleaning up. Now, those who like to utter the word "greed", this is an ideal opportunity as pure "greed" is the motivation force behind these kinds of careers.

These cleaner-uppers are sometimes compared to vultures or maggots. In my mind it is unfair to compare the function in nature of vultures and maggots with these human sorts. Vultures and maggots clean up a mess once all that could be given has been given - that is their function in existence. Liquidators and funeral directors require you to pay some more, and more, and more. They make a good living off of it, probably better than some of us who have lost essentially everything. Somehow I think it is one of the more sickening aspects of human society that allows some to thrive on the misfortunes of others. In many ways these things are found mainly in Western cultures. In many other cultures liquidations just do not take place as debts are simply forgiven, the perpetrators of such losses often put to death or behind bars, and funerals are social events managed by the elders of such societies. My, My, how far we have strayed from decency.

Monday, July 20, 2009


It wasn't my intention to write to this blog today as I have been busy with very pleasurable matters. But then the universe has a way of pointing one into a direction and telling you that it would be wiser to listen up.

Why have I been so silent? The reasons are multiple and simple:
  • I have had better and pleasant things to do.
  • There is an absolute aridity of news from the liquidators. The reasons may also be many fold here: 1) they are not responsible to the investors, and any communications from them is possibly pure kindness. Their current boss in this matter is the state. 2) there is possibly not much money to become excited about, and it could very well be that they are themselves somewhat long in the teeth about the whole Edwafin case. Let's face it, if there is no more money, who is going to pay the liquidators? 3) They could just be rather unfriendly folk. 4) The liquidators may have very little news to share, and may, like us, be waiting for the end of August when the inquiry takes place. 5) Perhaps there is a hiatus in space that prevent data from moving in the correct direction. 6) there might be a black hole nearby which is warping space and sucking all information into itself. In fact in view of the anonymous comment discussed further on, I think that black hole scenario is definately true.
  • Essentially, my wife and I have accepted our loss, and unless there is a possibility of undertaking a class action, there is very little to do.
  • We are busy working on making a new batch of money - it's fun and you should all try it.
There is one anonymous who seems to rule the world with his/her tongue, and asks why the liquidators are so quiet, and is seemingly under the impression that Stapleton and good comrades have stashed our money somewhere. This person has already asked this question on a number of occasions, but seems to refuse the speculations by myself and other anonymouses. Personally, I think the money has been spent, wasted, eaten squandered, spent on women of ill-repute, given to charity - take your pick. Possibly they have some stashed away, and if anonymous knows anything, he/she should come forward with the information instead of shouting every so often over the stratosphere. Also, please wait until the inquiry has been done and the liquidators have had a chance to report their findings. Shouting on blogs will not make the time go faster, but will merely confuse your hormones into not knowing whether you are a cool person or not.

Take two
Then there was a second anonymous today. You know when I decided to visit planet earth, the universe warned me that I will fin platypuses here (a curious mixture of duck, mammal and something else with a sharp, poisenous claw) as well as an archetype called irritating, foolish, idiot. Well folks, you have just met that person. We will refer to him by an acronym: IFI.

IFI, this is just for you. If you have been following this blog, you will know that the original intention of starting these pages was to get my money back. That did not succeed, IFI, but in the process I realized that others were in the same boat, and it brought some emotional relieve to myself and hopefully to others as well. Yes, we have had the odd pain-in-the-butt characters, and you can count yourself as one of them.

By starting a blog, I did not accept responsibility to keep you informed about anything, get your money back or act as an activist on your behalf. In the process - I realize - I did manage to share the information that I did have with others or disseminate information others might have had. If that is not enough then please depart from our midst and find your own way through life on the surface of Maia.

I am not paid for maintaining this blog, and do so purely for pleasure and perhaps for some social interaction. Since you have not paid any dues, and I am in no way obliged to you or any other soul on this planet, I find your comment absolutely idiotic, incomprehensibly shortsighted, unintelligent and plainly moronic. If you have so much to say with your empty blabber, start your own blog, and do your fart sessions there - that is if someone will be ready to listen to your blubber mouthing.

Please, please, do yourself a favour. Once someone has told you that your IQ level is lowish, try to improve on the matter instead of prancing the whole world with your empty brain cavity.

Finally, take a hint from the cowboy movies of old: the poorest shots are always killed first in a duel. Rest in peace.

To the other nice people out there: I'm not ready to give up the blog quit yet, but we could perhaps agree that the worst news is in, and that we are merely clearing out the cabinets now. Please understand that I will report any valid news that becomes available to me and that, like you, I'm waiting for the end of August to see what the next step will be - if any. In the meantime, I will not write blogs so regularly anymore - unlerss there is news of course.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A short one

Due karmatic upheavals and general planetary dissatisfaction, I will keep this one short and to the point.

Like most of you, if not all of you, I had hoped to hear something from those good people, the liquidators, following the date of 2 June. Alas, nothing, and that in spite of the so-called website where we would be kept appraised of the situation.

Thus, I phoned liquidators Berrange, and fellow-legal guys and that was like pulling teeth - horse teeth. I wanted to know whether Edwafin had been placed under permanent liquidation on 2 June: Yes, they have. Further response was that I should contact one of the other fellow-liquidators for further information, as they, Berrange, only deal with the litigation side. and not with the investors.

When I told him, the guy who I think I spoke to, that we were interested in any illegalities that might have taken place and Edwafin, I was promply transferred to Mr Berrange's secretary. Now, I don't know if it merely my state of mind, or if it might be the sea-breeze in Durbs, but chewing through tough toffee is easier.

Eventually I was informed that there would be a proper inquest towards the end of August, when all the necessary parties would be required to testify. The date is not set. It would also appear that they might as well not have opened a webpage for this purpose, as they are plainly useless at it. I think that there is not enough money in the pot to warrant special favours of communication with the investors.

If you need to have a shitty day, please phone the liquidators.