Thursday, October 20, 2011


To many investors, Patrick Stapleton, and buddies of the erstwhile Edwafin is really no more than a sad memory. Yes, of course, the lawyers are still ravenously pursuing the matter to extract the last drop of blood from the dried-out carcass.
So, I wasn't going to do too much blogging about it anymore; let's face it our good old South African legal system  has again proven that we are in darkest Africa. And all the time, effort put in by Officer (I forgot which one it was - lieutenant, inspector, sergeant general? ) Sherrif and mates - all the promises; the retired judge's stern opinion of having them arrested immediately. Special trips for the interviews; long reams of paper and reports. And so on, and so on, and so on...
Every now and then there is still old anonymous who draws the attention to a matter. This fascinates me though:
There is still an Edwafin webpage, with some lonely guy prattling away about his innocence, threatening the investors and ex-staffers with hell and damnation. For one moment I thought that was in a lunatic asylum but when I looked outside I saw the stars and realized that it must be the approaching 2012 apocalypse that is causing this man so much anguish and emotional pain.
Really, old mate, if you want to make good, apologize to the people who you bankrupted - if you can give the old retiree or widow that placed so much trust in your ability to look after their money, some of the cash you want to spend on other vultures, then it is money well spent. Now you want to run to the flubble-cheek kissers again. Tut-tut-tut. None of them are going to succeed in making you look innocent - first the people's money, then your threats; where is it all going to end?
Let's be honest now, you have proven that you are an absolute dismal businessman, deplorable human being, you have shown how sparingly you apply the truth, now you are in the process of showing us all the worst you can be - totally devoid of anything, not even a bit of Dark Matter.

Of course if your incessant prattle on the website of  a bankrupt company gives you tickles - carry on...